Queenie Greenie - yes I take multi vit,cod liver oil - plus prozac and contraceptive pill.
May add more vit c (I eat my 4-5 of fruit and veg a day - usually mostly fruit).
I think it's cos I haven't taken enough rest - work has been busy - I've worked through feeling ill and skated at weekends.
Got to go and pick up a parcel later - new dress - exciting!
That's my only plan - sofa - books - hypno CDs and chilling out.
Another day off toorrow too me-thinks.
Oh and no booze or cigarettes whatsoever - my friend last night connected how much she had drank the night before both of her fits (both times it happened she had had one and a half bottles of wine the day before).
She looked worried but didn't seem to want to talk about it (still exhausted and a bit confused from the fit)I just said if she needs sober fun then I am about - explained it makes my dperession/anxiety worse so need to stop.
Accidentally got really honest there - it felt really nice - there are people that I can be open with!
I also had some phone counselling yesterday - we talked about my low self esteem and excessive need for approval/worry if I don't get it.
It was very CBT based and helpful - I need to think alternative positive thoughts as soon as I think the negative one. Think about alternative conclusions as to why people may be acting how they are (not all about me!) - think about viewing situations as a third party observer - think about how I behave when I feel insecure and how that doesn't help(drink/smoking/become introverted/overeating).
Talked about the situation re-manipulative/demanding person in my team and her behaviour towards me - how others may view it.
I was too scared to make waves/challenge her in case she involved rest of team (she undoubtedly would have done) - fear of them turning against me.
She made the point how would I view someone who was bad mouthing another team member. It was all really helpful stuff - we have another 3 sessions - I may actually pay for some CBT after this if I feel I still need it. I've had online CBT,bought books,but nothing beats face to face just talking to someone.
Anyway huge post from me - nice to have the time to ramble - usually running on here trying not to be seen by OH.Good day all to come - I'll pop back and waffle!