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July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

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    July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

    First day of year four since I found MWO and began to change my life. On July 23, 2007 I found this site during a time when I truly needed it. I just wanted to post this thread for anyone who might be contemplating a 30 day AF goal and lend my voice to tell you yes you can do it. And, yes it very well may change the direction of your life. I know it has mine.

    I wont rehash what so many here already know nor do I need to tell anybody the benefits of long term sobriety--we all know that. I just wanted to offer these words especially to those who might be starting out. I was truly terrified by the prospect of 30 days AF 3 years ago and from the perspective of now, I am not sure why. But the 30 days can lead to more and the more can become years...let it happen it is worth it.

    So as I begin year 4 AF I am better for having found MWO and grateful for the friends I made here when I really needed it. And, especially for the posts of others who gave me motivation. I always like the analogy of the trail. Some of us are further along than others, but we are on all the same trail. I follow the example of others I met here and I hope I can be of hope to someone who is considering taking that first step. Join in!

    See you on the trail,


    July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

    Congratulations on 3 years AF, July!!!!! I too was so intimidated by the idea of 30 days when I came, I never thought in a million years I could do it. Thanks so much for sharing your success, and reminding us all that it starts with one, two, three, and then on to 30 and beyond. It's so important to see longer term folks such as yourself, even just dropping in. It brightened my day - so thanks! Have a wonderful day! :h
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009


      July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

      July, Thank you for your oh so positive message of hope and success! And congratulations on your achievement!



        July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

        Congratulations July!
        Its so wonderful to hear from long termers
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

          July!!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo: Congratulations on 3 years and thank you so much for your message of hope as you begin your 4th sober year! I am so glad you came back to post and it sounds like the sober life continues to treat you well. So happy to hear that! Good to see you on the trail!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            July 23, 2007-30 days AF and what can happen

            DG, Good to see you too! You are one of the early motivators that I was speaking of--keep at it!


