I hope you all are having a fun weekend! Fall is such a beautiful season. Lets all try to get outside(weather permiting) and soak up the sights and smells of this season!
I have many happy memories of trick or treating as a child. Going door to door as night falls and the wind in the trees blowing leaves all around. The streets were safer back then!
Also this time of year is when we start to take a "thankfullness" inventory!
I have so many blessing in my life.
A 40+ year marriage to my childhood sweetheart.
Three grown and productive children
Four grandchildren
Our health.
Our home.
My faith in a loving God.
And you dear friends here at MWO.
I could go on for hours but Me thinks you would nod off!

So go "play" some and enjoy living and being sober! I am!
:h Nancy & Belle