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Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

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    Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

    Good morning....Having trouble posting on this thread....anyone know why?
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

      Well it worked that time.
      I've missed being here.
      I 'm reading and catching up.
      Thanks for this helps.
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

        Nice to meet you Southernbelle! This thread is always an oasis.
        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

        AUGUST 9, 2009


          Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

          Happy Sunday!

          Good morning all,

          Woke up this morning slept late and had the most awful dreams. I will be 30 days sober Wednesday. This seems to be happening to me quite a lot, the bad dreams. Sometimes they are so real and I think at the end, oh no what will I tell my sponsor, then I wake up and realize I didn't really drink/use/etc. Pretty yucky stuff. Anyone else have this experience? Some of these dreams are really insane!

          I ain't afraid of no ghost....


            Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

            marriedgirl - I think it's it's our minds processing a lot of stuff we repressed when we drank. Also alcohol disrupts our sleep patterns, so we don't go through all the sleep stages (which includes dreaming) and probably just aren't used to what that feels like.

            Drinking dreams are very common - I had a lot at first, and they are very, very real. At the end of one was, oh crap, now I am I going to lie to AA, MWO, etc? It was so real! All the feelings, the detail, were like living it. They are weird but normal.
            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

            AUGUST 9, 2009


              Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

              Mary, continued prayers and thoughts for your daughter and you and your family. It is such a blessing for her that you are sober and present and willing to help her through this time. It is so wonderful to read about the ways your husband supports you in your sobriety and your life.

              Southerbelle, I think I remember your screen name. Welcome back! Hope you will tell us how you are doing.

              MG, It is so interesting you mention those dreams. I have had a few strange drinking dreams but nothing nearly as downright bizarre and freaky as I had when I quit smoking. (I think strange dreaming can come with any addiction recoveries...) What is even stranger is that I just deleted an e-mail about that!!! I recently signed up for a daily e-mail called "Today's Gift" from Hazelden (a recovery organization). Here is the link to their site and if you want to sign up for the daily e-mail, scroll down and there is a section for subscribing to e-mail services. Anyway, I debated about keeping it and ended up deleting it. DANG! Anyway, it recommended "talking to others" about strange dreams. So consider telling your sponsor about it! And know that you are definitely not alone with the wierd dreams that can feel very real, and the strange feelings that can result.

              Dance, I always love hearing from you!!!!!

              I started the day out feeling "ick" with the hot humid weather. I gave a couple guys a ride home today from an AA meeting, and I mentioned the ick weather and one of the guys turned the conversation to appreciation of the simple things in life. He mentioned enjoying fresh strawberries this year (and last night!) as something he 1) could not afford when drinking and drugging and 2) they don't serve 'em in prison. That sure turned my mood and thinking around.

              We talked about Step 8 at the 12&12 meeting today. A few sentences leaped out at me today.

              P. 76 paragraph 3: "Now we need more action, without which we find that Faith without works is dead."

              P. 77 paragraph 1: "Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us."

              P 83 paragraph 2: "The spiritual life is not a theory. We have to live it."

              I was actually thinking about our discussion here regarding Step 3. For me I think there is a huge connection between my faith in a power greater than myself, turning my will over, and ACTION. When I am active
              in the principles of AA (go to meetings, work the steps with a sponsor, pray, help another alcoholic, be of service as they are presented / I find them) I feel content with the program and what it stands for and my sobriety. Just sitting around talking about it though is not enough for me.

              Anyway...not sure if that came out right aka the same as how I'm thinking it! But anyway, that's what was on my mind. Now back to work!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

                I have heard about these drinking dreams but it has never happened to me as yet. Infact I seem to be sleeping like a log these days.

                I was hoping that my bouts of snoring would cease but apparently I still do that every now and then.
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

                  lol birth thats your body finally trying to rest,snorring is good it means tht you r having a very content sleep,cant say the same for the rest of the people around you,hahahah,hav a good week,gyco


                    Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

                    its always nc to come to this forum,whether you go to AA or to any other means available ,most of all its nc to see all of you folks grow in the AA program,as bill and bob said,it is not for all,but if one can do it on there own , by how ever means , and they hav a happier life style , let it be,i miss going to my meetings,but i dont miss the chastising by memebers,that AA is the only way,it worked for them,and some forget to read the book,it does not work for all,kinda like religion,talk about God to aboriginal that went thro the Canadian system back in the ealy 1900 s.,it didnt work,i beleive you have to grasp onto somthin,and if if youhave ignition,dont ever let it go, thnx gang for listening,isnt tht what its about,gyco


                      Weekly AA Thread - Week of July 13 - 18

                      Gyco, it's always nice to see you. I'm not crazy about the "extremists" in AA who believe AA is all there is. However, far far from everyone in AA feels that way. This program has been so good for me there is no way I will walk away from it just becuase of a small % of people or ideas that bother me. I'm sure I bother some other people too with some of my own ideas and opinions. We tend to forget that just like we don't care for some people, there are probably just as many people who we may rub the wrong way. And I'm not talking just in AA - I'm talk in life, here at MWO, whatever. I'm very sure I rub some % of people the wrong way here at MWO, and that's OK. Diversity makes the world go round!

                      Rebirth, good that you are sleeping like a log!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

