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AF Daily - Friday July 16

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    AF Daily - Friday July 16

    Hi there,

    Leaving for a trip this weekend. Doing something really fun. Will be AF.

    Starting to feel really good about not drinking. Hope it stays this way. Starting to feel like I can't want to make myself feel bad by drinking. That's nice!

    Marshy hope your mom is doing ok, and your dad too. They are hopeless at that generation, no?

    I'm not in Spain, but I am in Europe! At least for the moment.

    LV you hang in there.

    Greenie your dinner sounds good.

    Bear have a good skate. Stay strong this weekend. You can do it if you want to.

    DG, Guit, Mom3, Papmom, Det, have a great one! See y'all in a few days!

    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Friday July 16

    Gaia - Have a great trip, hope you get good weather. Its cooled down nicely here this week from 100f to 86f with a breeze and its just heaven!

    When I 1st quit I had incredible euphoria from day one as it came after a lot of planning and the relief was immense. Obviously the pink cloud died down and there were a few months of huge adjustment. The 6 month mark felt very significant to me and I feel I stepped up to a new level of sobriety. Now Im experiencing euphoria again and loving every single moment of my AF life....

    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily - Friday July 16

      Ab fabbers!

      Gaia - have a great trip! It's great that you feel so positive about your sobriety. Funny how it affects everyone differently - different feelings about it at different times.

      Hi Chill!

      Det - what's Afghan food like? Spicy, not spicy? Meaty, not meaty?

      The library has just texted me to say a couple of books I ordered are ready for me collect, including The Tao of Sobriety. I've read it before and really liked it but now can't remember much of it so fancied a refresher. Will report back.

      Have a good day everyone!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Friday July 16



        Gaia, the tone of your post just thrills me. I've watched you since ODAT days and when you were on the brink of rehab. :goodjob: Hope you trip is devine!

        Chillipeppa, I still have that euphoria too. I can have some fecker moments, but they don't bring me down ~ I have this pervasive amusement of life about me. 86f ohhhhhhhhhhh.... envy. BTW... how was that weekend with the two friends?

        Afgan food? There must be more to yesterday's thread. Curried camel?

        bear, I reckon you have your weekend plan firmly in place, right?

        Cindi, and uni too... the website is Forgiveness at Radical Look for free on-line tools. You will have to register. They are on facebook too.

        Little car is making a screaming fanbelt noise. Gotta take it in this AM. Maybe I'll get a lottery ticket while I'm out.

        I'm really doing a good job being grounded with some FH stuff. The"fix things" part of my nature really rattles the cage but I keep reminding myself not to fool myself by thinking I could make a difference. This isnt' about me and is totally out of my control, sad as it is. While it is painful to watch I have to believe that all is as it should be. OK, I have to work at it a little, but thanks for listening. :H And the fat lady hasn't sung yet.

        I got a good plumber reference so I'll see if I can hook up with him today and do something about this bathroom leak. The one I used before had a phone change and I don't know how to reach him so I figure this path before me is the one I need to take. I understand this new guy is divorced.

        Geez my caffeine is showing!

        Have a FABULOUS AF TGIF!!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday July 16

          Hiya Gaia, Chilli, Marshy, Greenos, and all to drop in,

          Safe travel's Gaia! Enjoy.

          Ah, sober life. I look at it in level's sort of too Chilli. I've got many more to go, i'm sure. Now and again i get a quick flash/peek/feeling of a totally way out there higher kind of plane, but then it's gone. Seems to be a hint of what lay ahead. It look's feckin wild! a good way.

          A safe, sober, magical day to all!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF Daily - Friday July 16

            Guitarista;912659 wrote: Now and again i get a quick flash/peek/feeling of a totally way out there higher kind of plane, but then it's gone. Seems to be a hint of what lay ahead. It look's feckin wild! a good way.
            Exactly!!!! Isn't it grand!!! It's that tip top of the rollercoaster feeling...
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Friday July 16

              Morning Abbers!

