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AF Daily - Thursday July 22

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    AF Daily - Thursday July 22

    Hello there,

    Well I'm so busy that at the moment there's nothing to do except type on the computer! Sort of thing where I can't do anything but be present. Long story.

    I'm feeling at risk today. Honestly. Too many things going on. I think if I could have I drink I would have one. But I won't be alone all day or near drinks so it's not possible but if I am bare boned honest that's how I feel. I suppose this is normal, right? All part of the process? Just hang in there? All I can say is BLEH! Stinking thinking!

    There are so many benefits I am having related to being AF. Why would I want to jeopardize that? How stupid could I be? C'mon get myself together. Stop this thinking. Think it through. If I drink, what will happen?

    OK I'm not gonna do it but I wanted to write about it honestly. Back to my diet coke. I think I might eat a lot today.

    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Thursday July 22

    Ab fabbers!

    Gaia, got any stress-busting techniques you know work for you that you can bring into operation? Stress was always a big trigger for me. One of the ways I got into the habit of all-day Saturday drinking was by getting up, cracking open wine/beer and sitting and the reviewing the work I'd done during the week. Good or bad, I still drank (so it was all about the drink rather than the stress, but that was the excuse). Nuts!
    It's made a big difference to my stress levels leaving my old job and now being freelance (and not drinking of course). I'm much more relaxed now.
    And positively chilled today as it's my last day at work for a couple of weeks. :yay:

    DG - short hair must be such a relief in the heat!

    Papmom - I tried your tongue curl. It takes some practice. I'm amazed you could concentrate on driving while you were doing it!

    Greenie & Lav - keep smiling

    Have a good day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Thursday July 22

      Hi Marshy,

      How's your mom today?

      DG it was funny reading about your haircut. You could offer to wear a wig, even in a different color for variety being the spice of life. What would Mr. Doggy do????

      Hope everyone is happy and well today!

      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Thursday July 22

        Hi Gaia,
        When I feel like that I treat myself to something nice to eat..It usually works for me. So glad you are not gonna cave in.
        Hi marshy
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          AF Daily - Thursday July 22

          Hi Rebirth,

          Nope not gonna cave. Not possible.

          Thinking about the absurdities of life...
          AF since May 6, 2010

          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


            AF Daily - Thursday July 22

            Morning abbers!

            Hi gaia and marshy & rebirth. I was wondering about your parents too, marshy. Are you going to visit after your walkarama?

            Gaia, good thing you can't have a drink. Because you know it wouldn't be just one. I AM eating a lot and I don't care at the moment. I'm not drinking and that's all that matters. I like to cook, I feel productive, creative, in control of the process, I like visible results, (honestly the edible aspect isn't as important although I am careful not get hungry) I need all the components of cooking right now. That and exercise.

            DG, short hair!! Oh boy, here comes the ear :bling!! You showed an interest in the jewelery making group and now have short hair....... it is inevitable! And just in time for the fall craft shows!! $$$ Pair that up with MK and you WILL have that pink Mercedes SUV!

            FH is in the hospital. I didn't go last night because the phone in his room doesn't ring or something and I didn't think he was there. Some sort of wicked insect (hopefully not brown recluse spider) bite and they need to cut away the necrotic tissue.

            Plumber comes today. :bigwink:

            Have a super FH day!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Thursday July 22

              Hi Greeneyes where do you live? I am intrigued by this wicked insect...I also eat and exercise to keep any cravings at bay.Still not working though. Getting a fat bottom slowly but surely. Oh well. At least I havnt upset anyone, fallen over, lost my money, burnt myself while cooking, damaged my liver and generally made an ass of myself while getting a big bottom.

              Wow Gaia. Just noticed you are nearly three months old! Thats astonishing.
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                Southeast USA, rebirth.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                  Good Morning All,

                  Gaia...thinking of you. Those stinkin drinkin thinkin episodes and fewer and far between as you get further along in your sobriety. When I was early into being AF, I found they were more likely too surface when I was feeling bored, angry, lonely, or resentful. I think it is good to reflect on what might be triggering it. Staying busy helps. And, check the toolbox in this section.

                  Marshy, How is your mom doing? How are you?

                  Greenie, lucky for you that eating AND exercise go hand-in-hand.

                  DG, a haircut? I'm need to go back and read yesterday's thread.

