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July Jamboree ~ Week 3

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

    When I was a little girl, my brittle "maiden" aunt and I shared a miserable travel soap "Suds for Duds" one day and ended up fondly as "Sudsie" and "Dudsie" until her death at age 100. We have our duets. Currently I can only say that it is toasty here. As the crepe myrtle are blooming and I wanted a particular variety (Red Rocket), after a busy work morning and a far too heavy late lunch insisted on by friends attempting to comfort me for the loss of best boy Teddy (including but not limited to a brave halibut in a deep butter picatta and a lovely peach melba the size of a Volkswagen? at least they let me have unsweetened cold tea without a struggle) I thought I would (burp) head by some of the big chains (pant) to see if there was a bargain/rescue one which I did not find during my in and out of the truck steaming asphalt in and out of the truck overfed and oversugared soiree (whimper). I did come home with a small, big box store ?million bells? plant rescue for the back porch table. Much better to have stayed in and moved slowly and sweetly and without much food, but at least the little plant rescue on the porch is glad I needed some sort of positive marker of my ill conceived trip. Lord Bird Heart is out on some horrid meeting with a financial fellow and I hope I shall not have to get a divorce to avoid participating in a fiscal seduction?sometimes the marriage contract is a pill. Sorry that this is about me and I really am OK in general. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      July Jamboree ~ Week 3

      rebirth - I hope you had some antacids availble after eating those wings. I stay away from all that stuff & cheese as well because my cholesterol level was getting too high!!!

      Sooty - in what direction is the bus headed these day? I sure could use a virtual vacation, something to keep me distracted. Maybe I'll just come to your house for a few days

      Well, this is my last night of freedom for a while. Tomorrow starts my babysitting - dog sitting marathon. Won't be over until sometime late in the day on Tuesday. I'd better cherish my peace, quiet & sanity tonight while I still have it

      Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        July Jamboree ~ Week 3

        We cross posted just now LBH
        Hope you are OK
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          July Jamboree ~ Week 3

          I am fine sweet, Lav. Just running off at the mouth as they say in Texas (I think). I am so glad that I have found other ways of at least minimally managing stress other than jumping into a glass/bottle/vat. I am still upright and level, just angry at the Lord (Bird Heart that is) but maybe the other one also if there is one. I miss my dog. Love to you Lav. Ladybird.
          may we be well


            July Jamboree ~ Week 3

            Thursday evening - -- what a rich, soulful group here. Red - of course you can count on all hands on deck to support you as you enter this unexpected chapter of your son coming home. Also, how is the work search going? You certainly are handling so much right now, with such good grace -- congrats.

            Sped - hope your shopping trip was worthwhile. I would rather chew my arm off than go shopping for something specific. I have a wedding to attend in August, and really don't have the appropriate attire, but really don't care.....thank god I'm not in the wedding party, I would probably explode with stress.

            Rebirth - chalk and cheese - now that is a new one. Thanks for adding it to our virtual vocabulary!

            Chill - everything changes, everyday. I often think of how changed we are physically, in cycles, due to cell death and goes on all the time. You are so strong and beautiful that you don't need to worry - you are on the right journey.

            Here in my valley we are being teased by a storm again - normally this is 'monsoon' season, but we have not seen a drop of rain since January. At least there are clouds in the sky at this time of year...and recently some decently dark-bottomed ones promising rain. But it seems tonight that all we will get is the wind blowing the dust around....sigh.

            Good night/morning to one and all - safe travels, Chill, good luck with babysitting Lav, hope Lord BH has not sold the farm, LBH, and best wishes to one and all for a wonderful end of the week --
            to the light


              July Jamboree ~ Week 3

              Ladybird. Sending you a big hug.
              I sat on the sofa last night yearning for my cat. Still hurts even after two months...sigh.My partner thinks it's too early for another pet but I find my house so empty without one. I will give myself another month and go from there. There is something so special about animals...Always loyal, always steady..unlike the rest of my surroundings.