              Typing carefully this morning with my heavily bandaged right pinky! I kind of accidently sliced the tip of it off yesterday while making my zucchini chips yesterday - yuck! I procrastinated but ended up going to the ER. By the time I was seen, the bleeding had stopped on it's own & they couldn't do mich. The good news is that I called Mr Lav for a ride after ruling out my daughter & DIL as possible drivers. One is pregnat, I didn't want to upset her & the other would have had to bring my grandson along. Mr Lav was kind about it - no complaing. Well, at least the zucchini chips turned out nice

              Hope you have a great weekend Gaia!

              Greetings to Marshy, G, Greenie, Chill & everyone!
              Have a great day - stay cool

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Friday July 16

                Hi fabbie abbies! Aw the sober life is grand. I too feel a sense of different levels and I've been having feelings lately of new stuff around the corner. I like when I have the feeling like today is Christmas - excited about what might lie ahead today.

                Gaia, safe travels to you! You have really grown in sobriety and it's so cool to watch. You too Chilli and G and ALL the abbie fabbie travelers!

                Marshy, I tried to read Tao of Sobriety once and just couldn't get going with it. Must have been the wrong time. I should revisit that one! Where did you decide we are going on vacation???

                Greenie I hope your divorced plumber is HOT. (one woman's junk is another one's treasure?????) We need a DOL smilie.

                Well, I'm off to deliver a Mary Kay order, go to leads group, go to that Step Study with the women ranging from tattoos to suits (if I can't find a way to fit in there, I will never fit in anywhere!). Then review of Step 12 with Sister followed by catfish at the Mother House. Then Curves. Zoom zoom. Life is good. SOBER. WHEE!!!!!

                Hello to EVERYONE!! TGIF.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Friday July 16

                  Lav! Oucha! Hope it gets better soon. So, making more chips today?

                  DG - just started Tao of Sobriety on the bus into work. I can see what you mean - some of it could sound a bit hippy dippy if it wasn't the right time to read it. But some bits have already stood out to me.
                  Not sure about hols yet, although I've just received an email about tours in India. Might be time to dig out your sari!
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Friday July 16

                    Aloha Friday ABerooooooooooooos!

                    hopefully my last day on the road and I can get home late tonight

                    Greeneye, I think the term 'screaming fanbelt' makes me think of an overly exuberant soccer fan having a swig out of a flask. hmmmmm ps...the smiley police are coming to take you away! hahaha

                    Marshy, Afghani food is amazing (as is all food I think) it can be either spicy or not, and traditionally they eat lamb and goats (things that can be raised in the rough terrain) wonderful flat-breads, dipping sauces that are devine. the green one I loved on my chicken kabobs and the red one on the lamb. I must look them up and post in the recipe section. sooooo yummy! if you find yourself in Monterry you must visit Amirs' Kabob House.

                    Gaia, I'm so jealous of your European exploits....some day I'll sneak the Mrs and I over there for an eating and walking marathon.

                    be well each and every one of yoos,

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Friday July 16

                      Morning Ab Fabbers!! Just sitting here waiting for the new fridge to be delivered-doing laundry and other stuff to pass the time. It's sooo frigging hot here already and it's not even to the hottest part of the day. Carrying a basket down the basement stairs makes me drip sweat. Uhggg.

                      I'm still waiting for my Magical Mystery Tour to begin. There are no feeling of excitement or something fab waiting around the corner. I feel like I'm just plodding through each day and wondering what it's all about Alfie. I envy you guys, Greenie, DG, Chill and Gaia.

                      Lav, does whoever finds the tip in a chip get a prize??? :H Sorry, couldn't resist! Did this happen with the new mandolin?

                      LVT-I'm so sorry you're going through such a bad time with your hubby and his AL issues. You deserve better. :l

                      DG-your schedule today made me dizzy!! Have fun!!

                      Not sure what's on tap after fridge is delivered. Thinking about taking devil dog to a state park about 40 min away to let him swim but I'm nervous. Never done this before with him. Wish I had a buddy to go with me. We'll see.

                      Couldn't find fishies in the pond this morning. Hopefully they are all hiding under the plants and enjoying their huge space. Wonder if I should continue feeding them or just let them feed on the algea? I didn't feed them last summer and they did fine but stayed small. they grew a little in the tanks.
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily - Friday July 16

                        papmom - OPPRESSIVE heat & humidty here too, yuck!!

