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AF Daily - Saturday July 18

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    AF Daily - Saturday July 18

    Marking and running! Oh wait. It's the 17th, dangit! Can't change it now. I'm very rusty at starting this thread!

    Crap. Just typed more and lost it. It's the glittery purple finger nails getting in the way of my typing skills. :H

    Deter, I cannot believe you failed to pay your respects in the garlic capital!

    Lav, no manicures for me. I'll stick with the crazy gay virgin, thank you very much. (are you throwing that mandolin away? I decided I'm NEVER buying one!)

    Marshy, so is it a beach or a marathon swimming vacation? I'm only going with you if it's the beach.

    G, if you were a girl you could be a DOL.

    Hello to anyone from late yesterday that I missed!

    Well, no AA this morning. I decided to goof off here before I leave for my volunteer stint at the shelter. I'm glad the lady who called told me about wearing a ball cap in order to avoid the hair net. Fashion is an important consideration. Isn't it? Since we will be "seeing what's there and then deciding what to make for lunch" maybe I will take the 2 trillion excess cucumbers that are piling up here. Cucumber salad for 100?

    I bought myself this little AA pendant Recovery Jewelry and Gifts by 12 Step Treasures • Unique AA recovery jewelry and 12 Step gift items (Not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous). It's really pretty. Now I'm trying to decide just how brave to be about wearing it around. LOL the ladies at the new Friday meeting I started going to sport a lot of cool AA jewelry! I wonder wear they get it all.

    Well, it's going to be hotter than haites again here today. I'm going to try not to "deserve" ice cream because of it. I definitely don't deserve a drink that's for sure! There will be no drinking AL in the dog house today, that is for sure.

    So what AFness are you all up to today?
    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Saturday July 18

    Doggygirl;913567 wrote:
    Marshy, so is it a beach or a marathon swimming vacation? I'm only going with you if it's the beach.

    I'm thinking multiple
    holidays. I've fancied doing the swimming thing for a while and yesterday saw this one SwimTrek | Package Details in Mexico and loooove the look of that. But that would have to be next year because I need to get to the point where I'm able to swim 6.5km comfortably. Hmm, not sure "comfortably" is the right word. But I like the idea of having a target in my exercise.

    I'm sure they'd love some fresh home-grown cucumbers at the shelter

    I'm at work (it's a bit slow) and looking forward to Chinese food tonight.
    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Saturday July 18

      The figs are ripe! I'm up to figs. Bathrobe figs. Beautiful brown bountiful bathrobe figs. BTW, fig neighbor complimented me on the bathrobe yesterday as he was handing me figs over the fence. He is bringing out the ladder and pole hook today. Yessir.... it's greenie in the fig tree time! Two 20-foot tall fig trees. Now I'm taking little doggie to the park by the river so we can walk each other.

      Marshy, hear from work woman?

      Chilli - about that weekend?
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Saturday July 18

        just finished reading the Friday thread and want to thank you all for giving me my first laugh of the day. Should be a good one now!

        DG-re: mandolins-so you're going to take your chances with the ginzu knives? Knives are even more dangerous to me than the mandolin. I have one but lost the safety knobbing thingy so don't dare use it. Other than that it did save many pinky tips for me. course I was so paranoid I only shaved down 1/2 of whatever I was cutting and threw out the rest.

        Not an experienced trialer by any means. this is only my 2nd one.

        Are the gel nails the ones that might give you a fungal infection if the manicurist (otherwise know as CGVG) doesn't use the real thing? Saw a news report on that last week. As usual, paranoid!!

        Marshy-I'm def going to Iceland. Must be cheap-no one wants to go there do they? this heat is great for the crops but not so great for the asthma crowd. No end in site.

        -Figs? You have fig trees? I've never had a fig. Seriously.

        OK, gotta zoom zoom myself. Now only have 1.5 hours to get ready for the meeting at the lake, in the AC!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Saturday July 18

          P3, NO GINSU KNIVES!!! LOL, I managed to cut my finger on a slap chopper. I didn't even thing those things were sharp! I use a food processor for heavy duty slicing. It won't even turn on unless everything is properly in place. I'm sure I could still manage to slice a finger even so, but it seems safer than the mandolin. Slices not as pretty, but manicure in tact! What is the meeting at the lake?

