Today is an important day for me - 1 year AF! I'm grateful for this site that got me started, kept me going, and all those hard line but kind AF folks - because that is what I personally needed. I'm so grateful to have stumbled on this thread 4 months later, and learning something more about AA, but mostly seeing the serenity and hope I saw here. I thank you for your gentle wisdom, your understanding, and encouragement and for welcoming me (and anyone else here) into this little oasis. I'm not by nature a "joiner" of anything, but I always feel a part of and comfortable here on this thread. I very feel grateful and kind of humble, when I expected I'd feel "whoo-hoo!!!!" So thank you all, you were a big part of what got me this far and keeps me on the right track. :l :h
I notice when I spend time here and go to meetings how my whole attitude changes. Patience is something I am getting better at. Forgiving others and myself. Acceptance. life on life's terms. I won't forget "spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection" - my favorite saying!

I went to a women's meeting Saturday, was 10 minutes late but told myself "no excuses - go anyway." I think I have a sign on my back saying "she's about ready to find a sponsor or definitely thinking about it seriously" or something. i keep getting handed these phone lists......
I met some other members I haven't seen before and stayed and talked awhile after. One woman who has 9 years made a point of marking her phone # and e-mail (something I hadn't thought of doing - and probably good for me. I hate picking up the phone for any reason - plus writing keeps my thoughts more organized, and I can see what I said, and be much clearer than when trying to talk, think, and listen). I even talked to her about how about the fear of women's meetings, and my own fears of opening up my vulnerable side. Having a real and meaningful conversation one on one feels so huge to me, even though it is only a small step in the right direction. One foot in front of the other I guess. I talked to someone else I hadn't met before with 8 months, who previously had 8 years up until then.
There was another one who picked up a desire chip, and who previously had around 8 years, but hadn't kept up the program and then relapsed. She as a woman in her 50s, she was attractively dressed, wearing makeup, hair styled, cool earrings..... but she looked so incredibly sad. Beautiful on the outside, but you could see her soul and spirit crushed. To see that in person is a powerful reminder of how we are all just one drink away. I've also noticed so many recent relapses around the years markers - I wonder why that is, and whether it's coincidence, or complacence, defiance or what?
I am so glad to be getting back to it, and glad you guys were here to keep me in the loop. Hope everyone has a wonderful day! :l :h