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AF Daily - Sat 7/31

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    AF Daily - Sat 7/31

    Happy Saturday Abbers!!

    Gosh it's almost 7AM! Where did the day go? :H
    Seriously, gotta speed things up here. I want to hang the bikes today so as long as I'm in the garage, I want to slap some price tags on some stuff and stick it in the yard and hopefully pare down a bit that way. Not my dad's stuff; things that take up lots of room like coolers (the stack of coolers is bigger than my car :H) rugs, end table, bookshelf.....Maybe get some impulse buyers...

    Lav, I'll be thinking of you today as you navigate with Mr Lav. Do you know a grounding meditation? I have Colin's and I need to start doing it every AM - especially the rose meditation. I'm too prone to take on people's stuff lately and I don't like the way it feels.

    Offering up well wishes for Terry, Marshy's mom and their loved ones.

    Mr G.... I do like to read about the way you feel about your music and am waiting patiently........ (sound of tapping fingernails,

    Sun's up - gotta run, and one thing is for sure.........

    Have a happy AF day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Sat 7/31

    Hi Greenie and thanks for getting things going today! I get a daily message from Hazelden and today's seems to fit your theme to some degree. It's about dealing with problems and part of the message is about setting boundaries and not taking on other people's! A good message for me so will share in case someone else likes it too:

    Today's thought from Hazelden is:

    I ask that You might help me work through all my problems, to Your Glory and Honor.
    --Alcoholics Anonymous

    Many of us lived in situations where it wasn't okay to identify, have, or talk about problems. Denial became a way of life - our way of dealing with problems.

    In recovery, many of us still fear problems. We may spend more time reacting to a problem than we do to solving it. We miss the point; we miss the lesson; we miss the gift. Problems are a part of life. So are solutions.

    In recovery, we learn to focus on solving our problems. First, we make certain the problem is our problem. If it isn't, our problem is establishing boundaries. Then we seek the best solution. This may mean setting a goal, asking for help, gathering more information, taking an action, or letting go.

    Face and solve today's problems. Don't worry needlessly about tomorrow's problems, because when they appear, we'll have the resources necessary to solve them.

    God, help me face and solve my problems today. Help me do my part and let the rest go. I can learn to be a problem-solver.
    I was certainly not a problem solver when I was drinking. I was a procrastinator and a blamer and a whiner, but not much of a "solver" especially in the end. A BIG part of that message for me today is letting things go that either aren't mine or that I can't really do anything about.

    I join you in your healing message for Terry (LVT sister) and for Marshy's Mom and for Patty (retteacher daughter) and anyone else who needs a healing message for themselves or a loved one today!

    P3, I'm glad your fishies survived! :yougo: on the freecycle and sale stuff! Mr. Doggy loves freecycle. We've gotten some stuff and gotten rid of some stuff that way.

    Pamina...a singer, huh? Long hair? Fantasy guy? :h

    I met Mr. Doggy through an internet dating service. Most days, I think that is a good thing. :H My youngest brother also met his GF through an internet dating service. They have been dating now for years. (he won't live in or get married again until his son is up and out) They are a good match it seems. Greenie (and any other singles), what have you got to loose?

    We are getting close to getting the big in our 2nd floor remodeling project. It's going to be tight money wise. I think we will need to give up a few things we had hoped for. But it's stuff that really can wait (forever if necessary) like new modular furniture and storage for my office. My current furniture works just fine. I hope giving that up will be enough to make the project work financially. I'm getting excited about the 60's pink bathroom and yellow bathroom going bye bye. The gizmo that makes the water go from running out the tub faucet to running out the shower head broke in the master bathroom yesterday. I'm taking that as a sign that it's the right time for this project. :H

    OK. Off to Curves and hoping that the A/C is working now, but willing to :b&d: even if it's not. Been eating WAYYYYY off plan the last few days and it's time to get the eating and abbercizing back on track.

    Have a wonderful un-drunk un-hung day one and all.

    One thing is for sure...

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Sat 7/31

      Morning Greenie & DG,

      Thanks for remembering my situation today!
      I feel it is time to strengthen my boundaries & ass kick Mr Lav out of his eternal state of denial.
      I'll let you know the results later.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily - Sat 7/31

        Hi all,

        Just dropping in. Missed the past few days. Need to read and catch up.

        But, I know one thing for sure...
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Daily - Sat 7/31

          Quick hello from me from my camper at the lake. Dh got the leak fixed! Waiting for my coffee to perk then off to work for a bit and then the parade of champions at the fair. Thanks for the reminder to not take on others issues! I do have to remind myself of that a lot. And thanks for the healing vibes for Terry! Lav ill be thinking about you today. I hope your hubby is man enough to tell you exactly what he's up to and thinking. This is no way to be in a marriage! Oh, and sober camping rocks! I was able to go pick up my kids at a dance at 11 PM. I never let them go in the past because....well hey, it was Friday, my favorrite drinking night!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Sat 7/31

            Hey Lav,
            Thinking of you too! Hope it all goes better than you could ever imagine!!
            If not, we'll be here to :l:h:l you!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily - Sat 7/31

              Ab fabbers!

              I'm back from the mountains (small hills) with a ton of smelly socks. Had a good time, got a bit of a tan and even got propositioned by an extremely drunk woman at a party on the last night!

