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sunday 18 July af daily

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    sunday 18 July af daily

    hi there everyone

    day 8 alcohol free and day 7 smoke free here.
    I slept for 14 hours on Friday evening - combination of cold/flu starting and work stress I think.Maybe getting the crap out of my system too.

    watched amazing roller derby yesterday dosed up with cold medication AND DIET 7UP!!
    came home after and went to bed at midnight - missed after party as it would have been a boozy do.I did feel a pang but being sober/calm/not depressed/anxious is my goal.
    Alcohol makes me anxious and depressed,and prevents me from developing proper skills in looking after myself.

    I feel blue - like crying - bit ill - but I sure as hell would feel worse with a hangover/smokers lungs as well.

    Put on half a pound this week - not listened to hypno tapes as much (without falling asleep) and only skated twice (not 4 times) and no gym or cycling.
    BUT have been ill/exhausted - feels like I've caught up on sleep now - feel a bit tearful.
    I confided in someone leaving team about probs I had with someone else in the team - now they may be coming back and I am worried they may break the confidence - no reason to think they're not trustworthy but I feel scared.
    Been lots of team rucks recently and don't want anymore.

    Anyway positives - am af and sf, am healthy, have a nice home, a relationship, a job that pays well (for now - best get saving in case!), two lovely cats,good old friends,nice new friends.On leave for a week in 3 weeks time.
    good day all to come - bit rambly today and need to get stuff out of my head.
    one day at a time

    sunday 18 July af daily

    Hi Bear - Well done on day 8 thats fantastic! And so is the no smokes... give yourself a good pat on the back. When we are ill its easy to feel down & negative so things probably feel worse than they are. Once your back to full fitness you will be able to tackle the team issues better. Try to put them out your mind for now and give yourself a good pampering, and if you want to cry...cry :l
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      sunday 18 July af daily

      Good morning bear, Chill & all to come!

      Hot, hazy, humid again.........boring. Going to 96 degrees again today, ugh!

      Hoping to get together with my daughter today for some shopping therapy

      Still playing with the food dehydrator. Last evening I pureed fresh, sweet cherries & poured them out on the special sheets that fit on the trays & set the dehydrator to run over night. Guess I should go out & check the results - supposed to be fruit leathers or rollups

      Wishing everyone a super AF Sunday! Hope you feel better soon bear - congrats on your 8 days!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        sunday 18 July af daily

        I am missing skating today - my glands are up and I am exhausted/feel weak /sore throat.
        I'm stressing about work tomorrow - we're so busy BUT I feel awful and may just need to sleep.

        I've gone in to work all week ill and feel like I've missed my weekend as a result - I also work with people who are pregnant and don't want them to get this.
        Meh - I am chuffed I have managed 8 days though - day at a time right?
        Tomorrow will take care of itself.
        one day at a time


          sunday 18 July af daily

          Hello friends

          Bear, hang in there, you are doing great. Emotions are just that and just need to acknowledge them and move on. Good for you for skipping the social event.

          Lav--I am jealous of your cool dehydrator. I think of you and your "situation" often.

          Greenie--I have this feeling you guys are making these figs sound way better than they really are.

          I'm in a bit of a rush. Slept in this morning and need to get ready for church, but wanted to fill you in on my weekend. It was a hectic rush to get out of here Friday afternoon--I had work to do but wanted to get to Colorado and get a motel room so my son and I could swim. So, I got off my mower, ran my errands came home and threw some stuff in a bag and we headed out. But--no motel rooms in the near vicinity of our friend's home. I didn't want to spend a ton of money or be too far away. So, I had to go to the party kind of dirty, sweaty, stinky with no make up or nice clothes on. Since I left my cell phone in the shopping basket at the grocery store in Loveland, when I went back to retrieve it, I applied some makeup and tried to do something with my hair.

          Our host had offered hubby a spare bedroom, so we decided that would be fine, my son and I could go downstairs anytime. But, the party was a little boring at first, son and I almost went and found a room so we could swim. But we just kept wandering around and finding people we knew to talk to. The party was very mellow as my hubby predicted, most had left by 10 pm and the drunken ones (like hubby) were still fun. This party was thrown by our friend that was in that bad accident last summer and broke his back, leg and arm. He is better, but still in a wheelchair. He did this for his wife's 50th who has been by his side through all of this. Anyway, he doesn't drink anymore, and we had such a nice visit. That night and then the next morning. I left there feeling so very glad I went. To reconnect and be with old friends was amazing. And probably the best part was knowing I would feel great the next day and remember all conversations!

          My son and I wanted to do a little shopping, of course hubby was tired and probably hungover and def not in the mood, but we forced him and that was fun too.

          Well, I really need to get going, wishing you all a happy sober day.:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            sunday 18 July af daily

            Happy Sunday ABeroooos!

            had a fabulous morning, went out shooting with Dx (my wife for those that don't know) before it got too hot. Now it's hot and putzing about the house cleaning guns and working on this new computer getting it all set up for work.

            Bear, glad you are getting some've body is going through a LOT with double detoxing so just be mellow and hang in there. you're doing stellar.

            Chillgirl, Lavande, LVT you have a great time and a hidy-ho to all to come.

            be well
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              sunday 18 July af daily

              Afternoon fabbies!!!

              bear!! Great job on the week free of toxins!! Hope you get to feeling better soon and your mood lifts a bit. You can ride all that out - you'd feel SOOOO much worse if AL and fags were in the mix.

