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AF August - Week 3

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    AF August - Week 3


    I so admire your positive attitude! Good for you...and kudos on your entrepreneurial spirit in wanting to write websites for the restaurant. You sure are resourceful.

    Dill commented yesterday about how I (and I'm sure we all are) am more positive since I've been AF. Certainly that is the case as I truly didn't realize what a true depressant it was.

    Must leave now....have a great day!!!!


      AF August - Week 3

      Rusty - I have always been a very positive person and go out my way not to complain about life as we have so much to be grateful for. However when I was drinking I was becoming very depressed and anxious and had overwhelming feelings of being unable to cope. My thoughts of suicide were becoming more frequent as a way to end the anxiety. I didnt even have anything major to be anxious about which goes to show the profound affect AL has on our minds.

      If this was all happening 12 months ago i would never have coped and seriously think I would have attempted to end my life. That very reason alone gives me an enormous amount to be grateful for. My sobriety happened just in time.... I just have to keep repeating to myself "and this to shall pass".
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        AF August - Week 3

        Here ya go Chill: Elance | Outsource to freelance professionals, experts, and consultants - Get work done on Elance. Browse through the site to get an idea of what people are looking for and what people are offering as skills. Look at a number of profiles and then get yourself one!! As far as I know it's free to sign up as a worker. I tried doing a profile about 5 years ago but I really didn't have a clear direction of what my skills were. I think it's clearer now so i might try again. Good luck!!

        Star: Check your local community college's online and certificate offerings. I just finished a 6 week/12 lesson Intro to Dreamweaver course which was awesome! It only cost $94 which I thought was pretty cheap. I'm planning on taking a few more courses and might even work towards a certification in something. I'm so sorry they cut your pay. I think that's worse than being laid off at this point. You still have to work as hard as you did but for less reward. Bastards. I wish you luck and strength. As a show of solidarity I promise to at least eat lunch outside today if not even take a short walk. This should be "Eat Outside Today" day!! I'd rather it be "Take this job and shove it" day but I guess I'll settle for lunch al fresco :H

        Have a great AF day everyone!!:H
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF August - Week 3

          Greetings friends, and Happy Humpday.

          Red, isn't this the second pay cut you've had to take? It's really a blow to you, I hope you can look around and find something new, but I know this is not a good time to be looking for jobs in this economy.

          Chill, ODAT is a good plan for life! I hope your writing does turn into a career for you.

          Wow Rusty! You sure got up early. I can't imagine getting up that early. Will you crash later today?

          I made it through my first day at work and it was really OK. I think I was worried for nothing. But, I do have a hard time getting going in the mornings after such an extended time off.

          Lav, LBH, Papmom, Sooty, Sped, Rustop, and all else, have a great AF humpday.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF August - Week 3

            Happy Hump Day friends from Dog Crazyland!!

            I had the Twins jumping on me at 1:30 AM - they decided they needed to go out one more time..........for the love of God!

            Looks like quite a few of us are in money/job limbo right now. I'm so glad we have each other for some good & strong AF support
            My embroidery biz has been slow & slower the past 2 years. I find it difficult because you can't 'make' people spend money when money is so tight. I've had thoughts of shutting it down altogether but then what? I have zero desire to return to nursing, I've been out of it too long anyway. So, ODAT is in order for me as well.

            I had to conduct 'funeral services' for another hen who dropped dead yesterday. That's a total of 4 that I've lost over this hot, hot summer. Pretty soon there will be none.

            I don't think lunch al fresco is in order for me today. Very cloudy & looking like rain right now.
            Wishing everyone a terrific AF day!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF August - Week 3

              Happy humpday folks, I've taken granddaughter home and now am sitting here in a blissfully quiet house. Its still very untidy but who cares!

              It was lovely to have her here but I had truly forgotten how tiring it is entertaining a 10 year old. Last year she came with her brother who's 3 years older but he's recovering from an operation so she had to come on her own. I think it was easier when it was the 2 of them! Anyway she had a fab time and is already talking about what she wants to do next summer.

              A friend gave me some cooking apples and Mr S picked blackberries this morning so I've made a crumble - hope it works out ok.

              Right time for the power nap now - see you all later
              love Sooty


                AF August - Week 3

                Hi everyone

                Happy hump day. I have been having trouble with our broadband and have not had access the last few days!!! Miss my daily check in. Lav, you are right, its great to have such a wonderful support network on hand.

                My 2 starting school again next week so off to pick up last minute stuff. Catch up on all the news later.



                  AF August - Week 3

                  Hello all! Happy humpday! I got back from my trip last week, but have been swamped with catch-up work, and am just now getting back into some sort of daily sense....makes it almost not worth being away....

                  I just finished reading week 3 up to today, and will backtrack soon to see all that I have missed. Thank you all for being here; what tremendous guides you are. It reminds me of hiking mountain paths, where the trail is marked with rock 'cairns' - I feel that whenever I get a lost feeling, I can look around and see you marking the path for me.

                  Sped - Happy Birthday! I second LBH's note that we are all glad for the day of your birth. And also congrats on your first year AF? I thought of you on the 10th.

                  Good luck to everyone - seems like there is a lot of 'life' stuff coming up - I like the idea of an 'al fresco' lunch, but will have to get it virtually from you all - I would fry if I went out at midday.

                  More soon -
                  to the light


                    AF August - Week 3

                    Hi Cyn - good to see you check in

                    Papmom - thank you for the link, I will check it out, do you have Dreamweaver software? Is designing websites what you want to do?