                  Hi Rebirth

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                    DG-must be the season for chopping hair off!! I did it 2 weeks ago-got a perm to go with it and I love it!! No more hairdryer in 90+ heat! Everyone loves it. Last time I had short hair it was straight and I looked very manly (I thought). Couldn't style it to save my life. That was about 7 years ago. I think I'm keeping this and will be getting an even tighter perm next time. Before you know it I'll have silver hair and tight short curls and will have a standing weekly appointment for a wash and set. OMG!! NOOOOOOO! Oh, I'm also thinking of getting the gel nails. WTF is happening to me? What have you guys done with PM3???? And yes, Greenie, with short hair goes serious ear bling!!
                    Tossed and turned all nite. Going in late today. Almost coudn't get out of bed. what is going on????
                    Gaia-you stay strong girl!! Just think it all the way through. from buying the bottel to the next morning. And do the special breathing!!
                    Marshy-hope your folks are holding their own.
                    Lav-I say bonfire. We had a tornado warning for my city yesterday around 5pm. I was watching it on the computer totally helpless to do anything for my kids. I finally called my neighbor who has a key and she rounded all 5 up and threw them in the basement. I prayed like heck that Koby wouldn't bite her-she's never met him. It all turned out OK and the suspicious cell disappated before actually reaching the neighborhood. But the lightening as I flew home was super intense!!
                    Greenie-Did you really mean to say have an FH day? I do hope it's nothing fatal for him. Probably recluse if they're cutting away tissue don't you think?
                    I'm saying it with you DG-NO AL FOR THIS GIRL TODAY!!
                    OK, really gotta run.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                      Morning Abbers,

                      Gaia, do whatever you have to do to distract yourself! I find if I do too much thinking my stress just keeps growing. Immerse yourself in something pleasant, be kind to yourself.

                      Marshy, hope you are well! Enjoy your time off - Yay!!!

                      rebirth, I'm one of those people that didn't lose a single pound when I quit drinking. I assume I replaced the exact number of AL calories with food. Worse yet is I gained 13 pounds last year when I quit about a growing bottom!!

                      Greenie, I remember taking care of a few patients up this way with spider bites. One woman was bitten by some spider that came out of a bale of hay on a hay ride. The hay had been imported from South America, I don't remember what kind of spider it was. She did OK though, had the wound surgically cleanned up & was on IV antibiotics for a few days. Hope FH has found a decent plastic surgeon.

                      Greetings M3!

                      A tornado up your way PM3? Yikes, those are frightening! We get warnings all the time around here. I take my dogs & necessitites & hide in the back portion of my basement. Who needs that excitement, huh?

                      Time to get some work done then out to meet friends for lunch
                      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                        Hello friends

                        I didn't sleep well last night either--leaves me tired and unmotivated-ugh!

                        Gaia--sorry you're feeling like caving. Sounds like you will stand strong, but I'm like the others and have to advise: remember H.A.L.T.and I would add S. Hungry, angry, lonely, tired and STRESSED. It is amazing that after almost 2 years I rarely have the desire to drink, but when I do--I head for the ice cream store, or grab some licorice or get a nice big cold diet pepsi. Breathing, meditating, exercising. All great tools. This too shall pass.:l

                        PM--I feel for ya in the tornado situation! We have had our fair share of those scares this year and in the past. It is a terrible feeling to be away from family with this going on! This spring we had a major rainstorm which caused flooding and my kids were home alone. They are older, so I wasn't too worried, but a few years ago, once again I found myself caught in town and there was a tornado and damaging hail and wind. I am so glad we have a good basement shelter. They know to go down there and just watch a movie!

                        I had a church meeting last night and got home fairly late--just in time to hear my dh chewing out my youngest son for leaving his drinking glasses on the furniture. My oldest son had a friend over and I could tell he was kinda embarressed. He told me dad had had a few. I said few what? He said 4-5 beers, I saw him. More like 20. I sometimes worry about the example he is setting and the way he can be when he's had a few too many. I'm so glad I wised up when I did instead of going the other way and the kids having 2 drunk parents.

                        Better go. Another busy, hot day. :h
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                          Good day fabbie abbies!

                          LVT, I really admire you for getting sober with a very active drinking spouse in the house. That just seems like it would be so much more difficult but here you are setting a positive example for your kids and also sharing here, which I'm sure gives hope to others who are trying to stop drinking while others in the house are NOT stopping.

                          LVT, Lav and P3 - I agree it is very scary to be away from home and worried about the animals during weather warnings. I'm grateful for a sturdy basement shelter. There is a corner in our basement that we call the bomb shelter - it may have been designed with that in mind. even the ceiling is concrete. Glad you and the animals are OK P3!

                          Lav, I hope you have a fabulous time at lunch with your friends! I agree with you that on-line retail therapy can be just as...well...therapeutic as in-store retail therapy! Still haven't decided for sure if I'm going to the mall today. But one of my friends is having a Premiere Designs jewelry party tonight so there will definitely be some nw :bling in my near future!

                          P3, we could be twins with our hair stories! I too had short hair one other time in adult life and it was a "boy cut." I didn't learn how to style it or anything and it was definitely not an asset. And then the painful process of growing it out. I never appreciated the value of finding a good stylist and working WITH that person on my hair. That's one of the reasons I waited so long to get it cut. I really like the girl I work with now! Good for you on your short hair too! GEL NAILS ROCK!!! I'm glad everything worked out well with the neighbor and doggies. Hope there are no more storms in your near future!

