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AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

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    AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

    Swimmers take your mark!! (she shouts in her bathrobe)

    First day of the week of a new month!! Did you see the threat Sheri started about the book she mentioned yesterday?

    There is a "money series" of telecasts this week. Colin Tipping (you know how I like his stuff) talks today at 2:00 EST and here's the link Event: August 2 2 PM Eastern MAybe there is a replay - I don't know off hand. There is a speaker every day about money in your life, or rather how to get it there. I can sure spare an hour a day for that!

    Hey ho to pride and paguy! I had to laugh over the concept of hiding my NOT drinking. I remember doing that a few times....

    Pamina... I understand your point about prayer. There is something about ritual, chanting, something....I can't quite remember..... that makes positive change on many levels. Along the lines of "fake it till you make it", you just do it and it WILL start to work.

    Must zoom away...but leave you with thoughts of peace and happiness! And AFness!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

    Good Morning All,

    Good weekend with my littlest one. Now everyone else is back in the nest.

    Hope everyone has a grand day. It's the second day of August and it's in the 70s here...very unusual.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

      Hello Abbers!
      I didn't get on here much last week or over the weekend but I'm still AF! It was 15 days yesterday. I find I'm not thinking about it or craving it very much at this point. However, I occasionally have to remind myself that I can't "have just one"!
      Sorry for all the family illness that some people are having. That is so hard. Lav I think you will be fine with the final on the separation. I went through that too after a period of having my FH in the house but not there, so to speak, for more than a year. When it was finally over I went back and forth between sorrow for the good times and elation that I didn't have to put up with the alienation anymore.
      It's cooled off here in the southeast. I may find energy for a little yard work this week if it keeps up. One thing for sure, I will not be spoiling it with AL!
      Cheers to all!
      AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


        AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

        hey all - back from weekend away and am still AF - not NF but am giving myself a month AF under my belt before tackling this.

        Feels good being AF - have been very very anxious over weekend but have had a real lightbulb moment - everythign causing me stress at the moment is about me fitting in with others/being liked at the expense of me - not rocking the boat in job share relationship, not challenging friends, not challenging person in the team, not wanting to stop drinking and smoking in case of rejection/not fitting in.
        If I stick my neck out and get rejected (in my eyes)that confirms for me my bottom line which is I'm not likeable/loveable.

        The lesson is accept myself, be assertive and accept what i can't change in others (but don't put up with bad behaviour)
        one day at a time


          AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

          bear73;924826 wrote:
          If I stick my neck out and get rejected (in my eyes)that confirms for me my bottom line which is I'm not likeable/loveable.

          The lesson is accept myself, be assertive and accept what i can't change in others (but don't put up with bad behaviour)
          bear, there is so much stuff out there by all kinds of authors about misconceptions about self - and a common theme is "I'm unlovable". We often have a core belief about ourself that is false. Who knew it would take a feckin' lifetime to correct it, right? You're on to something there ~ go for it!

          Hi auntie! great going on 2 weeks AF!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

            Hello all! Greenie, thanks for :b&d: from your chair while in your robe! :H Did you can (why do they call it "can" when it goes in jars???) the figs? I probably missed the details about that!

            M3, enjoy the nice weather while it lasts! We're low 80's today which is a huge relief. Back to the 90's tomorrow though...

            Auntie, :yougo: congratulations on 15 days AF! Good that you are not having cravings at the moment. Enjoy all the moments that end up like that! I'm like you - there never was a "just one" for me either. There is certainly not going to be one today!

            Bear, congrats on remaining AF over the weekend! I know some people tackle AF and NF at the same time but I can't imagine it. Since tackling both hasn't been working, I think you are wise to change it up. I too think you are onto something and hope you will explore accepting and loving yourself!!!!

            Greenie does that seminar you linked to offer re-runs to listen later? I hope so!

            Hello to everyone yet to come!

            I'm running around like a nut with zillions of errands today. Makes me very happy to not only be sober, but not be resentful like I would have been in the drinking days to have so many little chores standing between me and my "just one" (hahahaha) wine or vodka. I was always angry when I couldn't drink like I wanted to. That was a REAL big problem in the last several years once all I ever wanted to do was drink. What a non-life that was.

   to get the oil changed and give some love to my old Explorer!! One thing is for sure.....

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

              Hey Abbers,

              Finally getting around to checking in!

              Congrats on your 15 AF days Auntie - good for you!
              I am kind of tossing between anger/resentment & wondering if I'm actually receiving a gift by FH's disappearance. I know it's bugging me because I was awake from 3:15 am until 5:30 this morning - couldn't get rid of the anger. I'm working on it though.

              Anyway, I've been busy all day mentally lining up projects to keep me very busy over the next few months & bring in some extra cash which will be carefully tucked away for a rainy day

              The weather was kind of decent here today but it is supposed to be warmer & humid tomorrow. It has been one, hot summer hasn't it?

              Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

                Hi Folks:

                Today is day 20 for me and I am still AF. Had a typical Monday in the office and am feeling relaxed this evening. Will probably listen to my self-hypnosis recording on my iPod when I retire this evening.

                Lav - sorry you are going through a hard time and feeling anger is certainly understandable. Try to relax and keep focused on moving forward.

                I am in Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia and we have had a terribly warm summer. Today wasn't so bad but I understand Wed and Thurs will be quite warm again. I am looking forward to the Fall.

                Have a good evening everyone.
                AF since 7/13/2010


                  AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

                  Lav, I know that feeling. Trying to think "gift, gift, gift" instead of "FH, FH, FH". Remember, you don't have to figure it out. You can just call it a gift and accept it without exactly understanding it. :l

                  Good on ya paguy! Easy and relaxed does it! Those MWO hypnosis CDs would put me to sleep every time.....a hammock you woldn't mind getting into.....zzzzzzzzz except I usually fell out on the escalator.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Monday!! 8/2

                    Hi all...late nite check in...had a great sober Monday and all is well...well almost all, but considering I'm sober...ALL is well.

                    Someone inquired as to my local with this fabulous weather, I'm in central california and loving it. In the 70's again today. A couple of years ago at this time when my sweet doggie was sick with the big C it was in the hundreds most of the summer...Yukkk!

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