          Greenie I have only had figs in fig newtons. I want to put on my robe and come to your house to try out some figs. What do you do with them? What are they like raw? (I assume the ones in fig newtons are dried somehow?) Fig-O-Rama at Greenie's house!! :H your neighbor ogling you in your bath robe!

          Marshy so you will be camping AND swimming???? (although the solar heated showers sound nice....)

          Just had a ginormous weight watcher friendly breakfast. Gotta get this ice cream flab addressed. I will probably sweat off the gains in the kitchen today.
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Saturday July 18

            Papmom - enjoy the AC! I'm sitting under an icy blast and just had to go outside to warm up a bit :H

            Greenie - you must be very, um, *regular* with all those figs. Do you cook with them? I've only ever had them raw - delicious but you know about it if you eat too many.

            DG - camping? I missed that bit! I hate camping! No, actually, I hate camping in the rain in England and having to put wet socks on in the morning because nothing has dried out and for some reason you never have enough socks when you're camping. I think I could cope with camping on a Mexican beach
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Saturday July 18

              Morning Abbers,

              HOT & HUMID again here today...........getting boring!
              I am grateful for the AC of course but still it would be nice to be able to walk outside without your glasses steaming up! Ridiculous!

              DG, I'm not going to throw my new slicer away - it was only doing it's job. I need to smack myself around a little & learn to pay attention to my attention problem I think!!!

              Marshy, I've never been to Mexico, could be fun!

              Greenie, hope you have a figgy day!

              I have to haul myself out to pick up a few things including a huge box of bandaids!!!!!!!!
              Wishing everyone a good, good day!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                Morning Abbers,

                Have to run but wanted to check in.

                It is so awesome to wake up in the mornings having actually slept a real sleep and remembering everything that happened the night before.

                Somedays it is rough and I want to "relax" with my old friend but I am using the tools.

                Glad to see everyone, and don't eat too many figs, Greenie. Lots of fiber. :H

                Take care and be safe and sober.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                  That was an awesome walk in the park! I meet the coolest people! Larry the barefoot walker told me about a website Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - where you find groups of people with common interests. The first one that popped up in my area was paganism. :H I did see some for outdoor interests that look interesting. One I remember from racing days but they are a wild drinking bunch of runners. Maybe I can learn some kayaking!

                  Marshy, I just don't like to swim with a purpose (not porpoise) in open water. The fresh water races were OK, but the ocean races, ugh! While I love the ocean, I don't like to swim in it as a means from getting from point A to point B. Erich the Guide, looked like junior birdman. Oh wait! Maybe the Alcatraz ref had to do with birdman!

                  Figs - OK the all time favorite is wrapped in proscuito, skewered, drizzled with balsamic vinegar and grilled. O - M - G Fall to your knees good! But in the AM I just stand there and eat them. Swooning and such is reserved for the back yard.

                  DG I really liked the jewelery. I think the money clips have very special meaning considering we now have money to clip not spending it on booze.

                  Speaking of money, I've got to go pick up the vacuum from the repair place for $184. Hear that Mr G? See what happens when you actually use one? Where's the fairness in that, huh???
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                    Weeeeeeeeeeeee I got to sleep in finally. happy joy joy

                    Figs and gorgonzola are Da Bomb! enjoy

                    Doggy Girl, you.....slap chopped yourself? OMG I didn't know that was possible. you and I may be related. hahahahhaaaaaaaaa.

                    Cindi, loverly to see you here hon

                    yep, must get back to Gilroy soon and get my photo in front of 'garlic world'. I almost swerved into another car when I saw the place yesterday. oopsie. I'm sure the keepers of the faith will be happy to see I've returned to my home planet. hahahaha, ok, I think that calls for more coffee.

                    be well everyone
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                      Top o the evening! Deter, did you KNOW you would be passing through the garlic capital?? I'm shocked you didn't plan a long romantic weekend there with Dx or something. I picked jalapeno's out of the garden today and am going to give your stuffed ones a whirl sometime soon. If you too can imagine slap chopping yourself, then we are definitely blood brothers or something.

