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Abbercisers .......

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    Abbercisers .......

    Mo3 - sounds like a great book. Of course for all of us who are 29 we wont need it for another 31 years :H:H

    Not a good abbercise week with the flu in full force ..... all of the office and the office we sub-lease from were out this week at various times.

    I went back to work yesterday, but didn't get back to working out today. 15 mins run, plus 30minutes boxing routine (included 7x10 press-ups) left me gasping for air. I love the boxing stuff though - it is very catharctic! (but I would never get in a ring!!) It does amazing things for my swimming as well.

    Had to laugh - left my boxing wraps behind this morning and rather than go home and get them, decided it was time for a new pair. Since I bought the last lot, I noticed that boxing gloves are being packaged differently - no longer just black and red. We now have "Ladies Gloves" in lovely shades of peach, mauve, pistachio etc etc. :H:H
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Abbercisers .......

      momof3;915965 wrote: Good Morning All,

      Happy to see this thread is back! I recently took a Chi Running workshop with the hope to get back into running regularly after my injury while running last year. I am slowly working back into it and entertain thoughts that I'll run long distances again some day.
      Forgot to ask - what is a Chi running workshop?
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Abbercisers .......

        I have 'Younger Next Year for Women' from the Library for the second time at the minute, read it last year and its what got me going.

        The Receptionist at Yoga upset me last month and I haven't been back (I don't do conflict), but they called today and asked where I was, its nice to be missed

        Missy B - I wash teen 2's boxing wraps, nasty. I'm sure yours are very fragrant though

        Have finally moved apartment and am looking forward to getting back into a routine and popping across the hallway to work up a sweat.......

        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          Abbercisers .......

          Miss Behaving

          Chi Running is a form of running based on the principles of Tai Chi. It is supposed to put less stress on your body. Check out this link:


          Sweaty Betty, Conflict at the yoga studio is just not acceptable. It's nice that they missed you and perhaps you can mention what kept you away when you return.

          This has not been a good week for me as far as exercise goes. Part of it is because we just returned from vacation. The other part is simply because it is Summer and with the kids home, there is no rhyme or rythym to the day. I desparately need the exercise though and need to find a way. I can feel the tension rising in my body.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            Abbercisers .......

            Hi all,
            I definitely need to be on this thread!
            I have turned into a sugar addict since I have stopped drinking! I am usually a very active person so I am hoping that being here will motivate me to move my ass!!
            I need to lose 10 pounds.
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              Abbercisers .......


              Most of us have terrible sugar cravings when we quit drinking. It does get better. Have you tried glutamine. It helps and they sell it on this website.

              Lots of water and natural sweets such as fruits too.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                Abbercisers .......

                I'd be thrilled to check in with you all on this.

                DG, also have been doing WW since April; down 11 lbs. and counting. Starting 35 lbs overweight (and I'm a sky-scraping 5'3"), so happy with the progress. Helps me with accountability to attend the meetings v. doing it online only. I'll admit I rounded down slightly when counting alcohol points.

                I had several health problems over the last year (scared me--have always been healthy) and only just started running again in April. Was a strong swimmer when I was younger, and did my first sprint triathlon this last Sunday (on my 4th day sober!): 1/2 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 3 mile run. I just wanted to finish, but actually did okay, in the middle of the pack in my age group (47)--I'm chubby, but I'm tough!

                I'm up to a 3.6 mile run per day, which I do most mornings. It's just now getting to that point where I enjoy it. Setting a manageable future goal--like the sea swim or a 5K, or a short triathlon, or even a walk for a charity--really does help get you up and out, IMHO. So I'm signed up for another sprint triathlon in September.

                Let's try some natural endorphins on for size, Sisters in Sweat!

                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                  Abbercisers .......

                  Mom3, I'm going back to Yoga this week, I've talked to them about what happened and apparently someone else who was in the reception area at the time saw how upset I was and let them know what had happened, and yes, not very yogic at all

                  Rebirth I also craved sweet stuff when I first went AF, quite a common experience I think.

                  Welcome PBF.

                  My friend who moved to Houston this year is running a 10k in January, I'm plotting how to sort out the dogs and kids and join her, and I've got the chance to do a 10k in Shanghai in December - maybe I should '10k around the world?'
                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    Abbercisers .......

                    I want to join abbercisers!

                    I want to join! I have just been contemplating training for a 5K this week, currently not excercising much. Been sober for a month now, and I'm feeling ready to start excercise again. I ran cross country and swam in high school and was always pretty good.

