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AF August - Week 3

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    AF August - Week 3

    Rebirth, lovely to see you and well done on your AF holiday in India. My step granddaughter was there recently and had a wonderful time. I do hope that your nephew makes a complete recovery.

    We've just had the most scary storm here which is now abating thankfully. Don't think I'll be going far today - in fact I'm very surprised that my internet is working!

    Have a good day everyone, hope Friday is happy. I'm going to an engagement party for my friend's son tomorrow so won't be around till the evening

    See you all soon
    love Sooty


      AF August - Week 3

      :yay: The Insanity Twins go home today :yay:

      Then I get to spend the rest of the day vacuuming red hair off of everything & cleaning dog slobber off of everything.........

      Good morning Chill & Cyn!

      Rebirth, what a shame about your young nephew. Mosquito -borne viral illnesses are scarey. In my area of the country mosquitos carry something called West Nile Virus. Good for you remaing AF, drinking doesn't help anything, that's for sure! Did you see any Krispy Kreme donut stores in India?:H:H

      Glad the storm didn't blow up away Ms Sooty! We need our beloved bus driver in one piece

      Wishing everyone a great Friday, I'll be back later!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF August - Week 3

        Good Morning August Friends,

        I've missed you all! Hi Lav, Chilli, Dill, Star, Sped, Ladybird, Sooty, Rustop, Rebirth, Cyn, Greenie, Papmom, and anyone I may have missed.


        I think you're an angel/martyr/masochist for taking care of your two granddogs the way you do, and the frequency of their visits. They're really sweet, I know, but it's like they've either had two much caffeine or they are on acid. Crystal Meth, maybe?:H

        I have the day off today so I just thought I'd say hello. I have a play date today with my friend from Chicago, and she is bringing her little boy.....he was her foster child for 2 years before she was able to adopt him. He was a cocaine baby but thanks to my friend's mothering, he is very healthy. And she is a single mom, me, never married and has never had kids of her own. Brave, I say. I could never do it.

        Well, got to clean the house before they get here. Have a great AF day, everyone!


          AF August - Week 3

          Hi Chill.
          This is the time when I wish I could express myself better in words because India is just incredible. You will laugh and cry at the same time. The poverty is extreme! I have never seen so many beggars in my life. You see rows and rows of homeless people lying on the streets..sometimes an entire family with little babies sleeping on cardboard. The traffic is chaos and the air is thick with pollution. My eyes would sting after a while.My throat would go dry! I tried to stay away from cities and headed to the coast. But even their coastline was spolit by plastic rubbish. Heaps of it! The place made me think alot about my materialistic world. Who is actuelly happier? First world or third?
          We say we care for the environment but are overloaded with wasteful products. twenty different types of cleaning products, we throw unwanted food away. We are soo wasteful. we have all the modern gadgets but we are so stressed and unhappy trying to keep up with the Jones. Most of the indians had nothing...just the basics. But they are a happier race. And yes the country needs to improve their recycling system but at the same time they dont use toilet paper or thrown bleach down the toilets.

          Okay I will shut up. I am rambling now.

          Chill I just bought this book you mentioned a while back " One breath at a time". Looking forward to reading it.
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            AF August - Week 3

            Hi Lave and Rusty too.

            This is one of the heavenly places I visited in India.
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              AF August - Week 3

              Hi Sooty, Rusty and Lav too.

              Gosh. Mosquitos are really horrible things!

              I stayed here for a while. I felt like Ms Robinson Crusoe
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                AF August - Week 3

                Hmm. That attachment didnt work. Will try again later.
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  AF August - Week 3

                  One of the places I visited in India. Isnt it stunning!
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    AF August - Week 3

                    Wow Rebirth it's beautiful, A country of many contrasts....
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      AF August - Week 3

                      That certainly is a beautiful picture rebirth - no wonder you preferred the coast to the cities!