                        I left the tip of my pinky in the gauze..........the doc threw it out!
                        The zucchini chips are absolutely safe Yes, my brand new mandoline slicer did the job. I have been a klutz my entire life. Fortunately I've never hurt anyone else..........just myself over & over

                        We used to let our fish 'winter' right in the pond. I have no idea how they survived but they did.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Friday July 16

                          Lav-I am a klutz too! When I help my sister with her parties I'm not allowed to cut the bulkie rolls anymore :H !!
                          I found 2 fishes hiding under the duckweed and since I don't see any floating on the top I'm assuming all 8 made it through their first nite in the new pond. I do intend on over wintering them and if they don't make it, c'est la vie. i'm giving away my 2 tanks and all accessories so I can't bring them in anyway. I've enjoyed watching them and may be tempted to see if I can get a bigger setup off freecycle and get cold water more colorfull fish. No decisions yet.

                          No swimming for devil dog. The state conservation department has a notice stating they are no longer allowing swimming at this beach and are not monitering water quality anymore. Too risky-don't want to get the poor boy sick (and right before our trial too). Damn economy!!

                          Stupid fridge delivery men STILL aren't here and no word from them. I guess it still technically "early" afternoon but it's cutting it close. Why can't I ever be the customer who is first on the list???? I really want to get to the library before it closes as I'm out of books-my new sleep aid.
                          Fingers crossed they get here soon. good think I haven't emptied the fridge yet although the ice I bought this morning and put in the coolers my sis lent me is starting to melt. Grrrrr...
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily - Friday July 16

                            Hi again all! Lav I missed your post this morning about your finger!! OUCH!!! I use the fattest slicing thingy on the food processor to slice the chips. I've been thinking about a mandolin but I probably wouldn't have fingers very long if I got one! I hope it doesn't hurt too much too long.

                            Deter your posts always make me hungry but it feels way too hot here to "cook" anything. I can barely bring myself to scoop bowls of ice cream. (but somehow I'm managing!) I bet you and Dx would have a ball on a eating/walking tour of Europe!

                            P3 when is the trial?? I hope you and Devil dog do well and mostly that you HAVE FUN!!! Hope the fridge man is there by now. Cool about the fishies!! I don't think I could ever have fishies here as the wild life would get them I think. One of the cayotes was in our yard (yes, the fenced in part!) grazing under the mulberry tree just like the dogs do. That always scares me because if the cayotes and get in and out, I'm betting the beagle could too. So tonight will need to send Mr. Doggy out to walk the fence line - again. I tried taking some pics of the cayote but have not had a chance to download and look yet. I might have a new avatar, you never know. What is it about mulberries? The dogs AND cayotes obviously love them. Besides giving them purple jam poop, I don't know what else it's doing for them.

                            Marshy, the way the weather is here right now, I'm definitely thinking someplace with a beach. Are there beaches in India?

                            One thing is for sure. There will be NO drinking AL for THIS girl today!!!! (you know I had to say it!)

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - Friday July 16

                              Hey DG-the trial is Sunday and thank goodness it is indoors!! I would cancel if it was an outdoor one. Way too hot. Nope, no delivery guys yet. They said by 5pm but I'm not holding my breath. There goes my library trip. that will have to wait until Monday after work. Thank goodness I'll be too tired to read tomorrow and sunday nite!!

                              I'm thinking Iceland would be a nice place for a vacation right about now :H

                              Coyotes in your fenced in yard? I would be freaking out so bad right now!! Maybe the mulberries give them a buzz? 2 of my dogs had a jones thing for the crabapples that fell off the tree every fall. Their housetraining went to hell in a handbasket every fall and winter. No more tree-yea!!!!
                              I hope Mr G can find the hole. That beagle of yours won't stand a chance out there against the coyotes. Even so, I hope the pics came out. Would love to see them. Believe it or not we have coyotes in the city-I've seen them cross the street not 1/2 mile from my house. Thank goodness there's never been a siting in my actual neighborhood. I really should get out of the habit of letting the dogs out alone, just to be safe. No idea if coyotes can jump a 5 foot high fence or not.

                              I almost wish I were at work right now. At least the AC is ice cold. Mine is just barely chugging along. If you're not right in front of it, it's brutal. Guess it's time for new and more powerful ones but that will have to wait until next year.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

