Welcome to anyone and everyone who enjoys this thread whether you attend AA meetings or not. This is a great place to explore whatever topics arise and also ask any questions you might have about AA. It's sure made a difference in my life. I swore for many years I would NEVER go to AA (I was also swearing I was not an alcoholic, of course). It's been such a gift in my life. I love sharing about it with you all here on this thread.
Last weeks thread was great. I love the discussions about acceptance and I NEED the discussion from time to time about remembering my consequences. Carrot. Stick.
I am hoping we can talk a bit about sponsor relationships this week. I gather that some have sponsors and some not. When I first started going to AA the notion of a sponsor made me uncomfortable. Of course I voiced that to NOBODY. I kept hearing "get a sponsor, get a sponsor..." as I'm sure you have all heard too! So I did. I think I really didn't want anyone "telling me what to do" so I think I intentionally chose someone who ended up not being the right sponsor for me. That was my fault, not hers. And ultimately it was my responsibility to change it. I'm glad I made those mistakes and kept pursuing a sponsor. For me, having a sponsor has been my most in depth opportunity to learn the steps and work them on a personal level. And that is making a huge difference in my life. It has also been a positive learning experience in trust - something I'm not good at, especially with women. I've grown in that area as well.
I am very pleased and often humbled to be a sponsor myself. I can only pass on what I have. Unless I have a sponsor and work the steps with a sponsor, I really can't pass that on to someone else. The opportunity to share this program on a personal level with others is definitely a gift in my life.
It felt SO risky to engage with someone in that sponsor relationship. But in my drinking life I was not good at all at relationships. Problem? Drink. Something to celebrate? Drink. Mad at you? Drink. Misunderstanding? Drink. I am learning to handle so many of these things with a sponsor in a structured relationship.
Finding the RIGHT sponsor is key. Starting with an agreement of "temporary sponsorship" gives both of you the chance to see if it's going to work. Don't be afraid to change it if it's not working. Dealing maturely with changes such as that in relationships is part of the growth that I know I needed.
Anyway, those are a few thoughts. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about choosing a sponsor, working with a sponsor, and/or sponsoring others.