I have re-played it and I was rationalising why I could drink (others were, I can just have one others were lapsing etc etc)
It's all BS - I AM going to avoid situations where these triggers come up for a month - staying in with DVDs - meet friends for food - coffee - hang out with others who also don't want to drink.
We have another gig we are putting on in 4 weeks - I can't get out of this
I will drive so I have no choice,
I will take nicotine inhalator,
I will write cards with reasons why I don't do either anymore,
I will go home as soon as bands finish.
Playing bout later today at 6 - I feel ok bit tired (bed at 3am) BUT there is time for more sleep and good food and rest.
I feel frustrated and angry with myself but I need to be positive - I must break these associations- not be in the situations for a while(exactly what you have all been telling me)
I need to help myself - and put myself first - no one can do it for me.