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AF daily Wed 28 July

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    AF daily Wed 28 July

    Hi there all - where is the year going to!

    Queenie Greenie - yes I take multi vit,cod liver oil - plus prozac and contraceptive pill.
    May add more vit c (I eat my 4-5 of fruit and veg a day - usually mostly fruit).

    I think it's cos I haven't taken enough rest - work has been busy - I've worked through feeling ill and skated at weekends.

    Got to go and pick up a parcel later - new dress - exciting!
    That's my only plan - sofa - books - hypno CDs and chilling out.
    Another day off toorrow too me-thinks.

    Oh and no booze or cigarettes whatsoever - my friend last night connected how much she had drank the night before both of her fits (both times it happened she had had one and a half bottles of wine the day before).

    She looked worried but didn't seem to want to talk about it (still exhausted and a bit confused from the fit)I just said if she needs sober fun then I am about - explained it makes my dperession/anxiety worse so need to stop.
    Accidentally got really honest there - it felt really nice - there are people that I can be open with!

    I also had some phone counselling yesterday - we talked about my low self esteem and excessive need for approval/worry if I don't get it.
    It was very CBT based and helpful - I need to think alternative positive thoughts as soon as I think the negative one. Think about alternative conclusions as to why people may be acting how they are (not all about me!) - think about viewing situations as a third party observer - think about how I behave when I feel insecure and how that doesn't help(drink/smoking/become introverted/overeating).

    Talked about the situation re-manipulative/demanding person in my team and her behaviour towards me - how others may view it.
    I was too scared to make waves/challenge her in case she involved rest of team (she undoubtedly would have done) - fear of them turning against me.

    She made the point how would I view someone who was bad mouthing another team member. It was all really helpful stuff - we have another 3 sessions - I may actually pay for some CBT after this if I feel I still need it. I've had online CBT,bought books,but nothing beats face to face just talking to someone.

    Anyway huge post from me - nice to have the time to ramble - usually running on here trying not to be seen by OH.Good day all to come - I'll pop back and waffle!
    one day at a time

    AF daily Wed 28 July


    OMG, a sandwich post from bear!!! :H Thanks for sharing bear, you made some really good points! I love the uncovering of the value of honesty and face to face talking. Building those kind of relationships will take you far!! Bear when you feel those good feelings from those kinds of experiences, revel in them over and over - I think it strengthens the energy of it to draw more into your life.

    The movie I watched last night was EXCELLENT!! MirrorMask. It's movie with a Cirque du Soleil taste to it (in English) and the Jim Henson Company (The Muppets) is something - producer? animation team? It's a dream sequence about the merging of our good and evil sides (our shadow) which in itself is good, but the visuals are incredible. There are 3 characters filmed on blue screen and the rest is animation. One of the coolest movies I've seen. If you rent it, be sure and watch the section about how it's made. It was an enjoyable evening with a good friend, good dinner and good movie and no booze.

    She's getting rid of TV service. I have recently thought about it. But I do like some ETV programs and I wanna be Samantha Brown on the Travel Channel. I wonder if I could "put it on hold" for a month and see how I do.

    Could you offer up some healing energy for the younger brother of one of my best friends? Recent prostate cancer Dx. He is very discouraged because he's always wanted to get married and have a happily ever after family. I'm having trouble with white light visualization as he's attractive to me and well.... how DO you visualize prostate without, you know. :blush:

    Busy day today and one thing is for sure..........

    May your Hump Day be a delightful AF one!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF daily Wed 28 July

      Morning Abbers,

      Starting off on day 4 still AF, thank God! I wont be drinking today and am looking forward to hanging out here Friday night since that will be the hardest day for me this week.

      wishing everyone a great sober Wednesday!
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        AF daily Wed 28 July

        Bear - you sound strong in your resolve, I hope you feel better soon.

        Greenie - You shouldnt have mentioned that your friends brother was attractive as Im now visualizing him too! However I will make the vision a strong healthy one which should still do the trick.

        Mstall - You are doing just great! I will look out for you on Friday, if you are struggling try going into the chat room, I spent my 1st few AF Friday nights in there to help me through.

        We had a storm last night and I obviously hadnt closed the front door properly as when I got up today it was wide open! This gave me a fright until I realized the latch hadnt quite clicked when I last closed it. A flashback came to mind of the many mornings I discovered it open with the keys still in the lock, the contents of my handbag on the hall floor, lights still on and me usually missing my coat.... Thank God these days are over!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          AF daily Wed 28 July

          Morning All!1
          Good for you Bear taking some time for yourself. That is sooo key in recovery I think. and I bet you'll feel physically better too!! Sounds like you had a nice day with your friend and being able to open up to her should help both of you. I hope she feels better real soon!!