              Lav - I am glad you are the voice of reasoning when it comes to food. I need to hear it. I do not feel good eating all this processed stuff. Ugh. I am hoping it's just a phase.
              Hi cyntree.

              Happy AF friday all!! x
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                Yay, it's TGIF! Thanks for the support regarding my son. He is 24 years old technically, but emotionally much younger. He has traits of Asperger's syndrome, in my opinion, an eccentric type of person. My daughter always said, "you either love him or hate him, no middle ground." I have slept peacefully so I know that the decision made was the right one. There is some theory that your body tells you, helps you to make decisions. I have used this in the past. While looking for a job, I noticed that at one facility my heart was pounding, the other, I felt calm. I took the job where my body was telling me to, and it was a good choice. So, sleeping well, I feel at peace.

                It is interesting to me how in life, we go through phases. My husband and I have been alone alot for the last two years, since our kids were gone. It has been peaceful, but different. Now, our daughter, who is coming for a visit, notified us that her childhood friend has moved to a city close to ours, and wants to come over when they visit this weekend. So, I have a feeling our peaceful quiet time has ended, and we will be having more people over, seeing our kids more, etc. I am having a dinner Saturday night and just not serving alcohol. I'l have pop, water and ice tea. Period. I want to set a precedent and entertain differently. Seriously, I want to live AF, feel calm, have more fun. It just is the only way to go.

                Lav, I appreciated your observation that your daughter moved in and out several times. You did not seem like it was a big deal, just part of her figuring out what she is going to do.

                Cyn, I believe you asked about my job hunt. I will work on it this weekend if I have time. I believe though that too much change at once is not good for me, though. I have worked this week on managing my schedule the best I can. The internet is so cool, you don't even have to leave home. HOwever, the sites to submit resumes sometimes mess me up, so I need practice.

                LHB, it is so hard to lose a pet, I always get another one, hence the numerous cats in my house. It is good that you are giving yourself time to heal.

                Rebirth, sorry about your loss too. Hope you get another cat soon. I agree about the loyalty of our pets. They love us so much and are so faithful. Truly a gift from God.

                Anyone have big plans for the weekend? How are your AF journey's going? Have a productive, lovely Friday.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                  Hi everyone

                  Good to be back. I like sticking to my routine. It keeps me focussed. Am going to have a large mug of coffee and catch up on the posts over the last few days, just wanted to say hello first.

                  Had a nice but very busy time in London. We visited 3 out of the 4 universities she is interested in. Billy Elliott was amazing, well worth the trip for that alone. My other daughter and her friend spent the time shopping. Another horse show tomorrow so that is the whole day gone again. Oh, well the joys of kids.

                  Hope you all have a wonderful week-end.



                    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                    Happy unhung Friday Jammers,
                    It is quite amazing how we get used to the empty nest very quickly. I truly enjoy the peace and quiet here with Mr. D however, last year we had a brief period where my son moved home bringing his wife and son. It lasted several weeks while they got themselves sorted, a place to live and a job. I think you made the right decision, Red.
                    Rebirth and LBH both still mourning the losses of your dear pets: I can so understand. They are so special to us. It's not fair that their life spans are so short.
                    Lav, "Go placidly amid the noise and haste."
                    We took a trip to a pond store in a nearby town and what a delight! They had so many beautiful water lilies and other water plants. We went through the fish house and saw so many beautiful fish! LBH, the shubunkins were gorgeous and the orfes darted around at lightning speed! None of the fish there were large enough to safely put in our pond and not become food for the bass, so we didn't buy any. I am thinking I need to set up a fresh water tank/nursery. Just thinking.
                    Red, good idea about dinner with out al. We manage it here quite frequently although I do usually have a few beers on hand. I am not tempted by beer.
                    Have a good AF weekend one and all.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                      Morning everybody,
                      Just got back from the airport, dropping off my husband. He's on his way to SanFran to watch 2 of our sons run the marathon. Five days by myself. Sounds heavenly to me.

                      Red/star, your house sounding bustling...that can be fun too, especially when the visitors are close friends or family who just make themselves at home. Which Kingsolver books did you like?

