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AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

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    AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

    Good Morning All,

    Just back from my workout so thought I would start the thread and say Hey!

    Have a good one. Back later.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

    Hey M3. I am jealous. I am an exercise enthusiast but have been sidelined for a few weeks due to a foot injury that required surgery to repair a tendon. Hope to get back into my running routine within 4 weeks and run my next half-marathon in November.

    Have another great AF day!
    AF since 7/13/2010


      AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

      Just wanted to pop in and say HEY!! as well! Zooming off to work and then online final tonite.
      Everything is fine-had another sort of epiphany on the way to work yesterday but need to figure it all out before I post about it.
      Greenie-you are so wise!! :h Love your advice to Lav yesterday!! All about Acceptance, isn't it!!
      One thing is for sure for this papmom.......
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

        Hi Mo3 (from another Mo3) and PA,

        I'm suited up for a run (or suited down--it's hot and humid here today) and am heading out soon. John, good luck with the foot! I'm assuming the prognosis was good post-surgery since you're cleared to start moving again in a few weeks.

        Stay healthy everyone, and don't forget to have fun!

        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


          AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

          Morning abbies!

          Headed out the door in a moment myself - in my walking attire. Don't have time for the river, so the neighborhood will have to do.

          A classical guitarist and others are playing a 30 minute concert at luchtime today at a beautiful cathedral downtown. I remember him from ages ago. (river picture times) I carved out a spot in my schedule and I hope I can find a parking spot. Christopher Berg - Publications

          One thing is for sure.....
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

            Hi everyone!
            On the exercise mode today I did a spin class then went for a 4 mile walk...

            Im on a health kick for preserving my joints and im taking flaxseed oil in liquid form which is absolutely vile.. also taking magnesium and wondered if anyone else takes it? Its eh... giving me a bit of wind.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

              Oo, oo, an exercise theme. I loved the line about exercise in Sheri's excellent post about how to stop drinking: "Some recovery programs are based on exercise alone?that is how powerful it is." It's been a huge help in my own recovery.

              This morning I cycled to the new gym I've joined through work. Thought I'd have a look round and swim. Pool closed for maintenance! Bah. But they gave me a welcome pack - free backpack, water bottle, bits and pieces and a free session with a personal trainer. So this is how corporate clients get treated! I've only ever been a member of the hoi polloi before. :H

              Papmom - I'm looking forward to reading your epiphany later. I had one myself yesterday but now can't remember what it was :H Oh well, I'm sure it will come back sometime.

              Zooming. Have a good day all.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                Hello all Abbers!

                Today I exercise my right to go outlet shopping with my daughter :H

                I know I need to keep moving because I have some joint problems as well Chill! I take tons of supplements (vitamin, mineral, herbal) & do experience some digestive problems from time to time (especially during this hot weather). I find if I back off them for a day or two it helps.

                I am working on acceptance of my personal situation - it's just not easy you know?
                I have great tools (thanks to Greenie) & will continue to work through it all. I just wish the freaking nightmares would cease

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
                Grateful to be unhung & totally present

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                  Gosh what a mistake. I'll just stay in tunnel vision going in & out of the neighborhood. I'd just as soon not see some things around me.

                  Chillipeppa, you're lucky it's just wind you get from magnesium. :fart: Back your dose down and come back up slowly. Calcium ratio is double to that right? - needs to be. Also, things I've read point to freshly ground flax seed for optimal bene. Any particular reason for liquid? Do you take glucosamine/chondroitin?

                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                    Good morning all! Sounds like an exercise week! It's a little less hot here so I plan to go out and dig in my long neglected garden plots. That is fabulous exercise. I need to go out and walk some dogs again at the Humane Society too. Perhaps tomorrow. Lav, keep your strength. Think about all the positive things about not being with the FH. It is very hard though when they have been part of your life for so long. I was married for 30 years. He went off and married someone else not long after our divorce was final so that really told me something! No wonder he was always depressed. He was f*&*%ing around with someone else, probably for years! I do still dream about him fairly often...that I'm still with him etc. Then I wake up and breathe a sigh of relief!! :-)
                    I very much liked your epiphany moment PapaM. I think much of it applies to me as well. Never thinking I'm good enough. I'm now working with a therapist to overcome some of it.
                    PAGUY Congrats on 20 days. You have 5 more days than I do. It's getting easier all the time. Hope your foot is better soon.
                    Cheers to all on another AF day!
                    AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                      AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                      Hi guys,
                      I made it through the weekend without any issues! Day 20. Can't wait to go to treatment. 2 more weeks.
                      I am also going to go for a walk today at some point - need to go get some things and well, since I can't drive, walking has become part of my routine! :blush:

