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AF Daily - Wed 8/4

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    AF Daily - Wed 8/4

    Morning fab abbers!!

    Happy hump day!

    Heading out to the river a bit late - ice cream hangover. Today is trash day and I looked in the freezer first thing this AM with two thoughts. 1. hair of the dog 2. throw the rest away. I did neither. Yet. Too guilty to eat it and too greedy to toss it. I am acting just like an alcoholic with those ice cream treats!! WTF??

    I wish we'd hear from LVT. I keep on offering up prayers... :l

    It's pushing 80, I've got to get out of here or I'll melt on the trail!

    One thing is for sure..... (I need to include ice cream in this) no dirnkie for greenie!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Wed 8/4

    Well, true confessions....I started off my morning with a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie. Arghhh!

    What's going on with LVT Greenie?

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily - Wed 8/4

      When she was at the lake with camper, Terry was shipped out to hospital and LVT said she feared she had "given up".. LVT packed up a few things and left for hosp. too. So I'm wondering how things are going.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Wed 8/4

        Oh my. Prayers and healing thoughts going her way. :thanks:
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - Wed 8/4

          Morning guys, and thanks for starting us off Greenie. I know what you mean about ice cream - my wife got me started on it (at least that's my story) and now I have to have a little every night! On the days we go to Dairy Queen it takes every ounce of willpower I have not to go for a big old Blizzard!

          Feeling grateful this morning for my sobriety after reading some of the posts yesterday. Funny how we can get caught up in our own malaise to the point where we only focus on ourselves. Need to remind myself that at difficult as things seem at times, drinking could only make then worse, right? Guess it's just like my ice cream habit, I can keep working on making progress towards making healthy choices, but the minute I expect perfection I am in trouble!

          Have a great day everyone....
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            AF Daily - Wed 8/4

            but the minute I expect perfection I am in trouble!
            Good post, AA, and I am here trying to be perfect for my client. I can't do it because I have no control over the software that is involved.

            Thank you for posting.

            To all other AFers, life is good here except under severe thunderstorms and 56 mph winds.

            I think I will take a cab today. :-(

            I would rather walk and get some exercise but I would be a mess when I showed up.

            I hope all here and everywhere have a wonderful sober day.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Wed 8/4


              I read your post yesterday and somehow missed until then that you have MS. My very best friend was diagnosed with MS almost 2 years ago. I have been through the entire journey with her from her first "episode" to her spinal tap where she was diagnosed to her day-to-day life. Through her I have learned how exhausting this disease can be and how important it is to take care of yourself and keep stress levels down.

              I am thinking of you and hoping you are taking good care of yourself.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                Good morning Abbers!

                A very Happy Hump Day to everyone!

                Greenie, be careful in this heat & humidty, yuck! I tried to listen to Colin's call last night but there was some problem with it so it never got off the ground. I am looking forward to getting the book though, thanks

                Thoughts & prayers going to LVT. Such a sad situation for her!

                Greetings M3 & AA! Don't feel too guilty about the ice cream - it's only ice cream

                Cindi, please do take care & take that cab today! You certainly don't want to risk injuring yourself!

                I have some work stuff to finish this morning then plan to spend the afternoon in the kitchen processing peaches. Do you know how many pounds of peaches 2 trees can produce? OMG, there are so many. The peaches are wonderful, truly a gift from mother nature - I just kinda pissed that the person who planted these trees is no where in sight to help with the picking & processing work!!!! Nevermind!

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Hump Day.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                  Hi guys,

                  Going to take my daughter swimming today and then just laze around a bit until my women for sobriety meeting tonight. Tomorrow is the court date for the DUI so I know that would normally be a huge trgger for me. I figure for sure a meeting is in order for tonight.

                  Looking forward to having a fun hump day with my little girl before she is on holidays with her dad for 4 days.

                  Hope everyone has a great hump day!

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                    momof3;926270 wrote: Cinders,

                    I read your post yesterday and somehow missed until then that you have MS. My very best friend was diagnosed with MS almost 2 years ago. I have been through the entire journey with her from her first "episode" to her spinal tap where she was diagnosed to her day-to-day life. Through her I have learned how exhausting this disease can be and how important it is to take care of yourself and keep stress levels down.

                    I am thinking of you and hoping you are taking good care of yourself.

                    Thank you for knowing. My hubby doesn't understand and neither do my kids. I hate just walking and the right leg just misses and I fall. It makes me feel "less than perfect." What a good thread this was for me today.

