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AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

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    AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

    greeneyes;923906 wrote: JACKRABBIT!!
    Pinch, punch, first day of the month! (As we say in these parts).

    Lav, what a horrible outcome to things. (And what a FH to treat you that way). Well, it's his loss but I bet it doesn't feel like that just now. Take good care of yourself.

    Here's a couple of holiday pics - where we stayed and where we walked. I didn't take many, too busy walking and talking.

    It was nice to escape for a bit. Now I'm back I'm trying not to get overwhelmed with focusing on mum's illness but it's hard not to.
    I think some ice cream might be called for (don't tell Greenie).
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

      lush, marshy, just lush. I was going to skip the river again today (my right knee and foot hurt last night) but I think I'll zip over there for a quickie.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

        Good morning Abbers!

        Greenie, be careful! I have a stiff & swollen left ankle & I didn't even do anything to it - I think it's arthritic, boo hoo.

        Marshy, beautiful pics! The countryside looks so peaceful. Glad you had a good time.
        I hope your Mum is comfortable going thru her current treatment.
        Turns out my 64 year old brother is now in congestive heart failure due to ALL of his coronary arteries being blocked! He started out in one hospital this week, was transferred to another bigger facility to have 5 angioplasties & stent placements done. That's a lot of work!!! He was sent home yesterday. My SIL calls me everyday with updates - they live half way across the country in Michigan. Worrying about loved ones can be a full time business, I know.

        Well, the weather doesn't look great - rain on the way. I'm going to spend my afternoon in the kitchen baking something to chew on like whole wheat pitas or bagels

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday

        PS: I'm going to limit my bitching time each day about FH - I don't want it to totally consume me!!!!
        Thanks for your support though - I do appreciate it!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

          GM Affers,

          Sending thoughts of strength to Marshy and Lav. :l

          Had a wonderful night's sleep and woke up with hubby. We took coffee out on the back porch (a normal routine on weekends) and watched all the birds, chatted about miscellany and just simply enjoyed the morning.

          Wonderful to be sober so I could truly enjoy it!!

          Have a great AF day, everyone.

          AF April 9, 2016


            AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

            Happy August 1st Everyone,

            Days are getting shorter. When I wake up at 5 am, it's already dark outside.

            Marshy, pictures are lovely. Hope you ease into life back home gently. I'm sending warm and healing thoughts to your mom.

            Lav, I read the story of your hubbie from yesterday's thread. It fills me with sadness when people can't get out of their own way. It's good that you know that it is his journey and his karma. And, I am glad that you are angry (better than depression). As Greenie mentioned, legally, you are golden because he walked out on you. Yuk, hard to talk about those things, on the other hand, you are going to need to be smart and tough about this. A friend/mentor of mine whom I greatly admire always tells me, "You have to be ruthless with reality." And, PS...your posts about FH never come off as bitching to me!

            Cinders, You sound really good...quite content, like someone who is relaxed and living the good AF life. It is amazing how the simple things are so appreciated isn't it? Yay for you!! I admire your persistence and how hard you have worked to get to this place.

            AF Since April 20, 2008
            4 Years!!!


              AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

              Hello friends. Sheri I'm glad your joining us! I'm always interested in hearing about a good book.

              lav, ill bet you are somewhat relieved to at least know your FH isn't coming back huh? I mean at least you don't have to waste the energy wondering? Sorry about your brother's health issues. I never even got my lounge chair out at the lake. Got a text from my brother that they were air lifting Terry to Omaha. She was unresponsive and not breathing right. I threw some stuff in a bag and drove to the hospital. They don't know what is going on for sure. She is on a ventilator and they are running tests. I'm afraid shes given up. I will keep you posted.
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                Sheri, what a great book reference. Lav "gets" that concept too. (doncha lav) It helps to be reminded to keep it on the front page though. Hope you hang around. I for one, always get so much from your posts and links.

