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July Jamboree ~ Week 4

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 4

    Good morning Jammers,
    Another cool morning here. I'll send you some cool air Chill!
    Rustop, that is so great that your daughter has dual citizenship! Did they have to travel to US to get that done?
    Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      July Jamboree ~ Week 4

      Good Morning Everyone,

      Rustop-congratulations on your daughter's dual citizenship. She must be really excited.
      Dill-Good to see you!

      Last night I got an invitation to go out to dinner with good friends. I was AF and they drank moderately. They didn't even inquire as to why I was drinking club soda and lime. That was a relief and we had a lovely time.

      Thanks everyone for your support yesterday. I really appreciated it.


        July Jamboree ~ Week 4

        Morning all!

        Cool & dry here so far, nice

        I'm waiting to see what happens today. I issued a written challenge to Mr Lav this week telling him to be prepared to answer some important questions today. If not, he is to stay out of the house & away from me. This current emotional beating has been going on for 4 months now & I'm damn sick of it!

        I'll let you know how it plays out.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          July Jamboree ~ Week 4

          Hi everyone

          Good for you Lav, it's not fair on you and you are right to stand up for yourself, you sound strong, sending you lots of positive vibes.

          Glad you enjoyed your lunch Rusty. Most normal drinkers dont even think about drink or lack of it or notice what people are drinking. It is only those of us with a problem that obsess about it.

          Yes Dill, hubby and daughter had to travel to US for the interview. It was a flying visit in and out but I am glad it is sorted. North America appeals to this daughter, we lived in Canada for 5 years and I think Ireland is too small for her. People here can be very narrow minded and begrudging at times. She is very bright and individualistic and does not fit the mould so finds it difficult at times.

          Off to pack for my holiday. If I do not get to log on again, have a great week-end and catch up with you all next week.



            July Jamboree ~ Week 4

            Well done Lav, why should you be messed about any longer - hope he delivers the goods, if not it will be his loss.
            I've had a busy day, went to dance (zumba) class and then did some shopping. Had a late lunch and am really feeling quite tired now!
            I hope everyone has a really good weekend - I'll be back later to check up on you all
            local agricultural show tomorrow, should be fun!
            Take care all
            love Sooty


              July Jamboree ~ Week 4

              Greetings. Last night I went to the home of the lightest of light drinkers, they might share between them a small extra light beer, and they serve their dinner wine in what I might refer to a ?thimble?. In the past when I was there I always had a drink beforehand and was squirrelly the whole night as I felt as though I must look like a rabid fox trying not to stare at the bottle on the table as I delicately sipped at my microscopic glass. Last night I had tea before and during dinner and I had the best time. I really like these people. Since coming here I have repeatedly loved having social time when I am free of the influence of alcohol which always is amusing in itself as one of the big ?reasons? for my drinking was my ?social phobia?. God what a bozo. See you all tomorrow for our new month, and have a grand time in India, Rebirth. Dill and Redstar, I recall reading the Shell Seekers when it first came out which I think is at least twenty years ago. I have no clear memory of it so I put it on my library list. I am very intrigued. Hope you have some peace in your heart tonight, dear Lav, this is such a hard time. See you tomorrow or whenever you pop back Shelley and Cyn. Enjoy rediscovering your healthy vitality, Rusty, you are going to love how good you feel and I agree with everybody that you have a such a unique and valued voice here. I hope you are sleeping Sooty and take us away on the bus tomorrow, sweet Buddy. Can't wait to hear your observations on the wedding and everything else, Chill. You too Rustop in your emerald land of woolly ponies and new US citizens. Love, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                July Jamboree ~ Week 4

                LBH - I think we were all bozos at one time or another

                Well, Lav is well on her way to being forever alone!
                I got (some) answers finally from my weenie of a spouse today. When he left 4 months ago he left me to believe that he needed time to get his head together, etc. Turns out he never planned on returning!
                He flat out refuses to admit that his thinking is flawed (always has been). He is not even willing to try to drop his negativity & adopt a healthier way to think.

                I told him that he will be sorry but it's his choice! It is not OK for him to continue to come in here & pee on my parade!!!!! He can just stay away.

                I have a terrible headache, God knows what my blood pressure is (I'm not checking it tonight).
                I just need to settle down first then start to make my plan. In the meantime I have already started some therapeutic packing of his stuff - I want it all out of my face asap.

                My future will be different than what we had planned but not necessarily bad. I'm not going to worry about all that right now.
                I will listen to my meditation CD, take my herbals & hope for some sleep tonight.

                See everyone in August
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 4

                  Lav, I am really thinking of you. Your future won't indeed be what you anticipated but it can be sweet and strong and new. Persisting in a relationship in which you are neither with nor without the other is a huge drain. People get quietly depleted and disappear. I like to think of you as free in all ways. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    July Jamboree ~ Week 4

                    Lav, my thoughts were with you yesterday. I am glad you finally have your answers. Good or bad, reality is something that can be dealt with once outed. You didn't deserve to be kept in limbo as you were, but it seems you were just caught up in the vortex swirling around Mr. L's misery. I am with LBH in thinking of you as "free in all ways". I hope we can bring you some comfort as you go through this period of change and adjustment.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 4

                      Lav-I can only echo what Dill and LBH said-my thoughts have been with you as well the last few days, and I'll be praying that his decision gives you closure so you can rebuild your life without him in it. So many people don't understand that you can be more alone in a loveless relationship than actually living by yourself and being single. The biggest adjustment probably will be filling the time that he took up. Fortunately, you can look forward to the birth of your daughter's baby. One relationship is ending and another one will be starting. Sending you peace, strength, and comfort.

                      Rustop-I hope your daughter enjoys North America. What state will she be living in?

                      Sooty-What was the agricultural show all about? Is that like what we have in the states. State Fairs?

                      Lav- thank you for your comforting words, as always. I am feeling better because I was honest with people here and that was liberating....and after 2 days of flogging myself, I was delighted when these friends of mine invited me out to dinner at their private club. I am relieved because I know I was blithering idiot the last time we went to dinner about a year ago.

                      LBH-You always have the kindest, most thoughtful things to say about people. You're such a blessing to this thread, and even though I don't know you, I bet you're a "the glass is always half-full" kind of person.

                      I have a laundry list of things on my to-do list today, but drinking isn't one of them. If I don't drink, I will accomplish all the tasks/fun things on my list and then I can be proud of myself.

                      Hello to Chill, Shelley, Star, Rebirth, Gaia, Cyn, and everyone else who comes along. Have a wonderful AF Day!

                      With love, friendship and AF the first day of August,