                    My problems are my right and left hip flexors, knees and ankles! They get sore when I run, and I get shin splints. Not to mention a healthy case of alchoholic overdoing it every time I get started back. I proabably need to start with a run-walk combo of sorts.

                    Any ideas on getting started on running without injuring myself?


                    I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                      Abbercisers .......

                      :welcome: Pride! Sisters in Sweat - I LOVE that! Congrats on your weight loss and all other progress! I too like the meetings v. just on-line. (although I do like the on-line tools too). I need that face to face support and understanding and accountability.

                      SB - I'm liking the sound of that 10K around the world idea!!!! You should make a special scrap book like a passport, only for your 10K'ing memorabilia!

                      Welcome rebirth!

                      Start up slowly and carefully MG29!

                      ENDORPHINS ROCK. Exercise was and still is an important part of my sobriety plan.

                      I've been to Curves 4X this week. Didn't get there yesterday so must go today. During the winter I try to go 6X a week (they are closed Sunday and I need a day off anyway). In the summer I have been OK with 4 - 5 X per week as there is just so much other stuff going on too. But today I can work it in before Farmer's Market.

                      Gotta stay on top of things to have another good weight in at WW this week. I'm hoping to make Lifetime Member in 5 more weigh ins! But if I don't, I will just keep trying.

                      :b&d: Have fun whatever abbercising you are doing today!

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Abbercisers .......

                        Health log for 7/24/10, SIS'es:

                        Did a 3 mile run on a track to get a baseline time for a 3 mile run, which is the average length for a spring triathlon. Not killing myself, I averaged 6.4 mph in 27.51 minutes. It's a quarter-mile track, so it took me 12 laps. I drank a 12-pack my last night of drinking (all by myself), so counted off each one as inspiration (a little sick, but it worked!)

                        Need to log a 1/2 mile swim and 10 mile bike, and will hopefull build on my times from there.

                        On another note...I always run with my ipod; I have an exercise playlist that helps keep me moving. Today a song came up that I've listened to a thousand times but not since I stopped drinking. The lyrics were suddenly wholly on the mark, deeply personal, and inspiring. "When you're down so low you cannot fall, would you change?"

                        Anyway, I hope some of you might get strength from it, too. Pride
              [/video]]YouTube - Change by Tracy Chapman
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          Abbercisers .......

                          Sisters in Sweat ......... I just love that!!

                          I've been away for a couple of days - for work but tacked on a recreation day at the end. The weather is just starting to change from winter to spring and yesterday we just had such a great day out in the sun. It makes it so much easier! I change my exercise routine every month, and August is the start of the "ramp up" for summer.

                          Its a beautiful day today (Sunday morning here) and I'm just heading out for a long walk beside the sea.

                          Two challenges for this week: Running 2km straight without stopping (I know I can do this - I just let my fear of more lung problems stop me!) and getting back on the road bike (as opposed to the stationary one in the gym).
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Abbercisers .......

                            I LOVE Tracy Chapman!

                            No Curves today. There was a sign on the locked door that the A/C was broke. :upset: And then the baker was selling his stuff at 2 for 1 at the Farmers Market. Me and my sweet tooth went to town. Double :upset:.

                            Better kick it up a notch on Monday!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Abbercisers .......

                              First run yesterday

                              I went running for the first time here in Tennessee yesterday evening. It was pretty hard as it is super hot and tons of humidity. But I was pretty careful not to over-do it. Started to at one point I realized after I came off the run to walk and was waaay out of breath and felt a bit pukey but it's just hard for me not to push myself further. I did at least choose a much shorter course. Just wish it wasn't so hot its pretty much unsafe to go in the day for fear of heatstroke so I will see how I feel around 5 pm. Wish I had access to a pool going lap swimming sounds great! But I still want to be able to run a 5k without walking, that's my goal.
                              I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                                Abbercisers .......

                                Hi SIS's (although feeling like an SOS today),

                                Ran 3.6 miles, but didn't time myself because I'm PMSing and extremely grumpy and just happy I did anything at all besides play computer solitaire instead of work. A new sports bra came in the mail; that was my inspiration. I am officially "trussed up like a pig"--no other words for it. My floppy funbags virtually Do Not Move. I look like Joan in Madmen (except for not being beautiful).

                                Okay, on to solitaire.
                                AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                                "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers

