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AF August - Week 1

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    AF August - Week 1

    Good morning all!

    Happy Humpday to one & all

    Sooty, I will continue to smudge this house until every last bit of negativity is gone!!!!

    Red(Star), sounds like you are going to need every bit of strength you can muster up! Dealing with all these situations with a clear head is a blessing. I know you will find a way to help your son find his path. Our kids are our kids forever & we always want to find a way to help them, don't we?

    Rusty, congrats on the job contract! My clients has disappeared one by one the last few years in this shitty economy. I will be busy for the forseeable future not so much doing embroidery & monogramming but canning fruit!!!!! There's only 2 peach trees out there but you should see how much fruit they produce, yikes!!!

    Spud, sorry about the back pain & sleeplessness, that sucks! Over here we have a product called Therma Wraps. You apply them directly to your back, they provide great pain relief. Can you get something like that? Whatever you do, just remember that AL will not help.

    Good morning Pride, paguy, Dill, LBH, Sped & everyone yet to check in.
    Wishing you a great AF Humpday

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF August - Week 1

      Happy Humpback Guys

      Star - When are you heading off for the road trip with your Son? It sounds like he suffers from lack of self believe which I can really relate to but there is a place in this world for all our talents its just a question of finding where...

      I woke up early this morning after a bad dream about a confronation with my ex over our finances and it completely unsettled me. I was venting to a dear friend who spend an hour with me on skype doing EFT and he said that dreams are to help us process issues. (I was thinking of you Lav and your recent dreams.) I had been feeling so calm about the situation so perhaps this tells me that im really not ok? I have an appointment tomorrow with a lawyer, something I hoped I'd never have to do, and I feel like a traitor to my ex who Im sure is also going through anxiety about the situation but I guess i have to look out for me.

      Yesterday's calendar affirmation was "I MAKE THE REST OF MY LIFE, THE BEST OF MY LIFE!" I need to repeat this a few times over today.....

      I hope everyone is having a good AF day
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        AF August - Week 1

        Hi Chill-

        I'm just taking a break from work here and wanted to tell you I know exactly how you feel about dreams being unsettling. Several years ago, I went through a series of job changes-one right after another-all ending miserably, and I left each job with incredible hostiility and bitterness. I had these recurring dreams of my previous employers and they lasted quite awhile after I left each position. My therapist at the time told me this is commonplace during times of conflict, like with you and your ex. I think you are wise to get a lawyer and absolutely look out for yourself because I know your ex isn't looking out for you. You're being practical, wise and AF. Good for you! Sending warm thoughts your way:l



          AF August - Week 1

          Hi Everyone,
          Quick lunch break.
          Chill, I agree with Rusty-it's all about you now because your ex certainly isn't looking out for your best interests at this point. I totally know how hard it is to be "selfish" and how natural it is to try to fix other people and help them out before you do anything for you. Don't do it!! It's not being selfish to put yourself first. You must do this. I will be thinking of you and sending strengthing pings over to Portugal.
          I had to catch up on 3 pages and lots of info and news!! I just want wish everyone a wonderful sober hump day and if there are troubles I wish for you that they are minor and if there are joys, they are huge!! Good luck with everything and thank you for being here and being so wise!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF August - Week 1

            Hi Papmom,

            Great to see you! You're coming up soon on 90 days AF! Good for you!


              AF August - Week 1

              Hello! Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything and especially today for the posts about dreams. I did not join in yesterday and spent the day in the oddest place emotionally; I was just furious, fuming, incendiary. I walked around like a bomb but fortunately didn’t go off with any drama for the world to see. I hate strong emotion. Last night I dreamed that I was going to blow up my house and myself with it with two devices that looked like big grenades. I decided against it at the very scary last minute and Lord Bird Heart saved the house by (get this) "soaking the bombs in alcohol...any kind would have worked [he said later], you just use whatever alcohol you find first”. Lord, I feel like a moron, you would think my unconscious would be more clever, disguise things a bit, use a symbol or two:H. I feel more myself today, all tucked neatly back in. This process can be so bizarre. Thank you for holding my marbles when I can't. Love, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                AF August - Week 1

                Wow, Ladybird, that WAS some dream....nightmare more like it....probably a reflection and summation of how you felt during the day? I know what you mean about having incendiary moods. I get the same way but I don't dream about it at night, too. Glad you're feeling better!

                What are you doing today? I am with nice clients, working. These people are very laid back and that's always nice.

                Hope your sleep tonight is more restful, and um, well, peaceful. Remember to soak the grenades before you go to bed!:H




                  AF August - Week 1

                  Having an easy day of it Rusty. Early, early gardening (it was still rather dark when I started), a strong water exercise workout, shopping at an enormous international grocery (I love wandering around through ?countries? in there) and now catching up on paperwork and cooking (I have to do as much as possible early as it is trigger late in the day). Very peaceful. I am glad your work is going well, it really is so important to us being the industrious little species we are. Hope you are in my dream this time. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    AF August - Week 1

                    More edgy and unsettling dreams for me last night, too, although I can't remember any of them clearly. I know there was wine and I was trying to a figure a way to get it, undetected, but that's all I can recall. My sleep for the past 3 nights has been fitful and I am hoping this isn't a new pattern for me.