                      Rusty - Goldens on speed! That pretty much sums it up. They have gone home now - thank God!
                      The only reason I take them is because my DIL's parents live at the Jersey Shore, the dogs won't fit into the car along with the baby seat & other stuff & the cost for boarding those two cows is prohibitive. I know, I know, I'm a glutton for punishment

                      Have my feet propped, I'm happy now!
                      Wishing everyone a peaceful evening - just like mine

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF August - Week 3

                        Good morning all
                        Another day at the shop making jewellery. Been invited to a house party tonight but have plans to make my exit if people become too rowdy and drunk! Not sure whether I should take my own drink to the exotic tea or diet coke? LOL. makes me laugh to think this cause I am dead serious as to which one to chose. It's nice. Its nice to know that I am going to a party and will wake up tomorrow as fresh as a daisy!
                        Sunday will be a lovely sunday roast at a pub and then some gardening to tend to. hmmm. perhaps visit the cattery tomorrow too...or sort out my son's unwanted toys to give to a charity

                        Did you know that in the middle east women are still STONNED to death because of adultery?!
                        Be strong-
                        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                          AF August - Week 3

                          Morning Rebirth and everyone to come,
                          I have wicked wedding planning insomnia. Usually I can turn off the old (take that word seriously) brain but spent so much of Friday thinking about weddings. One of my closest friend's daughter is getting married the week after my son. We work out together so guess what we obsess about. Am trying to put together the rehearsal dinner but the number of people to include seems to grow and grow.

                          Anyway have given up on sleep. Actually having my first cup of coffee.
                          Seems like I posted recently about how insomnia doesn't bother me anymore. I just get up and start my day. Well, I take that back because it's only 3:45 in the morning!!! And guess where I have to go this afternoon...a bridal shower!


                            AF August - Week 3

                            Welcome so early this morning Sped. I too am in the middle of what I call a wedding frenzy. My daughter came up on Thursday, due to a hair crisis(?) and on Friday I called off due to this crisis. We made lists of things to do, went to get her hair colored, and since her wedding is in two weeks, there is alot.

                            The rehearsal dinner is going to be pizza and pop at her house, with about 30 people. They need chairs, so we are bringing card tables, tablecloths, chairs, and she is making brownies. We have to pick up friends of hers to drive with us, plus have all our stuff for the wedding. Then I have to help her that afternoon, run to the airport, then the rehearsal party. Whew, and that is the day before the wedding. But, it was fun spending time with her, and I am trying to treasure the funny times and the ridiculousness of it all. This is not even a large wedding!! So, I understand where you are coming from. I always start by writing lists. Thursday night I had five lists. Itis the only way I know how to break things down for myself. THanks for mentioning your wedding frenzy, as it was good to know I am not the only one under the gun for the next few weeks. And I am experiencing anxiety.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              AF August - Week 3

                              Good Morning Everyone,

                              Sped and Star, I don't envy your wedding- planning -frenzied state of mind, and I've never had kids so I don't know what else to say other than I bet the weddings will be beautiful and all this planning will be worth it! You both sound like such unselfish and kind mothers-I'm sure your children so appreciate your love and attentiveness. Yes, Star, hair is a big thing to have your undies in a bundle about. Good thing you were AF and jumped right in to save the day!

                              Rebirth-that was a lovely picture of India. Thanks so much for sharing. Women are still stoned to death for adultery....what do the men get if they cheat on their wives? A medal and a raise?

                              Lav-did you have a peaceful night's rest? It must have been a treat not to wake up to doggy breath. :-)

                              I'm off to get my car fixed $$$....going for a run first. I am determined to shed 50 pounds before my niece's wedding in June. Aunt Rusty is not going to be buying any clothes in the ZEPPELIN department of any store!

                              Have a wonderful AF day everyone!


                                AF August - Week 3

                                Good morning everyone

                                Wedding frenzy! Well ladies imagine coping with this hungover or in a drunken stupor. Sped I think Star's idea of lists is a good one to help your "old" :H brain, as soon as you think of something write it down and this elevates the fear of forgetting it.

                                I missed out on the big wedding, one my parents couldn't have paid for it and two I was happy to do it differently. My husband and I ran off to Bermuda without telling anyone and got married there, just the two of us, it was the happiest day of my life.

                                I'm feeling a bit out of sorts today, not blue but a bit melancholy. I have a blank weekend in front of me and other than my mum, who I phone most days, I probably won't speak to another human. This doesn't usually bother me, I like being alone but it's prob because my options are so restricted now with having no money, at least before I could join friends for lunch at the beach if I chose to. I feel so stuck. It's so hot (high 90's) that even getting out for a long walk or cycle doesn't appeal. Thank God I have the Internet!

                                Wishing you all a wonderful AF Saturday.....

                                Hi Rusty! Crossed posts x
                                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                                NF - May 1996

