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AF August - Week 3

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    AF August - Week 3

    Hi you dear buddies, thank you for looking for me. I have just been rather mute the last few days, nothing particularly wrong per se that I can determine, just small and inside my walls. I know I need to not give into that place as while seductive there is little real comfort if it goes on more than a day or two. Thank you for the PM, Lav, it pulled me out of my burrow. I think Dill is on her boat; I hope so as it sounds divine. I have work tomorrow so today I am getting ahead of things at home. Lord Bird Heart hooked up the washer in a temporary location but it seems he accidentally switched the hot and cold lines so this morning I set a ?hand wash cold? cycle and you can guess what I ended up with. When people say they have teeny tiny steaming hot lingerie, I don?t think they are referring to this. Knowing the players, I imagine that this project will have other quirky issues and asides. I deeply appreciate seeing how we can indeed work through our ?moods?, it is a skill that can be acquired for those of us who once could not bear them unaltered. I have to remember this today. We have within us weddings to plan, free drink challenges to face, mad dogs to endure, money to make, and relationships to negotiate in a manner that fosters their highest level of cordiality and health. Recognizing that much is beyond our control doesn't mean we don't have to be responsible anyway and do our best (darn it), and it can be quite a challenge to keep one foot in reality. When I pull up my big girl panties I must remember that they actually have shrunk this time. Off to the garden. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      AF August - Week 3

      Hi everyone

      Good to see you back LBH. Great to see you so upbeat again Chill, you too Lav. Good plan on going to the Y Rusty, those kind of things are too tempting so better to remove yourself.

      Am having a lazy day as I had to get up at 4 am to drive hubby to the airport. He is fly fishing in Norway for a week. I did go back to bed again but only got a little bit more sleep. Plan to have as relaxing a week as I can before it's back to the school routine.

      Hello to everyone and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.



        AF August - Week 3

        Rustop - it seems like a lifetime since my kids were in school!
        They are now 33 & 29...........makes me feel 'mature'!

        LBH, greeneyes refers to TBGP's (titanium big girl pants). I pull mine on most days! I think they actually help keep me afloat

        Rusty, maybe we should start a campaign & boycott the boozey hotels
        So not smart to offer free booze these days. You have to wonder about their liability!!!!!

        I just made a supermarket run (in the rain) & picked up some ginger snaps & a bottle of Emetrol for my DIL. She has some rather nasty morning sickness - I feel bad for her. I wasn't bothered much with that issue back in my day. She will be here later with EB for dinner

        I'm thinking one of Sooty's Granny naps may be in order......hmmm!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF August - Week 3

          Hello you lovely lot. So great to see us all so positive and strong. I've had a good day and have just got back from my old lady visiting and am thinking of going to bed soon.

          We had a dry day today but rain is sweeping back in overnight, its been really grim but when I see the news footage of other parts of the world I realise that I shouldn't complain.

          I don't know if I told you that I'm going to take a meditation course starting in October and I've been doing some preparatory work. I started seriously today with a body scan relaxation from a cd and book that I've bought. I did keep falling asleep but I felt very good when it finished so I'm going to stick with it and will let you know how I get on.

          You will be observing a calm and peaceful Sooty from now on and I'm happy to share anything I learn with you if you think it would be helpful.

          Keep strong and safe gang
          love Sooty


            AF August - Week 3

            Sooty, what is the name of the CD and book? I have been missing my MWO hypno CDs because I lent them to someone and she has not returned them. I asked her once if she could locate them but she never did.

            If anyone has any suggestions for relaxation/meditation CDs, I'd like to hear them.

            Yes, back to work has hit me like a mack truck! I'm sorry I've been absent, but like LBH, I seem to be somewhat withdrawn of late. I'm ok though.

            Lav, thanks for looking for me!

            Rusty, Sped, Chill, Rustop, LBH, Cyn, Rebirth, Papmom, so good to hear all your stories.

            I'm reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult. It's quite good. The main character is a boy with Aspergers syndrome so it is quite interesting to me for that reason. I've worked with many children over the years on the Autism spectrum.

            Have a peaceful and AF evening, friends, and may we all enjoy an unhung Monday!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              AF August - Week 3

              Hi Dill,

              Thanks for checking in and humoring Rusty The Worry Wart! I will be not be checking in much this week as I am teaching a class that I have not taught in a VERY long time....I will be putting in long hours and may simply not have the time to read and post as this site is a necessity and a luxury for me at the same time.

