Cindi I still struggle with that one sometimes too. I guess it's the destiny of us strong independent types! And yet doing everything selfishly as I used to do sure wasn't making me happy. I wanted to kill myself when I was full on in my drinking / pity party mode and I can't forget that.
Part of my problem was coming up with a concept of "God's Will" that I could relate too. On the surface, that phrase "God's Will" just is so *big* to me that I can't quite wrap my head around it or understand it. Somebody was talking in a meeting about that one day in a way that helped me a lot. For me these days, I think of "God's Will" as simply the RIGHT thing. Deep down I have a sense of right and wrong and I'm developing that sense more fully with each passing day working the steps, and watching and listening to others who have what I want in life. (peace and serenity) If I keep trying to do what's right instead of what's selfish, then I believe I am at least on the right track. I think "God's Will" is something that lives inside of me. It's just not the selfish part of me. It's the other part.
As I continue to work on this program, it seems that with time what *I* want gets more in line with what is right rather than what is selfish. I'm starting to think that true peace of mind and serenity happens when what I WANT to do IS "God's Will." That doesn't happen all the time in my life, but sometimes it happens. And those are the moments I think I feel that peace and serenity that I so desire.
I don't know if that makes any sense but that is the stuff I think about. Good subject Cindi. And good honesty.
ETA: That reminded me of the time that Sister and I talked about the difference between spirituality and religion. We talked about seeing religion as something that is outside of ourselves (the part of her that is Catholic) and spirituality as something inside of ourselves (the part of her that found her God, which she says happened around the tables). I like thinking of religion v. sprituality in that way.