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AF Daily - Friday 7/23

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    AF Daily - Friday 7/23

    You know, I think you guys have been holding out on me. For so long now I come on hear and vent and complain and whine and you listen and advise and have this upbeat attitude. Now, almost everyone seems to be having some issues! :thanks: :H:H

    DG- I am glad you and Mr DG talked. My hubby and I haven't learned how to do that yet. When Mr LVT and I first started dating I had recently cut my hair. I grew it long again for him, and have never cut it past shoulder length again. He also didn't like fat girls, so I lost weight for him. He has mellowed over the years in that respect, but I'll be secretly he can relate to Mr DG. Men!

    Aunti--sorry, but the thought of your adult daughter stealing TP from your house made me :H!

    I'm getting ready for 4-H fair. I am one of the shooting sports leaders and I'm having to deal with some issues I'd rather not have to. Why do people have to be so effing righteous?

    Terry has been in the hospital again for over 2 weeks. They did reconnect her colon, but left the ostomy. Her hip is so painful she cannot walk hardly at all, therefore cannot build up her strength. My brother in law needs to go back to work and I'm feeling bad I can't be there right now. They will hopefully be able to close the ostomy in 3-6 months and when she recovers from that hopefully she can get a new-pain free hip. I feel so bad for her! Prayers for strength and healing would be wonderful!

    One thing is for sure though...............
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Friday 7/23



        AF Daily - Friday 7/23

        LVT, stealing toilet paper is funny! I was laughing myself but didn't let her see it! How ridiculous!
        AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


          AF Daily - Friday 7/23

          momof3;918362 wrote: Hey DG,

          I bet that if you have sex with him, all will be well in his world!!
          Things are well in his world. He now knows what he has been missing by overlooking the short haired ones. :H

          I'm glad Auntie that you can :H with us and find the humor in the TP story! The base problem will get worked out in due time I'm sure.

          LVT, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. What a catch 22 needed to build strength, and not being able to walk in order to do that. I hope you can get there to spend time with her soon. Hope everything works out with the 4H shooting stuff. I'm guessing the problems are with the parents and not the kids?

          Pamina, glad you are sublime!!!

          Greenie, I'm so sorry you are so tired and frustrated. When I was thinking I would have to move out by Monday (:H) I was thinking "town house." But "yard boy" would also be good. Listen to our Lav!!!!

          Hi Lav. I hope your shopping trip with EB was...well....not like that video.

          I'm thinking of lasik surgery as I'm fed up with my ever deteriorating vision and now constant need to wear glasses. I have astigmatism so contacts are out. Cost wise, skipping a few new glass sets (I always get one pair regular and one pair sunglasses) should cover it. Anyone here had it done? Any advice? Pros and cons? Better eye sight would help in my jewelry making aspirations.

          Next it will be a face wait and see.

          P3, I was almost crying with you reading about your frustrating morning and climbing the fence! I hope your day got better and that you are having a nice evening with Devil Dog and crew. And that you have a great weekend. What are your plans? Relaxing by the pond?

          Slowly I am catching up. Between naps.

          Greenie, see you in the morning for FigFest. I need a snazzier bathrobe if I'm going to start hanging out with YOU.

          One thing is for sure...

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Friday 7/23

            Wow everyone!! What a day huh??? Rivals any soap opera I've ever seen!!

            Deadly spider bites ex hubby who wants a hair cut AND to recuperate at ex wife's house. Ex wife doesn't know how she's going to keep the CYB under wraps if she lets FH move in. Doggie Boy takes offense at Doggie Girl's new haircut and the tension can be cut with a knife until super serious conversation is had that predictably ends with ...... and love is reborn. Adult daughter steals TP for new GF while Mom plays with shelter dogs. A beautiful minded colleague makes play for sublime Pamina. The Housewives of 4H flaunt their righteous opinions and PO our LVT who doesn't need their attitude during this tough time in her family's life. Marshy takes off for hills unknown while her new love interest waits impatiently for her return. PM3 is forced to climb fences when locked out of her house.
            Is eye surgery in DG's future?
            Will the locks get fixed on PM3's door?
            Will the heat ever go away?
            Will the veggies rot?

            Tune in tomorrow for the answers to these and more on..... As the Fabbers Turn.
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Friday 7/23

              Wow everyone!! What a day huh??? Rivals any soap opera I've ever seen!!