                    Lav - sorry to hear about your hen, is this usual in hot weather?

                    Sooty - enjoy the quiet and the crumble! I adore crumble, rhubarb is my favorite with double cream on top!

                    Well I got my car back, still no air con but I have managed all summer without it and it will start cooling down in a few weeks.

                    I spoke to a friend today who is an ex addict and she is involved with a high profile celeb in the uk who is also an alcoholic and much is always being written about him in the media. He has just gone into rehab for the zillionth time and she was telling me that these rehab centers have him stay for free as they benefit from the media attention. It made me glad I was able to handle my addiction myself and how for free I had the wonderful support of MWO. Not only have I met you lovely people but I'm so glad I don't have the added pressure of being in the spotlight Like that.
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      AF August - Week 3

                      Good Day! Glad you are back, Cyn. Lav, I have friends with two beautiful Goldens, one sweet and cuddly and the other a maniac, relentless, crazed, demented, completely in one?s face with this unremitting body slamming enthusiasm. They adore him but he wears me out very quickly. On another note, so sorry about your hen, I have always had a deep affection for chickens. Firm and fully packed birdies. On my home front, I had a fortunately cheerful surprise today when I was out cutting back water lily flowers and trying not to fall in. I saw baby fish. So cute and nearly transparent. I had only the four little goldfish left after my raccoon massacre (no orfes or shubunkins, Dill), and they have grown very fast and are repopulating the little pond. I am with you, Redstar, nature can and will turn us around as long as we are living. Hi Chill, Sooty, Rusty, Rustop (glad you are back "on"), Shelley, Papmom, and all to come through here. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        AF August - Week 3

                        Hey everybody,
                        Thank you for all the birthday greetings. Did not do much yesterday but feel, actually know I was on the phone for hours. You know when your ear gets numb. Things feeling hectic since I got back from the midwest. Haven't unpacked, gone through the mail. Kids went back to school today. Have never once regretted leaving my teaching job to become a substitute. And now that I'm 60, I get to start collecting retirement.
                        You all are right about the economy. On my drive across the country there were so many strip malls, malls with only half the storefronts in use. And homeless people are everywhere.

                        Being 60?? I've been practicing saying it for months. As long as I feel good. Had a physical a few weeks ago and everything is dandy except my cholesterol. Oh well, that just the luck of my gene pool.

                        Sorry about you chicken Lav. Why did they put your dog on Prozac?? Doggie depression?

                        Have a good evening everybody.


                          AF August - Week 3

                          LBH & Shelley - the goofy Golden is one of my son's dogs. She is just crazy & really NEEDS the Prozac. I think I will offer to pay for her refills (especially when I know she's coming over here )
                          The other Golden is kind of big & stupid but definitely not obnoxious.

                          Years ago I had a neighbor who taught in one of the Philly elementary schools. She had to quit before her ulcer killed her. She went through a tremendous amount of stress at the start of every school year. Part of the problem was the not so nice neighborhoods!

                          Speaking of genetic cholesterol problems - I decided to try Red Yeast Rice. I took 1 600 mg capsule twice a day & my cholesterol dropped 14 points in 4 months!! I think that's pretty good. My diet is good - the only thing I did differently was eliminate my fabulous fresh eggs. I'm going to have my level rechecked in November - if it's still going down I'm going to start eating those eggs again

                          Have a good evening everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF August - Week 3

                            Hey Chill-yes I was very lucky in that my brother's former webmaster remotely installed DW on my computer so that I could take over the maintenance his site. I was so overwhelmed with it (totally different than the version I was used to) that I took this class so I could at least edit text and change out pics!! I haven't really done anything to it yet as he hasn't gotten and new text or pics to me. I don't know if I have the creativity or skill to actually design the sites-I've never been artistic-but I can certainly to content management.

                            Star-I promised I would get outside today at lunch and I did! Took a 2 mile walk with my co-worker. It was warm but very nice. We'll have to do that more often

                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF August - Week 3

                              Hi Friends,

                              Well, I'm finally class went well today and this company said they will utilize more of my services so I am thrilled, but exhausted after a 13-hour work day. So I'm checking in to say "good night" to all my friends here.

                              Chill-I've always been a positive person as well even when I was drinking so heavily. Negative people are really hard for me to be around because they drag me down terribly. I hope your car repairs don't set you back too badly.

                              Lav-sorry about your hen. I don't know what else you can do other than put fans in your chicken coop like they do at the State Fair. I hope you don't have storms tonight so you can get some sleep with the Reeling Retrievers

                              Dill-I'm glad your first day of school went well. I always paint the worst scenario when I'm anxious about something and it always turns out better than I thought it would.

                              Papmom-I'm jealous that you are going to Cape Cod. I have never been to the Cape but I spent a fabulous long weekend on Martha's Vineyard in 2000.

                              Sped-I'm glad you are in good health and the only thing you have to worry about is your cholestrol....probably your good health is due to your AF lifestyle.

                              Hello to LBH, Star, Sooty, Rustop, Cyn and all to come. Talk to you tomorrow. And um, I will not be getting up at 3:15!:H


                                AF August - Week 3

                                Hey everyone!
                                I am back from my trip to India. That place is chaotic!I felt stressed a couple of times but I didnt drink on it! My first sober holiday in 15 years! Bizarre and wonderful. I am feeling great!!
                                I have missed out on weeks of banter so I shall just throw myself in. Hope everyone is fine and that there has not been any bad news while I was away?

                                It's good to be back.

                                Be strong-
                                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

