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AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

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    AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

    Well, I can't believe I am actually starting a daily thread! It's a gorgeous and COOL morning here in the Northeast, USA. I'm up and awake!! I should take DD for a short walk but I'd really like to be in work early for once to make up for all my late days. We'll see tho - I probably won't end up doing either if I don't get of the puter :H
    Nothing special up for the weekend-working today and tomorrow. Sunday off and hoping to get some cleaning and maybe an outside project started.
    Last nite's agility class was fabulous because the AC WAS FINALLY INSTALLED!! Oh, what luxury! It was so pleasant in there, no one wanted to leave :H
    I hope everyone has a magical weekend and one thing is for sure right............?
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!

    AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

    Cool???? Cool??? I immediately glanced at the thermostat and it's 77 here at 6:30AM!! Better get my arse to the river!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

      Mornin' fabbie abbies and thanks P3 for the cool weather kick off today! So nice to hear how much you enjoyed agility last night! Maybe someday when I get MY doggy.....

      Have fun at the river Greenie!

      Hello to all yet to come for a Friday check in.

      Haven't been able to get on much the last few days. Zoom zoomin' at the Determinator would say. Life is good. Even Phase 2 of 4, Teeth Cleaning From Hell is all good because once this is over I'm never going to let them get this bad again! (she says now... )

      I'm thinking about signing up for the Chamber's Community Leadership School. I did it once before but it was in the "dark years" of my drinking days. So my heart wasn't in it. I missed whenever I could and did "it's the least I can do..." to get by. It's a 12 week "get to know your community" thing. We visit lots of different historic places and review the history economic and otherwise of our town. We also are divided into groups to work on a project for a local charity. That was the best part of the last one I attended even though my heart wasn't fully in it. I think I would enjoy it a whole lot more this time around. And be more awake for the once a week morning sessions too.

      Also thinking about joining in on a fund raising project for our local United Way. I used to HATE the United Way as I got severely arm twisted for big donations by the CEO of the company I was VP for back in the day. Also they have gotten some bad press over the years at the national level. But I have discovered they do amazing work here locally and the dollars at THIS level are well spent. So we shall see. Can I awaken the sleeping sales person in me????

      I'm off to leads group soon and then the Women's 12 Step study group I've been going to. The one with the wide range of grannys, soccer moms and biker chicks. And at least one teenager. I surely can fit in with this group somehow. (I think there are a few 29 year olds....)

      Then I must wade through my garden produce for the week and lay out a canning plan for the weekend. I'm not going to make many more pickles. I think some dill chips instead of spears for burgers and sandwiches. Maybe some bread and butter pickles. I've got tomatoes to can too. And I can't believe the dang squashes are coming already. My acorn squashes are little, but ready. AHHHHH!!!!! Time for another AA veggie giveaway to relieve my stress!

      ONE THING IS FOR SURE........

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

        Morning Abbers!

        Sunny, dry & definitely cooler this morning

        I think it's time to quit gardening - once again my arms, neck, etc covered in itchy (poison ivy type) rashes, boo hoo. It is something other than poison ivy but bothersome, nonetheless. I just can't win this summer.

        My EB grandson will be here shortly for the day. So, if I want to get anything done I'd better get moving!

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

          Good morning to all! Wish I had some of that garden excess DG! Lav, I heard that zinc oxide helps poison ivy so maybe it would be worth a try.
          I'm on my way to the beach for the weekend with one of my sisters, my niece and the little great-nephew. We are going to have a ball but we will not be drinking. I already confided that I won't be and my sis said she wouldn't either. That's a big step because we usually sit on the porch looking at the ocean and sip wine! I'm going to hold on strong because I know I can! This is my 20th day AF!
          Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
          AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


            AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

            Here ya go DG-your new career: Grillo's Pickles
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

              Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
              Auntie G! Great job on 20 days!!! That's awesome, have a fab weekend!
              Gardening, canning - wow, more than I can handle, that's for sure!
              I'm having some brutal anxiety this morning - I go to the lawyers office this afternoon to figure out my next steps with my DUI. I got all of the disclosure yesterday so I know what happened now. I just want to get this over with so I can get into treatment and get on with my new AF life. Day 22 here.

              We have a mouse and a fly problem in our house. I swear I am swatting 10 flys an hour but they keep coming back. Hubby is going to try to figure out where they are coming in. The mice stay in the drop ceiling - we haven't seen one out of there yet (except when we catch them in the traps) but we have a cat as well so that may be why. I was trying to be humane but yesterday I said F it and bought the sticky traps - at this point I don't care if they are alive or dead when I get them, I just want the buggers out of my ceiling!!! Call me evil but hey, it's the circle of life, right?

              I gotta get moving as I have to catch the bus to get to my appointment. I'll check in later to tell you how it goes. I just wish my clonazepam would start working soon as I am shaking and in the beginning stages of a panic attack......auuggh.

              Love and hugs,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                papmom3;927987 wrote: Here ya go DG-your new career: Grillo's Pickles
                Wow. At $1 for 2 spears I could get rich on this. I could even start a Pickle Pricewar at 3 spears for $1 and come out ahead. P3, since this was your business plan, will you be my partner??? :H I'll have to change my handle to Picklygirl. And you can be Picklepartner3.

                Congrats Auntie on 20 days!!! Have an awesome time this weekend. GOOD FOR YOU talking to your sister ahead of time about not drinking, and getting her support. That's WAY better than walking into a situation and "hoping" you don't drink. Hope is important to recovery, but "I hope I don't drink" is not a very good plan. DECIDING I won't drink works a lot better. "Hope" that makes sense.

