Hiya Pink..I hope you feel different in the morning...You dont really want to live the rest of your life in a haze....You sound like a great mum going to all the effort with your children for tonight.....Some parents just cant be bothered...and they dont have a drink problem..
I know my drinking was stressfull on my wife....She made comments sometimes that to her were proberly just stating the obvious...but they cut me down...And sometimes when i was drinking i got the distinct feeling that i was being spoke down to like a child...Its not my wifes fault because by the end of the night i was acting like a child....but i think it was just habit that she would speak to me like that before i was actually drunk.....So what did i do??....I drank more because i was angry that she thought i was drunk......(Crazy)..
Stick with the plan tomorrow Pink....It's gonna be tough at first.....but it is so worth doing....this time last year i was like a zombie...or a robot on auto pilot....weeks and months were just flying by...every night was the same.......I do still have the odd slip....but every night is different...and that is what you can look forward to at the end of the day....The mornings are excellent.....You can close your eyes at night feeling proud of yourself of what you are achieving.......It is totally worth doing....Not just that... it needs doing ...for your own sanity...and for the sake of your kids.....Hope to see you in Absville tomorrow....Its a big day for you ...the first day of the rest of your life
Lizzie...Excellent to see you back and posting...We all missed you like mad....Yep the house is full of sweets...everywhere....Tell Lee we said hello...And congrats on becoming an auntie and uncle....I know you'll spoil the baby like rotton...And good luck with the job...Looks like things are finally looking up for you....It couldnt happen to a nicer person
Gabbs, great to see you here.....STOP WORKING SO HARD.....you gotta stop and smell the roses sometimes..plus you dont want to get stressed out...I read on long term abbers its nearly 5 months for you now.....That is bloody amazing....I'm very proud of you.
Janet..if you cant drink.....indulge in the sweets.....i'm only saying that because i have and now feel a bit sick....We will both have a sugar hangover in the morning.....Just dont go near the oven.
Kris, looking forward to seeing you back in Absville tomorrow....Your place is just how you left it....Doing 20 days shows you how do-able this is.....Best of luck for November
Hiya Freckles....Happy Halloween back at ya
Dilayne, would love you to post some pics tomorrow...Will proberly make me feel better about posting mine...Would also have loved to have seen your son as Dolly Parton...I got a mental picture.
Lisa, your right he got loads of sweets...I'm glad your here for November and i know you'll give it your best shot.
Farmeress, i hope you had a good day and a happy halloween.
Helen, i'm glad your in the mansion...Just wanted to let you know your doing a great job and say thankyou for taking up the slack.
Mike....60's cows in drag....Sounds like a winner to me....Thats either a very good or very twisted imagiation your friend has.....Let us know how you get on tomorrow with the hypnotherapy.
Jenneh...You arm twister you....thanks for popping in...and the encouragment
Kathy, i hope your feeling better tonight...are you?....You young looking lady
Nancy, i knew a neighbour who took the blockers...she said they made her feel a bit loopy......Give the hell hound a pat on the head from me

Hawk, pleased to meet you...I know how you feel....Its time for a change and your doing the right thing....Welcome to Absville.
Hiya Lush & Tracy
Gina, anytime you want to make my kids costumes you are quite welcome...You sound like a bit of an expert actually.
Right i'm gonna go bed before my fingers fall off or the sun comes up....theres a good chance of em both happening at the same time.
NaNight all.....Macks