Hi Mary and Catch and all others at home and on vacation!
Mary, I love your goals list. I hope you are resting up after taking care of the kids!!
Catch, thanks for explaining the "green card." (in the US, a "green card" is a document that is required if you are not a US citizen and want to work in this country...

I love your description of Step 2 and the hope and promise it holds. Something about the way you wrote what you wrote really struck a chord with me. I can see how you might just have words flowing from HP when you speak at a meeting.
Todays meeting was really a good one. Just one of those "magical" ones where the energy just felt extra great today. We talked about the tools of the program (using them!). We also talked about appreciating each day as a gift. I am trying to appreciate my day today as a gift. (not easy each moment in this heat/humidity but I'm working on it! Progress not perfection.)
Well...time to resume the zoom. I always enjoy everyone's post and Catch it is awesome to have you around for however much that ends up being.