                    I finished the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and truly enjoyed it. Oh how I could relate to the one character who was evacuating the island just befor the Germans arrived to occupy it (WWII) but turned back at the last moment to return to his employer's well-stocked wine cellar instead. Now there's alcholic thinking!!! The wine and cognac ran out long before the war did, poor fellow!

                    May we all enjoy a peaceful, AF evening. I am sure Lav's will be just peachy!!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      AF August - Week 1

                      Hi Dill,

                      I loved that book as well. It was so relaxing to read it on plane trips. We are all having a fitful nights of sleep, it seems. I tossed and turned all night, too, but I think my issue is ongoing hot flashes. I used to sleep like a log when I was on Ambien but my doctor refuses to prescribe it for me now :-(

                      Ladybird-you don't want to see me in your dreams. There isn't enough space in your brain.:H I know what you mean about the triggers late in the day....yup, those are tough. My brain thinks, "I deserve that wine after a long day at work."

                      Lav-Are you making peach cobbler or peach pie? I love peach cobbler, swimming in vanilla ice cream, of course. Oh no, I'm not obsessed with food. Wonder what I'll make for dinner?

                      I'm so glad that my client leaves the room quite a bit so I can post. Good therapy for me.

                      More later!




                        AF August - Week 1

                        Rusty, too bad about the Ambien! I sure could have used some the past two nights. My usual supplements didn't quite get it done for me.

                        So many of us are having sleep trouble just these past few days. I have to wonder if it is related to the massive solar storm that is going on right now. Did you know that the Northern Lights were seen as far south as Michigan?

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          AF August - Week 1

                          I'll just bet the massive solar storm is messing with all of us - sleepwise Dill :H

                          LBH, your dream story was absolutely hysterical!

                          Rusty, I taking tonight off, don't feel like hanging in the kitchen. I made a double batch of peach jam. I intend to just can some peaches in light syrup for future use. I'm more of a peach cobbler person but I need to have people here to eat it so I'll wait a while on that.

                          I was only 42 when the hot flashes.night sweats began interrupting my sleep. Even after all these years on HRT, I still get them most nights. I've eliminated everything from my diet (including AL) that supposedly causes the night sweats..........I'm still bothered by them. I just saw my NP 2 weeks ago & told her I'm fed up with this BS going on for 14 years now. There is nothing left to do but wait it out - how frustrating

                          Well, I'd better run out & close up the chicken coop. Don't want a fox or racoon visiting my girls overnight :H

                          Wishing a peaceful & cool sleep for everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF August - Week 1

                            Good Morning Everyone!

                            Dill I didnt know about the Solar Storm so googled it and it was still happening last night but thankfully I had a peaceful sleep with no bad dreams, hope everybody else slept well too.

                            I woke early, meditated, walked my dog then cleaned the house from top to bottom with my "feel good" music blaring and i have to say Im feeling pretty good despite the butterflies I have about my lawyers meeting this afternoon.

                            Papmom, just wanted to say its good to have you here, I hope you stay around. Have a great day guys, I will check in later....
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              AF August - Week 1

                              Good morning to all.

                              Chill, good luck today at your meeting. It is your right to know where you stand financially, you have to take positive action to take care of yourself. No planning is really possible till you have your meeting.

                              Lav, I have hot flashes from time to time and they are so annoying. I notice when I am stressed they get worse. I have been having some again recently and they are a pain in the neck. Sorry you have to put up with them.

                              Rusty, thanks for your support. I will need it. I am leaving tomorrow so will be our of touch as I do not have a lap top. 12 hour plane trip and 28-30 hour drive back...I am not looking forward to it. But, never having driven cross country, I need to take lots of pictures and enjoy the beauty and variety of the scenery. We live in a country that is so diverse, just think desert, mountains, great plains, rollng hills, to the flat lands and farm fields. I will probably not do anything like this again. I would rather fly. So wish me luck.

                              I have been asking to dream before I go to sleep as I would like some guidance and insight....nothing. I cannot remember any dreams. So that is telling too.

                              Work was OK then days off. Will try to check in tonight but will be busy getting ready to go and up at 4:00 a.m. Talk to you soon.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                AF August - Week 1

                                Good Morning Everyone!

                                Lav-Happy canning! Is this another one of your businesses? You sure are a diverse and talented person-chicken coops to embroidery and monogramming to canning and gardening. What else can you do?

                                Dill-That is fascinating about the Solar Storm. I learn so much from you. I also think you are this forum's Wikipedia Diva :H

                                Star-Please please please be safe in your journey to and from your destination. Flying is a royal hassle, I will tell you. If you need any airport traveling tips, PM me. I do it almost every week and I am downright tired of it! You will appreciate the mountains and the beauty this country has to offer-I'm taking a leap and assuming your son is in CA or WA? If he is, it's a good thing it's summer and not winter. Eastern MN and the Dakotas are horribly boring, though. I've done that x-c. I'd rather fly, too.

                                LBH-I hope you had a restful sleep. If you have one of those violent dreams again, do you mind if I insert three of my former bosses and a couple of ex-boyfriends?

                                Chill-I'll be praying for you today. Good luck at the lawyer's! No fun-I know. Maybe this will give you peace of mind. Let us know how it goes!

                                Hi to Rustop, Sooty, Sped, Papmom, Cyntree, and everyone else who drops by, have a wonderful Thursday!

