Everybody must be off and running with their busy AF lives already!
I've walked the dam and heading out in a minute for the pool party thing. I was thinking about one of the telecasts I listened to and the person was talking about starting the day with ME. Spelled MEE actually. It stood for meditate, eat, exercise. I think it was Victoria Moran author of Living a Charmed Life, among other things. She starts the day by thinking of 10 things to be grateful for which wards off that busy brain stuff before it starts going. She lights a candle on the bedside table to remind her when coming back from bathroom to sit and meditate and plan the day. The exercise is about getting the body moving in the AM in a wy that makes you happy and eating is about really healthful eating to noruish. She mentioned a cookbook - Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People. She also wrote Younger by the Day. That telecast was a well-spent hour.
Zooming off for a day full of happy AFness!! Have a fabbie one!
Here's the link for the replay if you're interested. It expires tonight. Victoria Moran @ Inner Healing Compass