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July Jamboree ~ Week 3

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 3

    Hello all - happy sunday eve. I just returned from being with a friend of mine - she's 93, and usually is hale and hearty and gives everyone a run for their money. She's under the weather now, and it makes me sad to see her struggle so....I think she'll be OK, but this has taken her down a peg. Recently I attended the 95th Birthday party of my Mom's cousin (we were all invited to bring an account of what we thought was the best invention of the last 95 years...). I have to say that these two women have inspired me. They do have some physical issues, but their minds are bright and fast and their interest in life puts me to shame. I'd take their reading lists any day....

    My friend here was married at one point to a Spanish artist; they spent time with friends and family on the Costa Brava, including hanging out with Dali and Picasso in Cadaques.....I couldn't begin to enumerate the life experiences she's had. I spent a good deal of time today trying to get her to take a 'big picture' approach to feeling under the weather...that's the problem with being well for 90 plus years, you have no patience for being sick!

    Anyway, thought I'd share their stories, as we are talking about age and time and how it all comes down. I love these 2 women, and though I know they will not be here forever, I cherish each day.

    Thanks, Rebirth for the posting suggestion; unfortunately, the system seems to have amnesia about remembering me, but I've learned not to take it personally! I appreciate the thought, though.

    OK Dill, tech advisor: suddenly MWO and all my website fonts are a couple of sizes bigger than usual. what did I do? Or maybe my computer just thinks that I'm going blind and need a boost.....hmmmm.

    Hope everyone's Sunday has been great, and wishing all well for the beginning of the week.

    Cheers -
    to the light

