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sun 25 July af

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    sun 25 July af

    Hello friends.

    It looks like I am going to have to make vacation plans to the east and then south so I can come get some produce and figs. What is a fig? Fruit I guess, huh? I can relate DG about the canning. I never got to cook/eat some of the garden stuff because I didn't have time. It looks like my beans won't do to well this year, more weeds than beans.

    Had our 4-H shooting sports competition today. I put a ton of time into preparing a schedule for the events and it did pay off--we got done about 1.5 hours earlier than usual! Plus we had more kids than usual. I am also proud of both my sons that got Grand Champion in their divisions! I guess it pays to be the kids of a leader that makes you go to practice so much! It was a very close competition, and you have no idea how happy I am it's OVER!
    I was thinking (and cringing) about how 3 years ago we took our camper out to the fairgrounds and I was drinking and smoking before the event was over. I wasn't the only one, but it was wrong, very wrong. UGH! That kinda stuff just makes me feel so weird! So many people that I have talked to about my drinking problem had no idea I had a problem. I guess because I was a quiet drunk, but still....

    Oh. And what are we going to do with greenie? First a Queen and now a giant??? A giant fig queen????

    I know one thing for sure was an ice cream cone and a soda today!
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      sun 25 July af

      LVT - congrats to your sons! That is awesome! I bet you are glad it's all over now. Well, until next year. Right?

      I can totally relate to that hiding in the camper drinking before the event was over. I was always trying to drink before it was appropriate to drink at all kinds of events. The camper thing in particular made me think of the dog events - we got the camper to GO to dog events. One of the things I loved the most about having a camper there was the ability to go sneak drinks. I behaved as though it was all "OK" as long as "nobody knew." Truth is, that behavior was rotting my soul. Didn't matter who else knew or didn't know. *I* knew.

      I'm so glad I don't have to run around with that rotting soul sickness any more.

      One thing is for cream and soda sure sound good! I have diet A&W as a treat in the fridge. And some low fat, toxin filled vanilla ice cream. Sounds like something tasty in the making...... there will be no AL for THIS doggygirl today!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        sun 25 July af

        Doggygirl;919716 wrote: I'm so glad I don't have to run around with that rotting soul sickness any more.
        AMEN SISTA!!

        Great big congrats to you and your boys, LVT!!

        Dessert for me was almond dream vanilla ice cream (coupon) smothered in fresh blueberries. By candlelight. Really. I do that. You should give it a try, Lavie.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          sun 25 July af

          Greenie-I am just a tad bit jealous of the environment you get to walk your doggie in!! I think one of the reasons I'm so unmotivated in the mornings is my neighborhood is so boring and full of concrete. It takes a good 10 min to get to the Rail Trail and of course 40 min to walk up and back and then 10 min back home. Not sure I want to be in that much of a secluded area that early in the morning anyway, never mind the amount of time it would take would be too long. I can't get to work on time as it is!!
          God, I can't wait until the time is right for me to sell this house and get the Freak out of Dodge!!

          LVT-wow! what a great accomplishment for your sons!! And You for pulling off the event and getting done so early!! You Rock!!

          Uni-Great Job!! Keep up the good work and I hope a spot opens in Rehab very soon for you.

          Auntie-congrats on Day 7!! Listen to DG and get your plan in place for this week's adventure.

          OK, gotta feed the furkids and get to bed somewhat early so I can TRY to get out and walking tomorrow.

          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            sun 25 July af

            lots of reading and thinking to do today - working on a more decent plan.
            I appreciate the time you have all put into replying and arse kicking,challenging my half committed approach - it's what is called for.
            one day at a time

