I am also looking for anyone who has had lasik eye surgery to tell me about your experience and any words of wisdom.
My refrigerator overfloweth with cucumbers (and zukes too, but that's another story!). My Mrs. Wage's pickle mixes arrived yesterday. So guess what is on the agenda this weekend? If I'm smart, I will kick off my veggie management by slicing up those zukes and sticking them in the dehydrator.
I totally love how fast I can get ready to greet the world in the AM!!! Amazing!!! I heart my short hair. Can't believe I had so much time for reading and posting here AND still have time for breakfast before I go to AA! Then I'm going to Curves then to the farmers market mainly for fruit and then tackling my home grown veggies. I'm grateful to be sober and unhung today!
One thing is for sure....... there will be no drinking AL for THIS Doggygirl today.
I hope life is improving on all fronts for everyone As The AF Daily Turns.