              Deadly spider bites ex hubby who wants a hair cut AND to recuperate at ex wife's house. Ex wife doesn't know how she's going to keep the CYB under wraps if she lets FH move in. Doggie Boy takes offense at Doggie Girl's new haircut and the tension can be cut with a knife until super serious conversation is had that predictably ends with ...... and love is reborn. Adult daughter steals TP for new GF while Mom plays with shelter dogs. A beautiful minded colleague makes play for sublime Pamina. The Housewives of 4H flaunt their righteous opinions and PO our LVT who doesn't need their attitude during this tough time in her family's life. Marshy takes off for hills unknown while her new love interest waits impatiently for her return. PM3 is forced to climb fences when locked out of her house.
              Is eye surgery in DG's future?
              Will the locks get fixed on PM3's door?
              Will the heat ever go away?
              Will the veggies rot?

              Tune in tomorrow for the answers to these and more on..... As the Fabbers Turn.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Friday 7/23

                Hey everyone, I figured out how to link to a video!! I hope this is OK to do. I just thought after all my talk about agility trials you might like to see what actually goes on!

                If you click on the picture, it will take you to Photobucket where I've uploaded the video of our agility run this past Sunday. Wish it had been of the one where we actually placed but beggers can't be choosers and my friend had left by that time.

                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  AF Daily - Friday 7/23

                  Wow, pap--thanks for sharing that cool video. I always thought those agility trials looked like good exercise for dog and master.

                  Thanks for the good :H:H:H on the soap opera. I've been trying to convince Greenie to write her own soap, but it really could be quite interesting with all of us af'ers as characters!

                  Too Funny!

                  DG--if you do the lasix, make sure you ask mr dg's permission. I've lots of friends that have had this done and really like it for near-sightedness. Some still need reading glasses though.
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF Daily - Friday 7/23

                    This is the funniest AF Daily post EVAH!!! :H:H:H

                    papmom3;918464 wrote: Wow everyone!! What a day huh??? Rivals any soap opera I've ever seen!!

                    Deadly spider bites ex hubby who wants a hair cut AND to recuperate at ex wife's house. Ex wife doesn't know how she's going to keep the CYB under wraps if she lets FH move in. Doggie Boy takes offense at Doggie Girl's new haircut and the tension can be cut with a knife until super serious conversation is had that predictably ends with ...... and love is reborn. Adult daughter steals TP for new GF while Mom plays with shelter dogs. A beautiful minded colleague makes play for sublime Pamina. The Housewives of 4H flaunt their righteous opinions and PO our LVT who doesn't need their attitude during this tough time in her family's life. Marshy takes off for hills unknown while her new love interest waits impatiently for her return. PM3 is forced to climb fences when locked out of her house.
                    Is eye surgery in DG's future?
                    Will the locks get fixed on PM3's door?
                    Will the heat ever go away?
                    Will the veggies rot?

                    Tune in tomorrow for the answers to these and more on..... As the Fabbers Turn.
                    Thanks for sharing the agility video! Wow! That was Devil Dog, right? Looks like he was having fun! (is a "he" right?) You are really skilled at this thing! I have always thought agility would be fun. Maybe someday when it's time for another dog around here. Which will be a while.

                    LVT - :H at your post too! (I discussed the lasik possibility with Mr. D shortly after _______ and he was very supportive :H)

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Friday 7/23

                      Geez, Papmom, now I feel inadequate! We had a boring and conventional Friday. I need to stir up a little drama around chez Pride so I feel like I'm contributing. Asking the kids to clean should do it.
                      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                        AF Daily - Friday 7/23

                        Hi DG-Timing is everything :H :H :H . Can't wait to see what you do to get him to agree to the FL!!
                        Yes that was Devil Dog-not his real name of course but fits in personality and appearance (think Hostess Devil Dogs :H ). Everyone tells me he has a blast when he's running so it must be true. I think I look like a dork running around the ring but that's my low self esteem talking. Maybe when I lose 40 lbs I'll change my mind. I wonder when I'm going to get serious about that????
                        Lav-we have a new taping of As the Fabbers turn today so let us know how the shopping trip went!!
                        Pride-no need to feel inadequate-normalcy and no drama will be a welcome change for today!!
                        Hot Hot Hot!! Taking Prancy's suggestion and NOT mowing the lawn today. My CYB (aka Nephew) will be back on Tuesday and after a week of camping will need the $$. I'll just have to keep a lead on LM so I don't lose him in the high grass . I think I'll work on my budget and finish my Dream Weaver lessons today and also go shopping for healthy fare. Tomorrow may be a BBQ at my sisters with some pooltime if the storms stay away.
                        Have a fabby day everyone. I'll be around.
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!