                    My doctor wants me to exercise within my limits. She knows I have two serious diseases. The foremost is my alcoholism and the second is MS. I won't survive if I continue to drink. The MS we can deal with.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                      You guys are so awesome! All of the prayers and healing energy you've sent Terry are working! Its been quite an ordeal, but they took her off all sedation and pain meds and took the ventilator tube out yesterday. She's alert and seems better. I'm still concerned about her breathing, but at least she is more herself and knows me. We are both glad I am here and so is her hubby. It has been so hard to watch her go through all of this but she doesn't remember most of it at least. Turns out she hasn't given up, I think a lot of it was the methadone she was on for pain. There was some issues with the dnr she signed and we got it changed so they could reintubate if necessary.

                      So, she has gotten passed the current crisis anyway. Sorry if this was tmi, I am waiting for my bil to return from his sleep so I can potty and eat and I am getting a little restless.
                      Love you all!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                        LVT Happy to hear that Terry is pulling through.

                        Cinders, My friend has issues with her right leg too..dragging. I am wondering if you have tried yoga. Lots of studios offer restorative yoga/gentle yoga classes and many have special classes for those that have chronic illnesses/injuries.
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                          LVT, that is great news about Terry. One day at a time in all things I guess. Very happy for you and her and your family.

                          Hi. My name is doggygirl and I am an icecreamaholic. I'm glad to be here with all you other icreamaholics so we can share our experience, strength, hope, and actual ice cream. There IS ice cream at these get togethers, correct???????

                          Greenie hope your river walk was great. I've had about enough of this heat and humidity. We are used to getting some stretches of this, but seriously I feel like I was time traveled back to Houston TX or something.

                          Lav, we are on parallel jamarama paths this year. Only our peach trees are still babies so not boat loads of peaches yet. But Mr. D brought some in last night. We don't spray or fertilize or anything so there are small and have lots of bad spots to cut out. But they sure taste good! And no pesticides. If we don't end up with enough for a little batch of jam I will get some more from farmers market.

                          AA, good to see you as always. You too Cindi. Pursuit of perfection gets me in trouble every time. That misery kind of trouble. Cindi, good for you taking the cab in that bad weather even though it's not far and you are right - cabbies hate that. They can just "deal" sometimes and do their jobs like the rest of us.

                          Uni, sounds like a very wise strategy to get to a meeting during a time you might be tempted. I hope all goes as well as possible in court tomorrow. Sometimes those consequences are what help us finally "get it" even though they can be rough. I hope that's the way it works out for you.

                          M3, good to see you as always.

                          Today is back to normal it seems (well, so far anyway!) Good AA meeting, Chamber of Commerce stuff, errands, now a lunch break. Then have some work and laundry to do before volunteer meal serving at the mission at dinner time. That will seem like a play day in the sand box compared to the service work of yesterday! (at least I'm not expecting any high drama LOL, but I'm sure it's always possible wherever we go! :H)

                          Haven't heard yet how that woman who relapsed is doing today. I'm hoping she decided on rehab of some sort.

                          One thing is for sure. There will be NO drinking for this doggygirl today. Maybe a little ________ in honor of hump day, but no drinkie winkie.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                            Oh goodness, what is it with ice cream these days? I had to really stand firm last nite in the store and NOT open the ice cream freezer door for more rocky road or CC cookie dough. I bought chocolate cookies from TJs instead :H. But, I only had 3 last nite, not the whole bag so progress!
                            Of course it helps that I have to do a food diary for my nutrition appt on Tues. Don't want to look like too much of a glutten :H

                            LVT-so glad to hear Terri has pulled through. My thoughts are with you and your family. I think I would fall apart completely if it were my sis.

                            Cinders, I'm sorry to hear about the MS. Please take care of yourself and keep as healthy as you can. I have no experience with this disease so all I can offer is my support. :h

                            LAV and DG-I swear if you 2 don't start a mail order company soon, you might start getting unexpected visitors........!! Oh, I'm looking for website work..... hint hint.

                            DG-heard on the news today that you are in for wild weather today. Take care and be safe!! Watch out for flying peaches :H

                            Uni-stay strong. You'll be fine at the hearing tomorrow-prolly won't be anything unexpected and you will have the memory of the meeting tonite to pull you through. Counting down the days till you leave???

                            Hi AA and M3!!

                            Back to work!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF Daily - Wed 8/4

                              Doggygirl;926442 wrote: Maybe a little ________ in honor of hump day, but no drinkie winkie.
                              oh feck off..:H
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