                      Cyn and LBH, have faith. I (eternal pessimist) do believe the monsoons are quickly approaching. I think we had about 7 drops of rain here last night BUT it is cooler.

                      Rebirth, go to an animal shelter this weekend and look at kittens (or cats). You sound like me, such a cat lover. I guarantee getting a new feline is going to make you happy. If I weren't planning so much traveling, I would be doing that myself.
                      You have an impressive appetite!

                      Rustop, I remember taking my boys around to look at colleges. Such an exciting time. We never liked the same things though. They wanted big urban campuses and I wanted little liberal arts schools out in the middle of nowhere. Glad you enjoyed Billy Elliot. Did you ever see the movie?

                      Dill, in what part of Ohio do you live?

                      Lav, good luck with all of your grandson and dog sitting.

                      Off to get my hair cut. Then hiking. Lots of bear siting reports in the mountains. Hope I don't get eaten!


                        July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                        Good Friday morning Jammers!

                        Cyn, I can't believe you haven't seen rain since January! I wish I send send you most of our rain. It is eternally humid, damp & yucky here.

                        Shelley, hope you are loaded for bear! Be careful out there!!!!

                        Dill, a freshwater tank/nursery sounds like a good idea. Fish breeding has always been a mystery to me.

                        rebirth, LBH & anyone else missing a pet right now - I say go get a new one! I can't stand living without at least one dog in the house. Mr Lav took one of our dogs with him when he left & it's way too quiet here for me. I really have been thinking about a replacement - for both of them

                        Red(Star), no one expects AL here anymore, that's just the way it is. I don't even think there is any beer around anymore. I just don't worry about it!

                        Rustop - glad you enjoyed your trip

                        OK, time for me to head to the supermarket to stock up for the weekend. I cringe at the thought of trying to do that with a toddler in tow - don't think so!!!

                        Have a great AF Friday everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                          Hello lovely people, great to see so many of us on this AF journey!

                          Hey Lav, not sure where the bus is going - you just tell me where you want to go and I'll drive you there. Not much fun coming to my house cos the weather's not very good here and we need to go somewhere nice. How about a health spa? I think we could all do with some pampering!

                          I'd better get some chores done, not done anything yet - feeling v lazy today and the house won't clean itself.

                          love sooty


                            July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                            Hi Star. I love your name by the way. Everyone's children on this thread are so much older than my little boy. He is only 6. Wee little thing he is. It's impossible to imagine that he would one day leave me...then come back home after I adjusted to solitude again..It is definitely interesting how life is constantly changing. Sometimes I cant keep up with it. Where does the time go??

                            Sped yes people have commented on how much I can eat. I should have a much bigger bottom that what I currently have so I guess I am lucky. I have been toying at the idea of going to an animal shelter...I am thinking of a lovely fluffy tabby.

                            Hi rustop, dill and lav
                            Be strong-
                            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                              Rebirth, Our kids are so much older because we are so much older!

                              One Christmas soon after Mishu, one of my many cats had died, my youngest son gave me a photograph of Mishu and a note. The note was written as if Mishu had written it. It said Merry Christmas. I have died and gone to heaven but my reincarnation is waiting for you to pick her up at the animal shelter. A few days later I went to the shelter and got Yoshi who indeed seemed to be Mishu reincarnated.
                              Animal shelter today? This weekend?


                                July Jamboree ~ Week 3

                                Yes, Rebirth, I think most of us are in our 50's. We do have some 40's and 60's. Are you in your 30's? So wise of you to get a hold of this drinking thing while you're young. (I think I've said that before.) Your life will be so much richer for it!

                                Sped, that was such a sweet story about your son! I am in the south western part of Ohio.

                                Sooty, take us someplace cool. How about Nova Scotia?

                                Rustop, enjoy the horse show tomorrow. I hope you have good weather for it.

                                Where are you Rusty?

                                I think many of you will appreciate the following link. It is an effort by a women's group to get comprehensive restoration for the gulf coast. I signed the petition.

                                Sign the Petition to Restore the Gulf

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

