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July Jamboree ~ Week 3

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

    Morning sooty. How old is your daughter. Stay away from Birmingham city centre. Thats where the doughnuts are. Avoid at all cost!!

    Hi Star. I laughed about the double chin comment. I dont dream it..I am seeing it in the mirror!!!
    Be strong-
    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


      July Jamboree ~ Week 3

      Good morning all,
      It's going to be another muggy day here with chances of thunderstorms. I'm going to meet a friend this morning for a walk. Fingers crossed.
      Sooty, our blueberries were done in the end of June. I have a few pints in the freezer. Now we have tomatoes, onions, potatoes, jalapenos, salernos, green beans and my favorite: sweet corn. We pick it at meal time and microwave it one minute each ear. Delicious!
      Rustop, I am still trying to decide about the Same E. I think it was helping, but I want to give it a few more days before I decide for sure and buy more. Have a wonderful trip with your daughter.
      Chill, hope you have sweeter dreams tonight!
      Rusty, you sound like you have had quite a varied career. I envy you. I've done the same thing ever since college, although in different settings.
      Red, I picked up Shell Seekers yesterday. I will definitely check out the Guernsey, etc.... book when I finish this one. Thanks for the tip.
      What is SAM-e?
      SAM-e is short for S-adenosylmethionine, a substance that occurs naturally in the cells of plants, animals, and humans. SAM-e is not an herb. Because the body produces less SAM-e with age, some people think that SAM-e may be a helpful supplement for certain diseases. In the United States, it is sold as a dietary supplement.

      What is SAM-e used for?
      In the United States, people use SAM-e to treat depression or to preserve emotional well-being. Studies show that SAM-e may help with symptoms of depression in the short term, but more studies are needed to compare SAM-e with no treatment and with conventional treatment.1

      SAM-e may also help to relieve pain in osteoarthritis and itching in intrahepatic cholestasis, a liver disease.
      This info was copied from: Does SAM-e Work for Depression? - Depression -
      Lav, LBH, Rebirth and all who check in have a good AF day.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        July Jamboree ~ Week 3

        Morning everybody,

        Dill, thanks for the info about SamE. I take a combination of vitamins and amino acids. They are expensive. Have often wondered how much they actually do for me. Guess the way to find out would be to stop taking them. It almost feels like a drug dependency.
        Speaking of veggies, my son in Indiana is enjoying all those things you mentioned. He told me yesterday that he eats his corn raw. Guess that means no melted butter!

        Rustop, I envy your seeing Billy Elliot. Would love to see that in London. Do you think you will go back to work when your girls are up and out of the house?

        Rebirth, I struggle a lot with what do I need, what do I want. I have gone through extremely frugal periods but find when I do that, I feel like I'm punishing myself. These days I try to keep a balance. Know I splurge on food and books but never clothes. It all seems to work out. LBH may change that clothes attitude.

        Redstar, enjoyed the Gurnsey Potato Peel book. Wouldn't you just love to visit that island. I am reading Wally Lamb. He writes enormous books, the kind you can get lost in. Perfect for jury duty waiting.

        Rusty, you're right, jurors don't get paid much but they get more than a substitute teacher during summer vacation! What a traveler you are? Can your work be done on line without so much travel?

        Chill, some dreams just stick with you don't they. I remember your posting that you would always love him.

        Another hot day in store for the southwest. Planning on a trip to the movies with my little mexican tutees, the dos hermanos. Wonderful to keep my connection with them after working with them during the school year.

        Stay cool!


          July Jamboree ~ Week 3

          Morning all from a Krispy Kreme-Free Zone!!!!!

          We had a huge storm last night, lost power for 4+ hours! Dropped the temp from the high 90's to 72 degrees but it's right back up this morning. 90's predicted thru next week - yikes!

          For those who asked, my dehydrated cherry tomatoes turned out great. I plan to drop them in whatever I'm cooking for some extra flavor, chop them up to put into bread, etc. The zucchini chips turned out not so great - I couldn't get them to crisp up. They dried nicely though so I just use them for soups.

          Sooty & Rustop heading to London - have a great trip! I'm jealous, wish I could go too!