                Uni, congrats on 22 days. I'm sure all this legal stuff is stressful. One thing at a time until it's over, and then you are right - on with your AF life.

                Lav, I'm about ready for the end of gardening season too! Sorry to hear something itchy has got you. I usually get poison ivy from the beagle who runs through it, then sleeps on my pillow. For some reason, I haven't gotten it this year. Maybe having it all over my face for a few years helped me build immunity? Anyway...hope your rash clears up soon. (that sounded like a really bad greeting card, didn't it!) Have fun with EB!

                I need to stop procrastinating and file my itsy bitsy business reciepts. It will sure feel good when it's done! Hope you all are doing something magical and fun today.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                  DG-I'm sure the pickle man in Boston doesn't have a franchise yet so I bet you could do something similar in your town. Sure, I'll be your business partner!! I think I can do a better website than what he has :H! Never seen so much green on a website!!

                  Uni-hope the meeting at the lawyers went better than expected. Hang in there-you're doing great!

                  Lav-the squeeters have gotten me something bad the past few nites-in between my toes and everything so I'm itching right along with you!!

                  Way to go Auntie-great planning!!

                  Almost time to go home. Have been about as unmotivated as I could possibly be all day. I'll pay for it this weekend. Procrastinators anonymous anyone?
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                    Greeting's Fab Abber's!

                    King of procrastinatiom here, but, since i've stopped drinking, i'm doing load's more. Never knew i was such a goer, after year's of boozing!....;-)

                    Great stuff on your af time Auntie and Uni. Go for it!

                    A magical picklefest for everyone!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                      My garden season is over. I pulled up my tomato plants, but my basil is still rockin'. I may plant some peas though....
                      Now I have all those jars of fig preserves that aren't so great. The figs weren't very figgy this year so the jam is rather sweet with a nondescript fruit flavor. I need to sell a folding card table so I may set it up tomorrow and hawk my topless figs at the same time. :H I don't look to get rich, just breaking even would be nice.

                      @ three weeks is fabbie for auntie and uni!! And auntie, that is so smart to set the stage in advance :goodjob:

                      We're having a nice thunderstorm at the moment and I've just made a pot of tea and lit some nice inscense.... going to browse through the mail with little doggie and listen to the rain and thunder. That makes me happy because I used to always do it with a glass of scotch.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                        Hello All,

                        It's been a most adventurous 24 hours. A bad storm rolled into this area yesterday afternoon and we got hit really hard. Downed trees and power lines everywhere. Fortunately, our house or property was not damaged. We were very lucky. I was driving back from picking up my oldest daughter and I couldn't even get back into the neighborhood. Lots of clean up crews everywhere today and most of the city still does not have power. Ours came back on today. Strange, strange weather this summer.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                          M3-so glad you are OK!! Hope your home safe and sound now!!

                          Greenie-I feel like the gardening season is just getting going up here in the NE!! Still no sign of lucious round eggplant tho -lot of purple flowers, no fruit. Brocolli is pretty much done-I'll get little tiny heads for a bit. 1 tomato so far :H!! squash is still going strong! I'll be sad when it's over but this year I WILL NOT procrastinate and leave the garden to go to weeds before the snow comes. I WILL clean it up!! Maybe even plant some rye grass

                          Hey G!!

                          Pizza is almost ready-I cheated and bought Freschetta instead of making my own. Bad girl. I really have to get serious and do that online final!! God some things never change!!

                          Have a great nite everyone!

                          PS: greenie-what kind of dog is little doggie?
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                            little doggie is a stray and the queen of cuteness

                            m3 we've had a couple storms, but not like THAT!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily-FRIDAY!! August 6, 2010

                              Little doggie is obviously the Queen of Clean too!!! (But not the Queen of the Universe. We all KNOW who THAT is!! And bow to her Greenieness! )

                              M3, that sounds scary! I'm so glad you and yours and your home and property are in one piece!

                              P3, you had to mention pizza. I am NOT having a good eating day today! And that IS a lot of green on a website. Are you a web mastress? Mr. Doggy does web sites too. In addition to fixing computers, networks, etc. He's techie. Thank goodness somebody in this family is techie. Cuz it sure ain't me. LOL, he had to show me how to reboot our phone server today which basically involved turning it off, then back on again. I insisted that he write out the instructions for me. :H Think I might have killed a few brain cells along the way???????

                              G, since you can't attend the magical picklefest personally, I hope you make some magical music this weekend.

                              I think Illiniois is benefitting from extra bail out money being the home state of the President and all. There is so much road construction around here I can barely get anywhere. There is a river than runs through the middle of town going north and south. So to get east and west, the river must be crossed. There is one major interstate highway (two lanes each direction) that goes across the river. Then there are 5 local bridges that go across the river. About 2 weeks ago, 2 of the local bridges were completely closed down for repairs. No traffic at all going through. So that pushed a lot of local traffice to the interstate. So now what do they do? Close one lane each way of the interstate down around the bridge for construction. Today was the first day for that. OMG. It was nearly impossible to get across town and back. Which I did 3 times today. No wonder I'm eating every sugar laden thing I can get my hands on!!!!

                              OK Vent Over. The absolute miracle is that I don't, and did not for a moment want to drink while stuck in that mess 3 times. At one point, I even THOUGHT to myself "I should want to drink over this! Come on! Where is the wanting to drink over this! I DESERVE to want to drink over this, even though I won't drink over this!!!" :H But nope. No desire. What a blessing that is.


                              One thing is for sure..

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

