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AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

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    AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

    Gooooooood Morning Fabbie Abbies!!

    OMG I feel awful. I've got to read the ingredients on that box - Bluebell chocolate covered cherry ice cream popsicles. What a wicked headache and general malaise! From now on, it's fresh fruit and yogurt for me!

    I was out before sunrise to water some stuff and every bit of uncovered skin - feet, arms, face has mosquito welts. That and a headache created much cursing - I hope the little plants weren't offended. :H Now I've got to go to the river to dump the demons. It's going to be another hottie today.

    FH's spider bit seems to have stirred up his family who repeatedly try to draw me into the drama they create. I'm SO proud of my deflection abilities!! Chuffed! Caller ID helps :H In the past I would have used it to drink even more and been like gasoline on a fire. None of that!!

    Hope gaia is settling in OK. I wonder about leelou. Uni, you're doing great working towards rehab. What will the explanation be to your daughter? bear is on vacation, right? OK off to the river... Have a fabbie day!

    One thing's for sure...............
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

    What's not to love about caller ID? "Sorry, mother--not today."
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

      Morning Abbers!

      Boy did we ever have some serious thunder storms here last night along with tons of rain. My 50 lb. dog trying to hide behind the toilet was especially charming :H
      More storms predicted today along with temps near 100 degrees, yuck!

      Work to do this morning then using the afternoon to get a car inspected.
      Such an exciting life :H

      Look out for those biting bugs Greenie! I am also trying to resist being sucked into other people's dramas. We have long been known as the 'sin eaters' for friends & families. I need to stop doing that now - maintaining my own peace of mind is a full time job!!

      Have a great AF Thursday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

        Hello Abbies,

        Greetings and good wishes. Here I am, again, back at MWO and still AF.

        Can I just say that I hate mosquitoes? At least with lots of spiders there may be some hope, but not a lot. They are vicious!

        Greenie thanks for asking. Words cannot describe how busy it has been. Not a moment to rest and still too many items on the list that are not crossed off. I feel good about what I am finishing, and trying to put aside worries about what has not yet been completed. I know I am progressing as best as possible and making good choices on priorities so I try to gain peace from those thoughts. I love the sounds of the locusts as their waves of soft shimmers come and go.

        Bluebell chocolate covered cherry ice cream popsicles - really that doesn't sound appetizing. No wonder you are a little under the weather, G. Glad you are staying out of the drama. Must feel good to be observing rather than partaking.

        Hi Lav - A 50 lb dog behind the toilet? Did it fit there? Must have been some storm.

        Hi Pride, and all future visitors today.

        Must get going now.
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

          Hi guys,

          Just got back from the courthouse and got my disclosure so I know exactly what happened now. I can't undo the past and can only move forward. I meet with my lawyer tomorrow to determine the next steps.

          The woman for sobriety meeting last night was good. I much prefer their philosophy over the AA one but I will continue to go to both if need be to facilitate my recovery. I go in 2 weeks to treatment - cannot wait. I am definitly counting down the days. It is going to be nice to be going in with over 30 days under my belt. Day 21 here today.

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

            hey all - day 12 af here - last day at work tomorrow!I'm then off for a week - hurrah.
            am shattered today - eaten badly -just dozed for 30 minutes on the sofa
            chocolate and crisps x 2
            frankfurter sandwich

            I need lots of fresh fruit and veg tomorrow and good protein/wholegrains to compensate - been getting sugar cravings big time today - and indulging them!

            Think tonight may well be an in bed by 9pm evening.
            I've been doing lots of reading on line about personal boundaries and realised that mine have been very weak - in terms of what I let in and how other's feelings/moods/approval affects me - in terms of what I will put up with and will openly say no to/say I am not happy with.My self esteem has been totally dependent on others' approval.

            I'm shocked to realise that I have been a seether, and a peacemaker - making sure others feel ok/worrying that if they don't it's about me/a reflection on me. It's strange because others see me as assertive - and I can be in terms of mine/other people's rights/expressing a view BUT if it's to do with feelings and risks rejection in my eyes I bury it.

            I started slow process of disagreeing/expressing how i really feel with job partner this week.I said that I was unhappy with a comment she made,which totally undermined me in front of whole team ' I told you not to...' .

            I did this without overtly worrying that it will rock the boat/upset her - it may well do, but I have been upset for a long time by stifling my true feelings and trying to apease her(probably unnecessarily).

            The articles also talked about boundaries in terms of looking after ourselves - diet/exercise/smoking/drinking/drugs etc
            I realise that I have neglected myself in lots of ways - putting my wishes and feelings last by squashing them- no wonder i don't know what i want!It's also about my physical environment - not happy with house - too clutttered - dirty - needs decorating/new furniture.

            Lots to think about - may explain the tiredness and sugar cravings - anyway it's good to be af. I will be nf when I have some time under my belt af - am a weekend smoker.

            evening all - another sandwich post from me!!
            one day at a time


              AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

              Wow, bear you're really moving along with life stuff!! Good on ya! I'm STILL working on de-cluttering.... does one ever finish?

              Children have day activites - camp or something at the river park. Today little doggie and I rounded a curve on the paved path and there was a group all in single file coming down the sidewalk. It was like a chorous line of little hands reaching out and little mouths opening with the same "Awwwwww...." from the front of the line to the end as they spotted little doggie. It was SO cute we adults all started laughing.

              Uni, what's your entry date? Anything specific to prepare?

              Lav.... sin eaters :H
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Dailey - Thurs 8/5

                Greeting's Abber's!

                And i bet your dog loved the attention Greenie!
                Great stuff on day 12 Bear!
                Uni, best wishes to you. I have the 13 point's/'steps' from 'Women for sobriety' written out, and up on my bedroom wall still. I found the book at a market at the bottom of a dusty old heap, and it was useful and helpful to me in my earlier af day's.

                Happy POETS day for friday!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