          Greenie-mega pings winging their way to your BFF's brother. It's tragic when cancer hits someone so young. I think prognosises are good these days with surgery-don't know about being able to have kids tho. Please keep us posted.

          Well I'm going in late to work today. had an incident with LM last nite that I wrote about in the Newbies Nest. Here is the story:

          Hi Everyone!! Let me tell you about MY nite!! Grab a sandwich LOL!!
          so I get home about 6pm and LM (aka Guinness) is not at the window barking his fool head off as usual when I come home. I know right away that something isn't right. Rush in and I find him on the bed surrounded by empty small bags of Trader Joe's almond snack packs. At least 3 are empty and 3 more are half empty. Between the 3 dogs they've had over 100 raw almonds and I'm guessing LM had most of them because he is a canine garbage disposal and VERY posessive of his finds. I'm a little concerned but decide to wait and see for a while. We head outside and I put on the hose for Devil Dog and relax with a magazine. When I've finished we head inside and I start making zucchini bread with the 5 lbder I picked this morning. LM doesn't seem any worse for wear but while the bread is baking I decide to google almonds and poisoning and get freaked out when one site said they were deadly. I call my vet who's still open even tho it's now 8pm. They refer me to Home Again poison hotline (free for members which we are) and they take a complete history. Then they tell me I need to make him vomit as they are concerned not about toxicity (almonds aren't poisonous) but the amount he may have ingested which was quite alot compared to how big he is (10 lbs) and they want to get as much up as possible. I give the treatment and now we have to walk around in circles outside for 15 min. If he doesn't vomit, I have to repeat. he doesn't get sick, I try to repeat the peroxide dose but he wants nothing to do with it. I try to force feed it to him but he spits it out. I then give him one more tsp and hold his mouth shut. We continue walking in circles. He's not happy, I'm getting eaten alive and we're both getting very tired. After 20 more minutes we go in and I call them back. They want me to give him one more tsp and mix it with milk. He won't touch it. I try pumpkin. Nope. Cat food. Nope. Ice Cream. Nope. Finally I syringe the damn stuff into him and continue walking him around the kitchen island for 30 more minutes. I look down and the cat is walking with us, around and around!! Funniest thing I've seen in a long time!! I call them back-it's almost 10pm by now- and they say to give it up. It's now 10:30, all I've had to eat is one ice cream sandwich and a bagel with butter. Had all these plans for a nice healthy pork chop and home grown zucchini dinner.
          All the dogs are fasting tonite and are out cold. I still have to feed the cats. Oh yes, the cats. How did LM get the almonds in the first place? The Cat did it!! Somehow he got into the cabinet over the counter, up onto the second shelf and knocked the whole big bag off onto the floor where LM promptly dragged it onto my bed and had a feast.
          So that's been my nite and I will say that despite it all, I am thrilled to be sober and able to do whatever I needed to to help my baby boy.
          Have a great nite all!!

          I was up all nite with him because he had to go at least once an hour. He still managed to sneak in a few "accidents" tho. Other than putting out mountains of almond poop he doesn't seem worse for wear but pancreatis can still set in so I'm coming home early as well.

          I'm a tired but sober girl today!! Catch you all later!!
          Oh and one thing is for sure.........!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF daily Wed 28 July

            Greetings Abbers,

            bear, if you stay as strong as you are today you'll do great! Hope you are feeling better very soon

            Greenie, that movie sounds interesting. Would it make me crazy if I watch it alone???
            I will include your friend in my prayers as well.

            Mstall, glad to see you back! Congrats on your 4 AF days - keep going

            Chill, I can relate to your description of finding a mess 'the morning after'. I'm so grateful that is all history now. That must have been a big storm you had last night - we've had quite a few around here this summer as well.

            Well, today is cleanup day. My grandson & his dogs had a great time staying here, I enjoyed having them. Now I need to get my house back in order!

            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Humpday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF daily Wed 28 July

              Cross post PM3 - wow, what a night you had!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF daily Wed 28 July

                Hi guys,

                Just checking in today - having a mommy daughter day so have to fly - just wanted to let you all know I'm still doing good - still positive, still sober. Going to a woman for sobriety meeting tonight. I'm looking forward to that!

                Love and hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF daily Wed 28 July

                  Lav, yes, you'd like it. The good and evil is just a format. It doesn't go "out there" on that theme or anything. I'm going to put it on my wish list.

                  papmom wow! Mine did that with halloween candy once. ugh.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF daily Wed 28 July

                    hidy ho cats and kitties!

                    just a quick checkin from my hotel room. been very busy with training, but can't complain...having some fun doing it too.

                    Uni, glad your ok hon.

                    be well everyone....will catch up hopefully this weekend.

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

