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AF August - Week 2

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    AF August - Week 2

    Week two almost got underway without any of us taking note!

    Good to see you Lav, you had us all concerned!!
    LBH, your LordBH sounds like a handy man to have around. Mr. Dill is much the same way. Very lucky we are.

    A pleasant AF evening to all.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF August - Week 2

    Glad you're back with us Lav, I know how frustrating those computer glitches are!

    I'm glad some of us have gentlemen to help us with jobs, Mr S can be helpful but only when the timing is right .....and unfortunately his timing rarely coincides with mine

    I had a good day, beautiful weather and guess where I went - yes you got it - Sooty was back on the cliffs!!!!!! It was fab.

    Bedtime now, time for a hot chocolate and my library book
    See you all tomorrow


      AF August - Week 2

      Sooty of the cliffs - some things never change :H
      Glad you enjoyed yourself!

      Dill, I have been very aware of the date! Yesterday was the seventh anniversary of my nephew's passing. He was just 18 with a 6 pack of beer under his belt, driving recklessly, flipped his pick up & ejected himself. He died on the way to the hospital, very sad. My brother-in-law & his wife (my neighbors) are still hopelessly messed up, probably always will be!

      The days are growing shorter. The cicadas are deafening right now, I guess this is their big time.

      Hoping for a peaceful night for all of us!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF August - Week 2

        Good morning everyone

        Wow, week 2 already, hard to believe.

        Just a quick check in from me as I am going away for a few days. Both girls are away so am taking advantage of it and going west with Mr R. He is flyfishing so I am going to join him. Well he fishes, I will bring my books and my hiking boots and we are staying in a nice hotel for 4 nights. First time in years and years that we have gotten away on our own. I probably wont have internet access so hope everyone has a good week.



          AF August - Week 2

          Good Morning Everyone,

          Rusop-thanks for getting us started. Enjoy your vacation with your husband. Sounds very romantic.

          Lav-that is so tragic about your nephew. I am so sorry.

          Hey, Dill-how are you?

          Well, I have the day off and I am going to the WI State Fair. The food is fantastic, and I just love the animal barns, so I will check in later.

          Have a great day everybody!



            AF August - Week 2

            Good Morning Rusty, Rustop and all to come.
            Lav, I didn't know about the tragedy your family endured, losing your nephew so horribly. That is just so sad.
            Rustop, have a wonderful time! You sound like me. Mr. D fishes, I sit in the shade with my book.
            Rusty, I am fine, how are you? Have fun at the fair. I went to our county fair last week and watched the 4H kids show their feeder calves. It was fun! Of course, I ate a funnel cake and a few other things. I have finally been sleeping well again. I have only 7 days of summer break left and my first day back is scheduled very tightly and will be a shock to my system!:H
            Sooty, so glad you are able to be back on the cliffs.

            If there is no wind, row.---Latin proverb
            At times, staying sober will be easy; at other times, it will be hard. But we must do what is needed to stay sober. Having a hard week? Go to extra meetings. Feeling alone? Call a friend and ask if you can get together. Feel like drinking? Go to a safe place until the urge passes.
            We have no choice. We must row when there's no wind. If not, we'll fall back into our addiction.
            - Daily Recovery Readings

            Have a good AF day, AFers!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              AF August - Week 2

              Morning everybody,
              Hanging out, working on my 3rd cup of coffee, listening to Mozart and trying to catch up on emails. Going to Chicago today to see my college roommate. Dill, I remember your talking about your close friend, how valuable that relationship has been. This friend and I met when we were 18, so that's a 42 year relationship. We had our first sons 3 months apart. Have been trying for years to marry off my youngest and her daughter who are wonderful friends. It's interesting, we both remember our first meeting at a college dorm floor meeting and knowing immediately that we would become good friends.

              Lav, ditto that cicada thing. We have cicadas in NM but the ones here are like you said deafening. And what drives me crazy is that they seem to be all around you but you can't see them.

              My son and I went for a 3 hour canoe trip yesterday down the Tippecanoe River. Wonderful exercise, wonderful conversation. I always feel most comfortable conversing with people when moving, walking, hiking as opposed to sitting across a table.

              Rusty, I am so glad you have a day off!

              Rustop, your getaway does sound romantic. I would love to learn to fly fish, just to snap tht line back and forth. Have you ever tried it?

              Morning all to come. Spuddle thinking of you. Know you are struggling. LBH, keep writing those magical words. Chill, give those doggies/doggie a hug from this kitty lover.


                AF August - Week 2

                Happy Monday to Everyone

                Lav - oh how I missed you!
                I also didnt know about your nephew, what unbearable saddness for his parents.