              Greenie & DG, thanks for the good wishes. You're both sweethearts. Mum's back in hospital having fluid drained off her lungs again, so she's not good but not too bad yet either and she's still chipper - at visiting time at hospital last night we were singing Victorian music hall songs.

              Good luck Lav! Hi to LVT, Papmom and those to follow.

              I'm zooming, just wanted to check in. Back later.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                Welcome back Marshy! Good to hear that your Mom in hanging in there with good spirits. :H on the drunk woman trying to pick you up. Makes me shudder to think of the things I did when single and drunk! Please wash those socks right away!

                Hi P3. Are the fish OK today?

                Hi Gaia.

                LVT, good for you camping by the lake! Sounds like fun. Glad the leak is fixed. Sober everything rocks. Even the bad stuff is better sober and dealt with than made infinitely worse by piling some AL garbage on top of a problem.

                Lav, I hope Mr. Lav is coming to his senses. Good for you insisting on some adult action or at least communication. :l I hope we don't have to go give him a haircut for bad behavior.

                Cukes are sliced and sitting in cold water for pickling tomorrow. Did I tell you guys about the melons I could not identify? Well, THEY ARE CUCUMBERS!!! :H I think they are some hybrid called lemon cukes or something like that. I remember buying something that "looked interesting." I'm a bit sad as I lost some viney plants out there and I think this means I will have no melons. Well, maybe watermelons but I haven't seen any fruit yet on those vines. They are over there vining all over the sweet potatoes and carrots.

                I found a cuke today hanging from a zuke leaf up off the ground. These viney things have really made my garden a mess! More learning for next year. Tomato canning is also on my agenda in the next few days. They are starting to come fast.

                Chill, I believe it was you who mentioned the One Breath at a Time book? (Buddhism and the 12 steps). I ordered that and it came today. I'm thinking back to Greenie saying that curling up with a book sounded good. I think so too!

                One thing is for sure...

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                  Hey DG-Fishies are fine today. Close call and definitely dealt with better sober!! I'll have to check and see if the library has the one breath at a time book. Your garden sounds big!! I wish I could have viney things!!

                  Welcome back Marshy!! Glad you had a good time and a short break from life. Sorry your mum's back in hospital. Sending pings your way that this is nothing but a minor setback.

                  LVT-hope the weather's good at the lake and that you're getting some downtime inbetween all the committments.

                  Almost time to get off work!! YEA!! Day off tomorrow!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                    Winding down this veggie day and wondering about Lav. :l

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                      Me too. Wonder if Mr got an arse kickin'. Lav, wanna come over for dinner & movie? don't tell marshy but I bought ice cream.

                      LVT, someone was smoking something today *food* and it reminded me of the smells from camping. I haven't been in 3 years and I felt sort of sad.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                        Argggghhh! I know this is really hypocritical but I HATE drunk people!!!! I've just spent an hour trying to get home. I was on a bus when a drunk woman threw up. The bus driver stopped and instead of just chucking her out he decided to get everybody off the bus in the middle of nowhere because the floor was soiled. I was still about 6 bus stops away from home so thought I'd wait for the next bus. Half an hour later the next bus still hadn't turned up so I started walking home. Now, an hour later, I'm home. All because some stranger had had too much to drink.

                        Well, at least it wasn't me.

                        Welcome back Marshy. Though I can't figure out where you are if you've been to see your mum in hospital up north. Glad to hear she's still chipper.

                        On the American singer, I wasn't clear enough. No no no no no, she's not a guy with long hair. She's female, and I'm not gay!!!! :H Greenie, I met her at a charity concert with coffee afterwards and got to chatting. We just get on, that's all.

                        I need to get to bed and calm myself down. Had a lovely meal with friends earlier, though, with my brand new restaurant discount card.

                        Sleep well, everybody.


                          AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                          Lav checking in.............

                          Greenie, if you don't mind.......I will now be changing Mr Lav's name to FH

                          I got the answers, finally got (some) of the truth out of him. He's not coming back, never planned to when he ran off 4 months ago!
                          So this is all you get for 37 years of love, compassion & devotion???!!!

                          I told him it's not OK to come in here & pee on my parade anymore - enough! Screw him!

                          I'll probably hire someone to help me figure out what to do next & I will. First I want to get rid of this headache, lower my blood pressure & be sure to stay focused on all the good things in my life.
                          I have already begun removing his things from my view & tossing them into his garage across the driveway (the same garage that he recently paid off that was supposed to be his 'special man room'). A lot of good that f---ing thing did for him

                          Thanks for thinking of me today everyone, I really appreciate your support. Both my daughter & DIL told me today that they don't believe it's possible for him to ever be happy. I agree

                          Marshy, hope your Mom is OK.

                          Pam, I'm so glad not to be the drunk woman anymore......I'm sure you are too!

                          Wishing everyone a peaceful night,
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                            Awww lav..... :l:l:l And there is plenty of good to focus on.

                            Erm, not that you asked, but you can get a hearing and get support right away because he left the marital home. Listen to your heart... aren't you glad you're sober and can hear it? :h
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Sat 7/31

                              Yeah Greenie,

                              I am grateful for my clear hearing.......
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