                LVT :upset: I'm sorry Terry is having a rough go. Take care of you, right?

                And lav... your brother is in my thoughts too.

                We all rock for living the ups and downs with commitment to our AFness.

                I made fig preserves. Half naked, but that's a story for another time. I learned an important lesson about reading directions first, not during. I'll be impressed if it sticks. In addition to that, I'll be impressed if the figs turned out.

                Cindi I love it when you are relaxed and happy. :l

                M3, good weekend with daughter?

                Hope gaia landed safely and uni got on well at the in-law's cabin, and Mr G is making lovely magical music.

                I've got to go get more sugar for the rest of the figs.

                One thing is for sure......
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                  Goodness me what a Sunday. So sorry to hear about Terry, LVT. What a very difficult thing to have to do to see her on a ventilator. Thoughts and prayers are with you and her. :l And with Lav and brother. :l And with Marshy and mum. :l

                  I said a prayer for you in church today, Lav. I don't want to bring religion into the thread as such, but just wanted to make a quick connection b/w those of you in AA and my experience of prayer. I initially started going to church a few years ago to see friends who lived in the area, then to sing in the choir. Praying felt as weird to me as to those who've described joining AA, learning the serenity prayer and initially doing it just as part of the programme thinking it can't hurt. Only later have you posted that it helps you. That's exactly been my experience. It's only recently that I've felt ABLE to pray, concentrating, easing into it.

                  Anyway, though it may be a relief to finally have clarity, I can't imagine the loss of 37 years together. I do, however, believe in the Greenie-type philosophy that we learn life lessons from the people we attract into our lives at various points. You won't necessarily continue life on your own, please don't tell your mind that, you just won't walk alongside FH any more.

                  Group discount on hair cuts!

                  DG, you're absolutely right. Drunk woman on the bus could have been me as well. I've certainly been known to throw up in all sorts of places.

                  I had a lovely Sunday roast, with turkey, outside on a pub terrace. And cranberry juice, in case anyone was wondering... While some others downed their beers...

                  Hi Sheri :welcome: and all Fabbers. Wishing a peaceful Sunday evening to one and all.


                    AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                    Hi Greenie, x post. I want to hear more about bathrobes, figs and making preserves half-naked. :H


                      AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                      Hello everyone!! Happy Sunday to you all. I am back with a vengance, and look forward to checking in daily with everyone.

                      Special hugs to everyone with family/friend issues, be it health or otherwise. Unfortunately we all must face these issues at some point in our lives.

                      I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. I'm out to do some gardening. This has been the coolest summer (70's) this area has seen in years and I'm taking advantage of it!

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                        AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                        All thoughts & prayers graciously accepted, thank you all!

                        I busied myself making bagels this afternoon, sesame, poppy seed & onion. Don't you know my daughter & SIL walked in just as I was taking them out of the oven. We all had a nice chat & a good snack

                        I find I'm kind of OK if I DON'T think about my situation. It is a problem though when you're in your car & certain song comes on the radio - ugh!

                        R2C, where are you located? It's been hot as hell on the east coast all summer!

                        Oh, I made myself some super delicious chicken lo mein for dinner - and I ate it all alone with my titanium BGPs on Greenie

                        Let's be sure to get all of the FHs on the hair cut list
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                          Lav-you're amazing!


                            AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                            Lavande;924396 wrote: Oh, I made myself some super delicious chicken lo mein for dinner - and I ate it all alone with my titanium BGPs on Greenie
                            :H:H:H God I love your sense of humor! :l

                            Hi R2! 70s??? I was wondering the same thing too; Alaska?? Look forward to watching your vengance!

                            bear... hope you're doing OK
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Sunday Aug 1

                              Lavande;924396 wrote: Let's be sure to get all of the FHs on the hair cut list
                              Today FH mentioned he may want me to give him a buzz cut. He gave me a funny look when I burst out laughing. :H:H
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

