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July Jamboree ~ Week 3

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

    Hi Jammers! This month is really moving along fast. We are already starting week 3!
    LBH, I know well that jittery unsettled feeling. You can outlast it!
    Onward and upward!!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

    Good morning Dill & everyone!

    I believe occasional jitters are completely normal, everyone experiences them. What's important is how you choose to handle them - healthy or unhealthy?
    In the past I would have popped open yet another bottle of wine to smoothe out my feelings.
    Now, I busy myself with some activity, use one of my terrific meditation CDs, get in the car & go somewhere.......distraction is the key

    Another hot & humid day shaing up here - not my favorite but oh well!

    I'll check in later, wishing everyone a super AF Saturday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      July Jamboree ~ Week 3

      Good morning all. Back after my wonderful vacation. Lots of sun, swimming, and family time. It was a great break and is hard to think of work on Monday, so I won't think about it now. I am busy with laundry, bills, cleaning. The usual stuff to be done after a trip.

      I did not stay totally AF on my trip, and ate too much. However, no out of control drinking, no more than two drinks. I am back on my AF journey and plan to get back to a normal eating plan, too. I woke up feeling healthy and with a desire to make good choices for me.

      I spent time this morning reading last weeks posts and it was good to know that all are continiuing to communicate and work on their plans to live an AF life. I missed this thread and all of you.

      It is hot hot hot. Now that I am no longer by water, I will be staying in until evening time as I cannot take the heat. Whew.

      Will check in later in the day. Sending you all peace and strength.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        July Jamboree ~ Week 3

        In the past I would have popped open yet another bottle of wine to smoothe out my feelings.
        Now, I busy myself with some activity, use one of my terrific meditation CDs, get in the car & go somewhere.......distraction is the key

        Yes that's my new life too. I love it.

        Hi Lav. Hope your finger is better today. Ouch!
        Hi star and Dill. Hope the saurday is good for all of you. I am sitting in my shop and bored. Very quiet today. Carpet cleaning later tonight. Wow i am living the life eh.:H
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          July Jamboree ~ Week 3

          Hi Star! So glad you had a good vacation, you sound happy and rested

          Rebirth - What kind of shop do you have?

          I wanted to share todays affirmation: I LIVE IN A PEACEFUL WORLD BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO THINK LOVING, PEACEFUL THOUGHTS.....
          This really affirms to me how I live, I havent read a newspaper in 5 years nor watched the news on TV. I still always manage to hear about the important things going on in the world but I dont get bombarded daily by negative unnessessary information which only serves to make us feel bad.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            July Jamboree ~ Week 3

            Hi all and a happy sober saturday to us all. I've been really busy today and did lots of exercise so am feeling very virtuous and on my way to bed soon.
            Have a fab weekend one and all, see you tomorrow
            love Sooty


              July Jamboree ~ Week 3

              Chill, I did not read the paper or see the news for a week, and I have to admit it was relaxing. Most of the news is negative and there is nothing I can do about anything anyway, so I think I will try to watch less of it in the coming week.

              I got alot done today and feel at peace. It is so nice to feel good and have lots of energy. I love taking care of business and having time to sit around and read. I went to the library and got some mystery books and history books, so am settling in for a weekend of reading. I am roasting a chicken and making a salad for tonight's dinner, it is even fun to cook again. (I took my temperature, and I'm not sick

              Rebirth, you are living the life!! When hungover I never felt like taking on a big job like cleaning the carpet and tended to let things go and feel overwhelmed. So enjoy getting things really clean. It is too hot today to do anything outside, unless it is swimming. So, wondered if your weather is more mild then here in the Midwest.

              May check in later.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                Chill & everyone,

                I signed up a while ago for daily email from DailyOM - Nurturing Mind Body & Spirit
                I really enjoy their spiritual, uplifting message each day & it has led me to a lot of other reading as well. I forward most of the daily emails to Mr Lav - he says thanks but he just doesn't understand them........yeah, right :H:H
                I hope he reads them anyway - maybe something will sink in!!!!
                When I went to the ER the other day for my finger injury they all commented on how laid back I was about the whole thing. Actually, I really was. I think all the readings & meditations that I've been doing have made a very big difference

                My DIL & EB grandson should be here in a few minutes so I'll get going!
                Wishing everyone a peaceful evening.