          Rusty the traveling woman, take care!

          I have some work to take care of right now then free time. I need to get things organized around here in preparation for watching the EB grandson the 24th thru the 27th. My son & DIL will be away those days. I'll be watching the 'Insanity Twins' as well. Most of you know the twins are my son's Golden Retrievers & may remember I ended up with a broken toe while watching them last summer!!!! Hopefully there will be no repeat of that episode. One of the dogs is now on Prozac!!!!!! She really needed it!

          Dill, LBH, rebirth, Shelley & everyone - wishing you a great day!
          Stay cool

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            July Jamboree ~ Week 3

            Morning Lav,
            cross post, the rain cools it off but when the temp goes back up, so does the humidity.
            Congrats on your Krispy Kreme Free Zone; I need a white sugar free zone.

            I love that we signed off the same way! Enjoy that grandson.


              July Jamboree ~ Week 3

              Hi Everybody,

              Gosh I miss this thread when I can't read it....I feel like I'm missing someone terribly!

              Lav-dehydrated cherry tomatoes sound delicious....and zucchini chips for soup. Ah, what time is dinner? Here's a trick for your Goldens when they're freaked out....the pink Benadryl tabs-My dog weighs 24 pounds and we either give him a 1/2 tab or a full tab when we have rain and t-storms. It was approved by the vet and much more effective than his doggie downers!

              Sped-I'm with you when it comes to heat. 99 degrees still in AL. I must get to NM someday!

              Sooty/Rustop-Have fun in London. I have never been there but definitely want to go!

              Dill-what a garden-sweet corn is my favorite, too. I'm with Star, I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and it was really good. Now reading "Water for Elephants."

              Chill-I totally empathize when it comes to dreams...I have the same kind...I dream about my exes and people I've had previous conflicts with (in my case, past bosses or co-workers). They always wig me out, too and I remember them for a long time.

              Star-that thread IS scary! Just found out that the daughter of my dog's dad (as we call him) is in the hospital with liver failure. She is 56 and has been smoking and drinking her whole life. She never thought that those nightly bottles of wine would be harmful. She always used to cut on her dad for enjoying his one nightly if to say he were weak for stopping at just one. Now, she is on her deathbed. Creeps up fast, doesn't it?

              LBH-hope the cleaning got done! I hate it too but it feels so good to be organized and have your whole smell fresh, doesn't it?

              Rebirth-oh, I wish I still weighed 115 like I did when I interviewed Barbara Bush....noooo....I have a long, long way to go with my weight. I do not like Krispy Kreme doughnuts, though. My goal is 130...only 50 more to go...WHOOPPEE! I have lost 15 pounds at I'm doing by not drinking, and making myself go to the gym after work, when I am hot, tired, and starving. I used to go to the gym just in the morning.

              A cheerful AF HELLO! to anyone I missed.

              Back to work and then off to the airport...home....unpack suitcase, repack suitcase and off to South Carolina tomorrow.

              More later!



                July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                Shelley - I have baked way off on white sugar as well. I think it's one of the things that fuel up my never ending hot flashes & night sweats. Why do I bother with HRT? It doen't help all that much, oh well!

                Rusty, I do have lots of Benadryl on hand. I take it along with an herbal prep to help me sleep (and get back to sleep faster when the night heat wakes me). I have been known to give it to dogs as well. I hope all the storms don't delay your travel much. Sorry to hear about your friend Rusty - that very well could have been me, I'm the same age.

                I just wanted to share a tidbit from a WedMD (Hypertension) newsletter I read today. It said recent research has shown that after just 1 drink your risk of stroke DOUBLES for the next hour, then returns to 'normal' after a few hours. The likely cause is the increase in B/P & the blood thinning alcohol causes!
                I am so grateful to no longer be slugging a bottle of wine or more per day. I am grateful for both of my quits. I need to be alive & healthy for my kids, their kids & myself

                OK, just heard EB grandson & his Mom are on the way. Prepare, prepare!!!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                  Hi Lav,

         you know about Benadryl. Good thing!
                  Interesting info. on the effect of just one glass of wine on your BP. I believe it!
                  Ugh, hot flashes and night sweats are a pain! I'm going through all of that right now....sweating profusely in the AC.