                          M3, always good to see you. My experience with the crazy urges has been similar to yours - fewer and farther between with time.

                          Fabulous to see you again today rebirth! I love this part:
                          Oh well. At least I havnt upset anyone, fallen over, lost my money, burnt myself while cooking, damaged my liver and generally made an ass of myself while getting a big bottom.
                          Amen sister!!! As long as we focus on sobriety as #1, the rest of the stuff with come together in it's own good time.

                          Greenie, so kind of you to be visiting FH in the hospital. I hope the spider bite isn't too horrid! Those can be bad. I'll come help you eat all that good food if you want. no ear :bling yet. One of my ears broke through years ago. I had it sewn back together but not re-pierced. Clip ons drive me nuts. So unless I decide to resurrect pierced ears (2 of them :H) I will keep the wispy things that are currently covering up that oddity! I love my hair dresser! She thinks of everything!

                          Marshy, is the walkathon hillathon trip this coming weekend? Have you got all the necessary socks? I hope you have a great time! I still need to go back and look at the link.

                          Gaia, thank you for starting us off today. I think I know that feeling you are talking about when there is just too much going on. In the old days that would drive me to drink (a LOT) for sure. I am still learning how to get through nutty periods of time like that in a more peaceful way. I'm getting better at it, but haven't "masterd" it yet. One thing that helps me is to take it "one thing at a time" and "stay in today" just like with AL. This too shall pass, and drinking sure wouldn't make it better (which I know you know!) Keep soldiering on AF - you are doing GREAT.

                          Mr. Doggy came to bed last night but at some point moved to the basement. So the drama continues today. I am viewing this as a learning opportunity. I realize I have a lot of fear and insecurity going on. Being a man, I'm sure his dislike of my haircut is just that - dislike of my hair cut. Not dislike of me as a person or our marriage, etc. etc. What I am working to accept:

                          1. It's OK if he doesn't like everything about me.
                          2. *I* am the one making this issue bigger than it is - feeling insecure about things that I should not feel that way about. That is some misery I am bringing on myself. This is a pattern with me and this is a great opportunity to work on it. I actually caught myself thinking last night "oh no! we're about to embark on a remodeling project! What if our marriage is doomed!" That is silly thinking and certainly not Mr. Doggy's problem.

                          AA really helps me sort this crap out.


                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                            Good morning all. I was just reading all the posts. Sounds like everyone has a busy day lined up. DG don't worry about hubby's attitude toward your hair. If you like it that's the most important thing and he should be OK with that. My ex was always very critical of how I looked and acted. It's very demeaning. The person you are inside should be the most important thing. :l Keep telling yourself that!
                            I went to the Humane shelter yesterday and had orientation with about 25 other people in a small room with little A/C. The temp outside was about 96 degrees! Took me an hour to recover. I don't do well with heat. But I'm going back first thing in the AM to walk some dogs before it reaches the predicted high of 98! It's humidity hell here in the southeast.
                            Anyway, no alcohol for me last night! That was the 4th day AF. It feels really good. Drinking makes you feel very guilty.
                            Had a long talk with my therapist the other day about addictive personalities and how it can be learned in childhood. I tend to go overboard on anything that tastes good! So eating has helped me not drink too but I'm trying to keep an eye on that as well, since I don't want to be any bigger!
                            I checked out the SamE online last night and one doc in a forum said don't use it with ADs without checking with your doc. I had already taken 200mg. I didn't have any side effects except didn't sleep very well. I'm going to try it in very low doses and if any sx will stop.
                            Cheers to all and have a fabulous and cool day!
                            AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                              AF Daily - Thursday July 22

                              Doggygirl;917483 wrote:

                              Mr. Doggy came to bed last night but at some point moved to the basement.
                              Wow, he really doesn't like the haircut. :H

                              Or how about this? The first thing that occured to me (and I might be totally wrong, of course) is that he's
                              feeling insecure. DG, you've given up drinking, lost a lot of weight, are getting out and about, meeting lots of people and making new friends, and getting fabulous new hair and nails. I wonder if he feels threatened (ie, thinks you might meet someone else) or feels left out of your new life? Just a thought...

                              Mum is still waiting for a lung biopsy. She's had a breast biopsy ("painful") and is waiting for results of that. Waiting, waiting, waiting. I've spoken to so many people who have friends/relatives with cancer since she was diagnosed and they all say there's this intial period of testing and waiting which seems to go on for ages. But she's still in good spirits (pottering about in the garden in the sunshine and weeding when I last spoke to her), and I'll be going to see them after my hillwalking next week.
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