              I spent another morning in the woods with little doggie. I need to take my bike over there and do some exploring. The walk ended up being way too long for both of us. Curiosity about where a path may lead gets me every time. A little mountain biking adventure (it's flat) should give me a better idea of how the trails intertwine. Little doggie is happy to hop into the river at a couple low accessable spots. I would have liked to join her.

              I've been feeling some vague anxiety creeping up on me. I notice it in that I feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen (classic symptom for me). It's just slight but I don't want it to go anywhere which is why I headed to the woods.

              LVT, I am so glad you had a good visit and enjoyed the party. Colorado! I need to look at my globe.

              Now for some early dinner prep. That works better for me towards eating a good dinner at a reasonable time. Tonight is a blueberry and gorgonzola salad, baked haddock with mango sauce (see recipe section if you're interested) on bed of jasmine rice, corn on the cob, and steamed okra drizzled with balsamic vinegar. This was actually to be last's night dinner but I let it get too late and only had corn and okra as I started to fade....

              LVT the figs ... When you pick them off the tree and they look like they're too old, ready to drop off the tree by themselves.... that's when they taste better than a fig newton. If you pick them too early, they don't have as much flavor. Tough call when you're competing with the birds.

              Have a lovely AF evening all! How WAS there time for that drinking nonsense???
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                sunday 18 July af daily

                Hi-de-hi campers,

                Bear - call in sick if you're not well. Where I work there are so many freelancers (including me) who don't get paid if we don't work that people drag themselves in when they have all sorts of terrible lurgies. In winter it sounds like a hospital ward with all the coughing and sneezing, and I always wish people would stay away!

                LVT - glad you enjoyed the party after thinking you wouldn't. That's often the way isn't?

                Lav & Det - send a bit of that heat over here, please. Well, for a day or two - that's enough for me.

                Greenie - been out walking myself today with friends. Does wonders for everyone's mood to get out into the fresh air. I'm going hillwalking next weekend and am a bit dismayed that my feet are sore tonight after only about five miles. I'd better walk to work this week to toughen up a bit.
                Here's a little montage of where we went - check out the heron!

                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  sunday 18 July af daily

                  Fabbie Abbies!!!

                  Heron Shmeron Marshy. Check out the RASPBERRIES!!!!! Did you pick some? Are you going to join the Jamarama??? Seriously - looks like a fabulous walk.

                  Greenie Beanie. I think of you often when I'm in the garden. Specifically when I am picking the wonderful lovely green beans I get to have this year since the bunnies have...well...moved on some how some way. A couple years ago when one of our tress was down and visible from the main road, a guy came calling who said "I'll cut it up and remove it if I can have it..." A beautiful relationship was formed. (his house can be heated with gas, but it can also be heated with wood burning) He is here today and it was cool to go out to the garden and pick him a bag of miscellaneous garden stuff to take home. I'm starting to feel like my parents. Oh wait. Is that a good thing??? :H Back to Greenie....Wow that is quite a fancy dinner for one. Is there something you are not telling us???? :h (you better not be entertaining Johhny!)

                  Deter, I did not know that Dx was also a marksperson! That is cool!

                  LVT, so glad to hear that the party worked out good for you! I secretely loved the part about you dragging Mr. LVT off shopping with a hangover. Mr. Doggy would think that was sheer torture WITHOUT the hangover. How is your sister doing?

                  Lav, I have yet to try making those fruit leather thingys. So please please tell us how it turned out and any tips you have!

                  Hi Chilli!

                  Bear, congrats on 8 days AF! That is awesome. Try to take it easy - this illness will pass. And it will pass faster I suspect AL free. Thanks for getting us started today!

                  A tree was taken down in the yard today as you can probably tell from the previous comments. A tree near the house was starting to die and lean. So our friend who collects wood came over. Also one of Mr. Doggy's brothers and two of his yard slaves oops I mean sons came too. The boys were a big help and they love to drive the 4-wheeler. These two are willing to work in exchange for that. Mr. D's other brother with yard slave age kids would NEVER dream of working in order to get something they want! :H I tried to mainly stay in the AC today.

                  I went to Walmart and found two pairs of LONG jeans in my size that actually fit. And they were on sale fo $14 each. Too good to be true so I have put them in the wash. We'll find out right away if they STAY fitting or not! :H AA was good today and life is good today. I think I will loaf and read this evening and gear up for a busy week ahead.

                  And you know what? There will be no drinking for this girl today!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    sunday 18 July af daily

                    Those are rasberries? I thought they were blackberries. I didn't know rassies got that big! I think I have only seen them in the store - not in nature.

                    Yep, dinner for one. Because I'm SO worth the effort! The salad dressing calls for raspberry vinegar & I'll let you know if it's any good.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      sunday 18 July af daily

                      ok, I'm packed up and flying into Greeneyes for dinner. just say gorgonzola and I'm there. then you add the haddock.. etc etc well....yummo!
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        sunday 18 July af daily

                        Hmmmm maybe those are blackberries! Greenie, raspberry vinegar is my favorite and I can only find it in one grocery store in my general area these days. LOL, I went there today specifically to get raspberry vinegar and bought 4 bottles! :H

                        Deter, I think I will join you heading for Greenies!

                        Just read the thread about Bella.....

                        Not much we can do from an on-line position. Sad. I hope she's OK.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          sunday 18 July af daily

                          They're blackberries! It'll be at least a couple of weeks until they're ripe but there are loads on the bushes. And there are always loads of people out picking them too - you've gotta be quick!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