                  Glad you'll have your favorite visitors later today, and courageous you, you gave up both habits....I admire you.

                  Well, off to the airport!

                  Will check in tomorrow when I can log onto the library's computer for free!

                  Have a great AF evening,



                    July Jamboree ~ Week 3


                    I don't know how courageous I am.........
                    I am thankful that I did finally recognize the NEED to get my act together - certainly better late than never

                    We all need to keep trying until we finally get it! I firmly believe that we can all do whatever we really want to do - especially this group!!!!!!

                    Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                      Hello Jammers - just catching up with you all, after the weekend's travel.

                      LBH - my heart broke reading your posts about beloved Teddy. (thanks for the picture - what incredible eyes he had, surely an old soul). You are so brave and generous to have realized it was time for him to go, but I know the toll it takes on the spirit. Please be gentle and slow with yourself, the healing takes a long time. Of course you don't want to clear out his things - keep them as long as it gives you comfort. I still have my first crazy-rescue-weimy's collar - it's on the handle of one of the bookcases, with his portrait nearby. After my big boy had been gone a few weeks, I felt that I wanted to share his story, and found a site:, where you can post pictures, music, stories, etc. Many people had helped with this difficult dog, and it gave me peace to be able to acknowlege them and celebrate him. Take Care.

                      Lav - my husband cut his finger last week, and we made a trip to the ER! - hope you are doing well again.

                      Rustop - if your HB is a fly-fisherman, you all should plan a trip to New Zealand. It doesn't get any better....

                      Sooty, welcome back! Dill - good to hear your voice; Sped - honorable volunteer angel - hope you can sleep soon; Rusty - how do you do it? Congrats on the exercise, that takes real gumption on the road; Star - glad your vacation was good, thanks for the book titles; Chill - as always, your affirmations always hit the spot; Rebirth - so glad to hear your voice here.

                      Late here, will up at 5:30 for the dog walk in the merely 96 degree heat, so must snooze now - - sweet dreams, USers, and good morning to you easterners -
                      to the light


                        July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                        Good morning to all. I am up way too early as I am back to worrying. My job is changing, with more work, more hours, and even less pay. I am going to try to arrange my schedule to accommodate the changes, and try to have somewhat of a life. Also, I am looking for a new job. I have a few things to tweak on my resume, but this is it. It will take time, but I have to start. Otherwise, I will get sick, I am already up at 4:00 a.m.

                        Dill, I am so excited you will read the Shellseekers, hope you enjoy it and let me know your thoughts on it. Who are your favorite authors? What stories have helped to shape who you are and your view of the world? I am hoping that you are feeling better emotionally. Your garden sounds delicious. I planted a few tomato plans and peppers. Something ate one of the plants, and the rest look less than productive, so I am kind of disappointed. But the produce at the store looks good

                        Rusty, good to hear you are a reader too. Yes I would love to visit Guernsy Island. The relationships in the story were heartwarming, but the war time memories were hard to read. It is unbelieveable and horrifying to read stories of war atrocities. But they have always happened and always will. Also the ability of the human spirit to come back. Just like all of us. Yeah, the liver failure story shared is frightening, and your acquaintance's liver failure at 56 is a tradgedy. That is where I am headed, I know in my heart, if I do not choose a healthier life style, AF.

                        Since vacation, I have been totally AF, ate well and lost close to eight pounds. (I had gained weight due to going out to eat). I feel physically healthy, my clothes fit better, and I have tons of energy. I am so happy to be on a right path. My daughter is getting married in a few months, and I want to look the best I can. Plus, I have to buy a dress. No mother in law dresses for me. Just something nice and comfortable, not formal. I figure in August I will find tons of stuff on sale. My other goal is drinking iced tea and water at the reception. It is a cash bar only, and coffee, tea and water will be served with the meal. So, with dignity and respect for myself, I will have a great time, AF.

                        How is everyone doing on their AF journeys? Have a blessed day, AF.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                          Good Morning Everyone!

