If you want to really feel "normal" (some days I just don't

It is already 77 degrees at 6:30 AM and the humidity is so thick I had to do swim strokes to get to the newspaper in the driveway. It isn't raining, but the juniper branches droop over the sidewalk heavy with large drops of dew clingling to the tips of little needles. A blanketing fog that seems to have silenced the birds casts and erie feel about the morning.
A feeling that makes you glad to have company on the wooded trail by the river....
Mercury goes retrograde this week on the 20th. Plumbing repair is something not recommended for that time so I hope to wrap it up with the plumber tomorrow and Tuesday. We are already in the shadow so be careful with communications and planning and be flexible in the event things don't go well (like travel schedules). It's a good time for information gathering, pondering possibilities, connecting with people / old friends that pop into your mind. Try to put off major purchases, signing contracts, and medical procedures. It lasts about 3 weeks and then fades out with another week or so of shadow.
I saw in the paper this morning that this afternoon at a beautiful cathedral downtown, there is a musical production of the 17th century vespers. With orchestra and musical performers from other churches and around the state. It peaked that part of me that is curious about all things new and different (for me). SO many possibilities and things to do without AL clawing desperately at your ankles trying to shackle and imprison you.
I think I throw in a load of clothes and go outside and see if I can change spooky into beauty. Being queen of the universe and all, I'm sure I can pull it off :H
Hope all is well with everybody - especially our buddy Lav.
Have a serene sunday!