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AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

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    AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

    Hi everyone!

    Lav, the transition to singlehood is tough, but 8 years out of a marriage that felt like dragging a car without wheels around via Jacob Marley's chain, believe me: life is better. I'm even jumping back into the fire, engaged to a much better choice for me. As practical advice, I wish I had moved forward quickly on getting things settled. I waited too long for EXH (felt sorry for him), and he dug in his heels and fought on just about everything once I got around to filing paperwork, 2 years after separating. Not fun for either of us or our kids. He is a good dad though, and I was no picnic myself (imagine ).

    On a more upbeat note--I spent the weekend with the heaviest drinking people I know, and didn't touch a d*mn drop. Even went for a run instead of for a boat ride (aka, "the booze cruise"). I was so worked up beforehand that they'd pressure me, even had my fiance coaching me on appropriate responses--and they didn't even notice! Had diet tonic water with a lime throughout. Kind of ironic that I used to hide my drinking, and here I was hiding my not drinking.

    And you know? It wasn't pretty. Or funny. Just kind of sad, because I think these people need to be history for me, although they had been very supportive--or at least always there with a beer--when I was going through my divorce. But honestly, I think the beer was the bond.

    Anyway, I'm proud of myself, and all of you(!), and look forward to a completely AF August.

    Pridus Abstemiosus
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

      I think all the FHs should be careful what they wish for!! Esp. with the haircuts :H

      Hi R2C-Looking forward to your daily imput. Believe me, I know this journey isn't easy. I do hope you can stay strong and stay AF since it seems it is what you truly want.

      LVT, LAV, Marshy-I don't really pray but I do believe in the power of pings so lots of them heading your collective ways and know that I think of you all and your loved ones who are ailing, daily.

      Greenie-Looks like Mr. G missed the canning of the nekkid figs post!!

      Hey Sherri-glad you're here! The excerpt from that book was awesome! Thank you!

      Hi Pam, M3, Rusty, Cinders!!

      Pride-way to go today!! That was sure putting your BGP on and doing what was right for you, not going along with the crowd!! Congrats!

      Marshy-great pics!! What a mini vacation you had!! Glad you're back!!

      Hey DG-was the dog training party today? How did it go?

      Busy day today but felt like I was spinning my wheels!! The walk at the rail trail took twice as long because there were tons of dogs and LM was really on top of his game today. I was soaked with sweat by the time we got back to the car and it really wasn't that warm!!
      Managed to get the front part of the house cleaned so DD doesn't have to do the vacuuming for me anymore , 2 loads of laundry and one load of dishes (no DW at this abode). So much more to do to get this place where I won't feel embarrassed if someone stops in unexpectedly and I really wanted to get it all done today.

      I've been going wild on Freecycle today giving away things. I gave away a butterfly wine rack and remembered just as I hit SEND to tell her it was hers, that we have a club auction coming up on the 20th and they are looking for butterfly themed items!!! What a blonde I am!! Maybe the woman won't show tomorrow but with my luck it will be one of the few times I DON"T have a no show!!

      I think I'm going to turn in earlier than normal and really try to get some good reading in. I'm so tired right now and so not looking forward to going into work tomorrow. I just want to lose myself in the book so off to feed the boyz and then into jammies.

      Enjoy what's left of the nite or day and i'll see you all tomorrow!

      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

        Pride before Fall;924416 wrote:
        Kind of ironic that I used to hide my drinking, and here I was hiding my not drinking.
        Great job, Pride! I found myself really relating to the irony of your behavior that you mentioned. I did the exact same thing last night - had a friend over for dinner. He drank red wine and I created a concoction of pomegranate juice with a splash of club soda in a wine glass. It kind of sort of looked like red wine (I'm not sure if he noticed the difference) but it made me feel more comfortable. I've never been at ease standing out in a crowd - lots of self esteem issues. I know it requires more work and time on my part, but I truly look forward to the day that my 'not drinking alcohol' will be second nature and I won't even have to think about how to hide my AF behavior!
        AF since 7/13/2010


          AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

          I did the exact same thing last night - had a friend over for dinner. He drank red wine and I created a concoction of pomegranate juice with a splash of club soda in a wine glass. >>

          hahaha, PA; I did pomegranate juice too (Apple & Eve?), on Saturday night! It was the closest color I could find to "wine" in the juice aisle. The cranberry was just too ros? looking, and they didn't have cran-grape, which I think would have been ideal.

          I think I just don't want to be stamped with the A-word. It's a broad brush and a handy one, and there's so much more to me (and you, and all of us) than a drinking problem. I sing. I act. I write. I laugh a lot. I run. I make a mean blueberry pie. I'm REALLY enjoying rediscovering those things.

          Thanks for the chuckle (PS: Polar green tea ginger ale makes a great "chardonnay").
          AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
          "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


            AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

            Hi all! Didn't want to start a new thread without catching up from Sunday! Welcome to all who are new or returning to Daily AF Thread.

            DH Mr. Doggy is currently not on the FH haircut list, but I would consider him on probation. :H

            Lav, you are handling this like a trooper. I too love your sense of humor. Keep those TBGP's on snug! (can we wear 'em like a girdle???)

            Pamina, I could really relate to your post about prayer. I decided to "just do it" and I dunno - I like it now. The voices in my head have someone to talk to now. :H Seriously.

            Pride, I found that some of my old frienships WERE just about the drinking - that was pretty much the only connection. Those have gone by the wayside. Other friendships that had more substance have remained. People who are non-drinkers or normal drinkers don't care whether I drink or not, and don't mind doing things that don't involve drinking. I have learned to just go with the flow. I am making new friends too so I'm actually gaining way more than I have lost in the "friend" department. And drinking buddies really weren't friends anyway in any deep sense of the word.

            Paguy, don't feel embarassed about not drinking. Lost of people don't drink at all or drink very little. I didn't like to notice that part when I was over drinking inappropriately. (i.e. business social events)

            P3, dog training here is a regular gig so I'm used to it. I just don't hang around much once the beer comes out. Beer isn't a trigger for me anyway, but I just find it boring to hang around while others are drinking and shooting the breeze. Once I have caught up on the latest gossip I go do other stuff. I don't need to listen to it being repeated 12 times! :H (and I wondered what I used to talk about for hours on end. I just repeated everything.)

            Hi to everyone else! On to Monday where one thing is for sure...there will be NO drinking for THIS Doggygirl today! zoom zoom...

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