                          Star - Im so sorry you are troubled with work and not sleeping makes everything harder to deal with, I used to equate it to a kind of hangover. Great work on loosing 8 pounds! I had got down to my ideal weight a few months ago but it has crept back on and I need to start being more disciplined.

                          I dont know what the hell a krispie kreme doughnut is and think it best kept that way :H Rebirth, do you think your sugar craving is because you are not getting it from AL? This is very common so be careful. A friend of mine sucessfully quit AL but delevoped a serious sugar addiction to the extend that it affected his moods.

                          I woke up a little blue today which is most unlike me, Id had another dream about my ex husband, I wish he would stay the hell out of my subconscious mind! Anyway I got on my bike and cycled away all the negative thoughts and will work extra hard today at seeing the joy in life. Today's affirmation is LOVING MYSELF GIVES ME THE EXTRA ENERGY TO WORK THROUGH ANY PROBLEM MORE QUICKLY.....

                          Wishing you all a great day
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                            Happy Humpday everyone :H

                            Chill, hope you are feeling better! I had one of those dreams last night too. Woke me up at 3 am & kept me awake for quite a while! Tonight I will listen to my 'Breathing Magic into Forgiveness' CD before I go to bed. Hopefully my subconscious will be calmer & let me sleep thru the night. I was irritated yesterday because I notified Mr Lav by email that the filter & lights on his large fish tank (in his garage) have not been working since the power failure on Monday - he didn't bother to respond. Why the hell am I worrying about his damn fish? I woke up this morning to a response saying the fish will be fine until he gets here Saturday - screw it!

                            Well, more hot, humid & possibly stormy weather to deal with today..........this is getting real old :upset:

                            Red, wishing you luck with your job search. I understand your complaints all too well. That's why I retired from nursing. My employer was perfectly content to work you into the ground then kick you aside when you dropped & move on to the next!!

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                              Good morning everyone!

                              Lav do you have a really good recipe for a vegetable soup? I need to lose weight...darn
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                                July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                                Good Morning from here. Rusty I have loved NPR forever, it is among the beneficiaries of my Will; to know that you were a producer there is very cool. I am so pleased that your Maine holiday was fine and healthy and am sure as you stay with the plan you will be your ideal weight this time next year if not before. Shelley, I think Haiti would suit you so well, you little shining busy altruistic marathoner. I was there only once in the 1980?s for purely selfish reasons of adventure and found a beautiful country, beautiful people, intoxicating art, music, and voices, and many thin uniformed teenage boys with acne and huge machine guns (it was between civil disasters rather than earthquakes). I found very cool things beyond the surface of poverty and need and you will too. Rustop, my mother let me have a horse when I was a girl and it meant the world to me; I love thinking of you and your emerald hills and Irish ponies. Thank you Rebirth for telling me about your cat and the cans of food on the shelf; that is right where I am and probably will be for a while. I love cats (we have an orange tabby named Sam), and I am sure yours adored you as it seems we all do on this thread. Ms. Chill, you are helping me beyond the obvious everyday, filling my science brain with hopeful thoughts and happy ghost dogs. I am so glad you are here. Redstar, I love the idea of you moving through your difficult day in new shoes; I have engaged in some shopping myself the last couple of days and I look prettier even if inside I am droopy, put your best foot forward and face the world once again and all that. We can do this. Without alcohol you will also have your weight just where you want it. I keep telling myself that no matter what I feel, bad, good, whatever, it will never be any better for more than an hour with alcohol and then it will be much worse. Ms. Dill, I am sorry you have had a case of the blues; I have felt much the same and I know it has an end so lets look at that horizon. Sooty, Sooty, Sooty, cliff walker extraordinaire, thank for the PMs and I still think you must be blind and can?t read your scale:H. Lav, you are going to have a houseful of EBs; I shall see you as Earth Mother and fondly remember my hippie days when I used to take care of everything and everyone by feeding, lots of feeding. Thank you so much as always for your understanding words, Cyn. I always miss you when you are not here and I shall seek out your beloved dog memorial. To anyone I have missed, sorry, and I?ll catch you later, you will not get away. Love, Ladybird.
                                may we be well