                      Greenie, thanks for that link! There are a couple of interesting looking groups near me. One is for jewelry making!!!! :h:h I probably need to take a class first but these people get together and work on their individual projects but I'm sure share ideas. They also pool their ordering of :bling to get a better deal. I bookmarked that one! There is also a law of attraction group. But I of course was distracted by my jewelry attraction.

                      CINDI THAT IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!! (I know you know that....) Good to hear you are trudging the road using the tools.

                      Lav did you get your bandaids? I'm about over this hot humid stuff too. My only consolation is seeing how much my garden LOVES this weather!

                      Marshy, wet camping SUUUUCCCCKS even in a camper!! Beach camping I've never tried (unless passing out drunk on the sand is considered "beach camping..."). Wouldn't mind giving that a whirl. Not with all that swimming involved though. :H

                      My viney things are officially "everywhere" in my garden. And by "everywhere" I mean I am finding cucumbers under the zuke bushes, butternut sqaushes in the sweet potato patch, and tiny melons under the green beans. Now I know why we never had melons and squashes when I was growing up. They make the "bush" varieties now but I had no idea to look for those. My acorn squashes are under nice round bushes, thank God for one small miracle out there. I will not starve this summer! I hope my Mrs. Wages pickle mixes get here soon.

                      I'm glad I volunteerd today. Holy moly the "head person" of the volunteer meal group has a lot of responsibility. I'm thankful that wasn't me! Another couple were there who have been doing this for a year. There is all kinds of donated food - fresh and dry / canned goods. You go there at 9, and decide what's for lunch at 11:30. Yikes! I ended up on dessert duty and made 9 pudding pies! chocolate ones, banana ones, and even a intant cheesecake and oreo cookie pie. I was also happy to see what Jewel (a grocery store with a bakery) does with their "day old" baked goods. There was a 4-H group that showed up too with one adult and about 5 teenagers. They were really good kids to work with. Good to see that program alive and well.

                      I only served one person that I knew from AA. I was glad to see him. I don't know how he survives. He is schitzophrenic (sp) and his personality is very volatile. He told me "things are looking up." That must be true because if he were 'volatile" they wouldn't allow him in to the shelter for meals. There were no problems today but everyone passes through a metal detector and has to get by a couple of women at the door who keep known trouble out. That's good because there are a lot of kids in there.

                      I'm so glad that there are a number of really strong charity organizations in my community. I am determined to get more involved. There are a lot of people who need a helping hand. By the grace of God there go I.

                      On Monday I have a meeting with another charity oranization and I am going to tour their "family center" (a place for women - most with children - to "get it together."). They have life skill classes and mentoring programs. We'll see if any of that is up my alley.

                      Well, enough babble! Have a great evening fabbie abbies. Eat figs.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                        Greeting's folk's,

                        Great stuff DG re getting out there in the community and volunteering. It's really rewarding isn't it? I also find it very humbling, when i've volunteered over the year's.
                        Greenie, $184 to fix a vac? Whaa?? I rest my case.
                        Det, you are inspiring me with your obvious respect and passion for garlic, and seemingly anything to do with food. Still a growing boy here too!
                        Great to see you Cindi, and getting some well earned sleep....AND....hangover free! x

                        A safe, sober, and magical weekend to all!

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                          Safe, sober and magical here.

                          Thank you all for being here.

                          Some days it is tougher than others. I tend not to post on those days. Damn.

                          Today was tough, I made it through.

                          In the end, that is all that matters, isn't it?

                          I am sober today. I was sober yesterday and tomorrow, well, it comes when it comes. I refuse to look down that road.

                          Love you guys.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                            Well, when you get to that road, we'll be there waiting for you. No detours for cindi! :l
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Saturday July 18

                              :l:l Greenie. You are so kind.

                              No detours for me.

                              Love you!!
                              AF April 9, 2016

