Rebirth: My husband does find Alanon helpful. I'm not the only alcoholic in his life. Through Alanon, he is discovering what his part is in the family disease. Also, Alanon gives him a way to work through the steps & find out what he can do differently. His meetings are not designed to be a big complaining session about the alcoholic. They stress keeping the focus on themselves rather than the alcoholic.
I needed to find out for myself that I was an alcoholic & dependent upon booze. Once in a while, my husband would ask if I had been drinking, how much, &/or if I was "all right." I too reacted w/defensiveness. However, for the most part, he left me to my own devices, & I discovered the hard way that I was indeed "powerless" over alcohol. One drink would send me into a binge. I didn't always drink every day (though at the end I drank almost every day), but when I did drink, it wasn't pretty.
I am choosing to focus entirely on my own recovery. Other people (including my loved ones) have their own higher power (which is not me). Your partner will do what his HP leads him to do. I hear at meetings all the time that our loved ones are doing exactly what they should be doing in order to walk along their own paths. It's not easy to let go & let God. I'm particularly vulnerable to wanting my children (including my SIL) do what I think they should do. That is not the AA way, so I try to avoid that kind of stinkin' thinkin.'
I hope this doesn't sound like advice. I'm speaking from my own experience. Take what you like & leave the rest.