                Welcome back from vacation (Red)Star - glad you're back on board!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                  Welcome home RedStar! You do sound relaxed and happy. I love the feeling of returning from vacation and appreciating things that the burned-out version of me thought I could not endure for one more day before I left such as planning and preparing the evening meal. Speaking of vacations, thank you Dill for thinking of me and watching scenes of the Panama Canal, I was once again touched by the connections we form here. I have been channeling you today, Chill, with your positive, forgiving, accepting, sweet thoughts, particularly as I watch my poor dog still struggling. The medications don't seem to being doing much. We have another appointment this week for more tests (the first were ?normal?), and these will include more x-rays and probably an MRI and maybe even a brain scan. He is really having a hard time with periods of ataxia and loss of bladder control, but he doesn?t yet have that ?look? that points to euthanasia. In spite of his enormous fur coat, he seems to like the hot days we are having (96 today) and moves better outside. I don?t mind them too much myself as it is just summer in all of her extravagance of heat and color and fragrance, and as it is not humid it cools down significantly at night. Even during the day, if one is still and in the shade with a breeze and cold drink, it can be lovely, just ask my dog. Enjoy your strength of will and character, dear Lav. Sleep well Sooty. Enjoy all, Rebirth, it is fun to be with you. I look forward to news from you Rustop, Cyn, Shelley, and Rusty as we move into Week Three. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                    Me again, I guess nobody has been here. Not long after I wrote my post my dog collapsed like a rock and could not find a way to get up. He had ?the look?. We took him to the emergency clinic and now hours later we are finally home. As he was so medically healthy and strong (heart, liver, kidney, blood) and had normal X-rays, the ER vet understood immediately my concern over the past couple of weeks that the constellation of dreadful cascading symptoms reflected an intracranial problem. It seemed that further evaluation would be academic given how disabled he was and we set him free. He was a great dog, ten years old, a true junk yard guard dog rescue, a beautiful herding dog cross (some said shepherd, collie, chow, wolf?he did not know whether to herd the sheep, guard the sheep, or eat the sheep). He had a great life once he got out of the war zone and gave us the same. He had a huge, sweet, gentle heart. His name was Teddy. Love and kisses to your furry and feathered buddies. See you tomorrow for a new, new day. Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                      Good morning everyone

                      Rushing out the door to daughters show but wanted to quickly check in and say how sorry I am about the loss of Teddy LBH. They become so much a part of the family and you will miss him. It's great that he came from rescue and had such a wonderful life with you. Take care of yourself. Everyone else have a great Sunday, catch you all later.



                        July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                        LBH - Im so so sorry for your loss of Teddy, they are such very special creatures but Im glad he doesnt have to go through any more discomfort. Lets imagine him now at the Rainbow Bridge..........

                        Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

                        When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
                        There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
                        There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

                        All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
                        The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

                        They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

                        You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

                        Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                          Morning all.

                          LBH - The messages that you post tells me what a lovely person you are and I know that Teddy had the best life he could have ever wanted. My cat Jess died just over a month ago and it was a traumatic experience for me so I relate to your loss. Sending you a big big hug.

                          Chill - I liked yersterday’s affirmation as I have been putting this into practise for quite some time now. I also find the papers to be full of unecessary gossip and negative energy. Like you I always stay in tune with what’s necessary in my life.
                          I have a small jewellery shop with an onsite workshop. I make jwellery in silver, gold and platinum. The business is still young (4 years old ) but doing okay considering the present economy.

                          Star- I was thinking the same while I was cleaning my carpets yesterday..I agree with what you said. I never had the time to achieve anything in my free time because my time was preoccupied by drinking or recovering from a hangover.. Thank God I have woken up!!

                          Lav- the site looks interesting. Added to my favourites and will have a more indepth look later today. Glad you were brave cause there is no way I would have been calm!!

                          Anways, I am off to a big city to go shopping, catch a movie and enjoy my AF sunday. Have a lovely day all! x
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                            Hello everyone, hope we're having a peaceful Sunday. The weather is really miserable here, but I have been to the gym so I'm feeling quite proud of myself.
                            Rebirth, good to meet you - did I read a post of yours where you said you were in Leamington Spa? I lived in Kenilworth for a while, lovely place.
                            Keep strong everyone and have a good day


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                              Good morning, friends.
                              LBH, my thoughts are with you very often, but today will even be more so. I will cherish my furry friends just a bit more consciously today. Sending you peace, strength, and comfort, as best I can.
                              I seem to be suffering from some form of writer's block of late, so please excuse my short post. I continue to appreciate all that each of you share here about your lives and doings. Hopefully I'll get past this. Red, welcome back. I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation.
                              Chill, Lav, Sooty, Rebirth, Cyn, Rustop, Rusty and all who check in, have a good AF Sunday.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