                      Hope everyone has a great day - I know I won't drink today.

                      Love and hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                        'Hi Afers,

                        Today is another af week.

                        Today is also another work out week. Why, do you ask?

                        Because my client is .7 miles away from my hotel and I will absolutely NOT hire a cabby for those miles. They hate it.

                        I will NOT walk four miles to spin. I will not, oh I don't know, do some unearthly fleshly thing to make me fall down and die.

                        I will, and am doing, what it takes to be healthy.

                        I hope our friends here are not put off by the health of those here. I don't have it. Not today, anyways.

                        Life sober is not easy. It is about being sober, healthy or not.

                        But don't be put off by those who have been sober for a long time and who are doing what I (we) can't do. I have MS and can't do this work out stuff.

                        Life for us is about being sober. All other stuff is good.

                        I do agree with exercising within our parameters. My doctor has prescribed it for me, actually.

                        Do not let those who are here and do so much deter you. It is okay and all here will welcome you whether or not you can't do what they can.

                        It is about being sober.

                        Darn this sounds preachy. I do not mean it that way my friends. I would love to skate, to do Curves, do weights, do miles running or walking, but some of us can't. It has nothing to do with our drinking, it has to do with whatever else. In my case. MS. I am afraid to walk up and down stairs, why? becaue I might fall and that hurts.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          AF Daily Tuesday 8/3


                          All I am trying to say, and I don't think I conveyed it well, is that if you want to join our thread and be sober, it does not matter how healthy or able you are.

                          Working on long term sobriety is what counts.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                            good point Cinders - it's about the willingness to be af.
                            well day 10 af here I have cycled to work and back today - and that's my lot.

                            I'm gonna return a parcel this evening and re-pot some plants - need to catch up on chores like cleaning/tidying/putting away - with OH tho as it's not not all of my own making!!

                            had a bath last 2 nights and really noticed how well i slept - love baths but lately it's felt liek a huge effort to plan that too - like soemthing else on the list?Sounds a bit pathetic doesn't it but it's how it has been.

                            3 days left at work before 10 days off - I'm feeling better for time off sick last week and have managed relationship with my job share so much better (in terms of standing up for myself/saying my point of view).

                            anyway here's to higher self esteem and being nicer to ourselves.
                            one day at a time


                              AF Daily Tuesday 8/3

                              Hi all. What a day. Most of it is AA related so will post more on the appropriate thread. This afternoon certainly brought home the point that our number one priority is to get sober and stay sober. I was involved in a relapse situation (not mine, thank God). Don't know what the outcome will be but the person is still alive. Alcoholism is frightening and it WILL suck the life right out of us if we let it. It will also suck the life right out of those of us who are trying to help if we let it. My eyes were firmly opened to the need for balance when trying to help other alcoholics, and for the value of "we" in AA in this type of situation.

                              Watching someone refuse medical help who desparately needs it is almost as tragically sad as watching someone who is begging for medical help and can't get it (homeless person).

                              For anyone reading this who might think they are what I used to think I was, a "functional alcoholic" please know that the elevator just keeps going down until you decide to get off. You should have seen what I saw today in a "formerly function alcoholic" who has help prestige jobs, made lots of money, etc. in her life.

                              Cindi, I hope my posts never come off as sounding like I think everyone should be doing the exercise that I am able to do. There are times when I wish I could do more but I have to work within my own capabilities. If I have ever sounded like I didn't think others have limits too, I apologize.

                              One thing is for absolutely positively sure - there will be NO drinking for this doggygirl today.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