                LBH - I miss having a man around for these chores, my Dad always loves to help out and with 3 daughters it was an endless task! Now being abroad i dont have that luxury and i do appreciate him for all he did.

                Rustop - your break sounds idylic, a nice hotel, a good book and long walks is my idea of heaven.

                Sooty - You conjure up for me Kathy up there looking for Heathcliff....

                Dill - "We must row when there is no wind" and this is even a blessing as sometimes we have to row against the wind.

                I have often wondered in my months of sobriety how I would cope with it when life dealt me a challenge, I wasnt sure if I would cave in or not. Would at the 1st signs of stress I jump headlong into a bottle of wine? Whilst this is not the biggest challenge, Im so happy to say its the furthest thing from my mind as I know how important it is for me to be clear headed and focused. I would say this is a "no wind" challenge and hopefully my rowing with strengthen my arms for when I need to row against it.

                Rusty - enjoy your day off, where is your next work trip away too?

                Sped - I also love conversation on the go! Have a great time with your friend, I have a special one too. I met her when I was 14 and I was friend of her brothers (she was 5 years older and looked so sophisticated to me!) Then years later she got a job in the same office as my Sister and I met her again. Then she moved cities and we lost touch. Suddenly she was back and working in my office! Then believe it or not she bought a house opposite myself and my husband and they became our best friends. We travelled the world together, the guys golfed and we drank! We moved to Portugal and they bought a holiday house here which they still have and she's still my best friend. Sometimes the Universe just tells you a person has to be in your life!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  AF August - Week 2

                  Morning friends,

                  Overslept a bit - think I was mentally exhausted from things happening around me!

                  Dill, please don't let the thought of going back to work bother you too much. Remember that DailyOM email I posted the other day about disconnecting....... I think it applies to everything in our lives.

                  Rustop, have a great trip - I'm jealous.

                  Rusty, have a fun day - sounds nice.

                  Sped the matchmaker???? I'm glad you are enjoying time with your son, that's so special

                  I do have some work stuff to do today & I have to take my car in for new tires - oh joy!
                  I think I'm starting to feel a little desperate to spend some time with relaxed, happy, non-hormonal people who actually want to spend time with me...........not sure where I'm going to find them but I will.

                  Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF August - Week 2

                    Hi Chill - cross post
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF August - Week 2

                      Morning all, how strange - I definitely posted yesterday cos I replied to Lav's comment about non hormonal people and its not here ! Spooky!

                      Anyway happy Tuesday, sorry if you thought I was MIA yesterday - I was rather busy but not too busy to come on here and say hello.

                      Its raining again and I have to get some cleaning done cos the house looks such a mess - have a good day everyone, talk soon
                      love Sooty


                        AF August - Week 2

                        :wave: Congratulations on One Year, Sped! :wave:

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          AF August - Week 2

                          Good Morning Sooty, and all to come. Soots, that is so strange that your post was not posted!

                          It is SO HOT here in Ohio. It's going to be another indoors day. AC and AF. That's a good combination!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            AF August - Week 2

                            Good morning guys

                            Sped - I know it's not been an easy road but 1year AF is a wonderful achievement & I hope you are feeling good about yourself today....

                            Dill - hot here too, yesterday it was 36c which I think is over 100f

                            Well my ex got my email yesterday and send me a text late in the day asking me to call him today for a chat. He also said he had spend the day fighting fire with the banks and he wants to go over with me how he hopes to get through this. Of course all my tough spirit vanished and I just wanted to hug him through all this. I can't be what I'm not and my heart goes out to him. He also told me his mums dog died yesterday & she wanted me to know. That was the final straw and I cried... We bought her the dog 14 years ago when his father died and it was the world to her, memories came flooding back to me of happy times we all shared and how oh how did we end up like this?! I haven't called him yet, I don't know how to move forward, I feel so stuck. I'm so grateful I'm sober, last year I had many suicidal thoughts and I don't think I could have coped, now despite it all I'm still calm & clear headed.
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              AF August - Week 2

                              Morning friends,

                              AC & AF for me today as well - hot, hot, hot!

                              Sooty, glad you didn't go missing. I meant what I said about my desire to be around non-hormonal people who want to be with me for a while (Think of it as a hormone vacation )

                              Sped - CONGRATS ON YOU ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!
                              I am so very happy for you & proud to be a part of your journey!

                              Chill - hugs coming your way! I do understand the struggle......what to do with all those memories??
                              I'm just finishing Colin Tipping's book on Radical Manifestation the Fine Art of Creating the Life You Want, have you read it? I am going to practice, pratice, practice learning to use Spiritual Intelligence to manifest happiness, etc. I'm sure you are grateful to be clear-headed at this point in your life.
                              Drinking won't help anything, we both know that!

                              OK, time to get some work done.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