              I wish everyone an AF week. It was a heavenly, peaceful AF day for me. No cravings at all....just gratitude.



                AF August - Week 3

                Buenos tardes,
                Just returned from an interminable shopping trip. When what I am shopping for is not specifically in my mind, I can spend a long time "shopping" with little to show for it. My shopping partner was a delightful 11 year old whom I tutored all last year. She started middle school last week and also turned 11, so we managed to get her some back to school clothes. She, like myself, is not really into clothes shopping. We had a much better time when I told her I needed to buy a new couch and we started going to furniture stores. It was a long afternoon, but I love having a relationship with this girl and her family.

                There is such a huge thunderstorm going on in the mountains just east of me. I do wish it would bring some rain my way. Know LBH's watching and hoping the same (as long as it doesn't hail).

                Dill, I'm sending positive energy. One of my closest friends is a speech therapist. Her caseload this year is going to be enormous. That's the way they are balancing the budget.
                Jodi Picoult is especially fun on audio tape.

                Chill, Rusty, exercise is the key for me. Even if it's just walking or splashing around in a pool. My run this morning was terribly tough because of the heat but I am so glad I did it.

                Lav, Rustop, Sooty, enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


                  AF August - Week 3

                  Hi Everyone!

                  Spedteach-I know what you mean about the shopping! I hate shopping for clothes and if my sister isn't with me I can get down right obsessive thinking I know exactly what I'm looking for but can't find it and it probably doesn't exist!!

                  Glad to see you both back LBH and Dill. It's OK to hunker down and just be. I do it alot and when I'm ready I go seek out some company.

                  Busy Busy day today!! The rain kept me in which is a very good thing as I slept in, read the sunday paper, ate a nice lunch and then got to work around 2 with some cooking I've been meaning to do for almost a month!! I have/had tons of Zucchini and Summer squash from my garden that needed to be used up as well as 2 large heads of broccoli. I still have a huge zuke that needs to be used and about 4 cups of shredded zuch and yellow squash that I froze. It never ends!! I made zucchini pancakes, low carb zucchini bread, a fabulous chicken, broccoli and stuffing recipe that is steamed in foil packs and it is to die for. I'm already thinking of ways to change it up! I also made homemade ranch dressing. I still have some chicken that is marinating right now and needs to be grilled up tomorrow nite. I also did 3 loads of laundry that is folded and put away. Whew!!
                  Instead of thinking "I could really use a glass (or 5) of wine right now, all I can think of is getting the animals settled in for the nite and crawling into bed and reading. What a delicious change of lifestyle for me!!

                  Glad to be AF and hope you all are too!

                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    AF August - Week 3

                    Looks like most everyone has checked in this weekend - good

                    Dill, I'm using a CD I found on DailyOM called 'Breathing Magic Into Forgiveness by Anna Casper Reiki Master & Spiritual Teaher. It is very relaxing, very good! Here's a link to more:

                    DailyOM - *Music & Sound Healing

                    I am also reading 'How to Not Be Afraid of Your Own Life' by Susan Piver, also very good. I will be passing that one on to you know who!!!

                    Had my DIL & EB over for dinner again tonight. EB looked at me, smiled & said 'Thank you Mi Mom'
                    I don't know where he got Mi Mom from but it was precious

                    I'm trying to watch Masterpiece Theatre but my attention is not really there.
                    Guess I'll do some more reading.
                    Good night all.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF August - Week 3

                      Good Very Early Morning August AF Friends,

                      It is 3:22 a.m. and I have to leave for the airport in an hour so I just wanted to say hello!

                      Papmom-thank you again for the wonderful recipe. I went for a run last night (it was still 88 degrees) and I came home famished-saw your recipe and that's all I've thought of since. I will make it ASAP when I get home from Alabama.

                      Sped-what a delightful day with an 11-year-old. I love watching kids mature and become interesting little adults.

                      Lav-Mi Mum-How precious! Thank you for the Daily OM reading. I need that right now because I am trying to forgive someone and not having a lot of luck.

                      A warm hello to everyone else-I will miss you this week. Please don't be surprised if you don't hear much from me. I am teaching a class and will be putting in very long hours!

                      Take care and enjoy an AF Monday!




                        AF August - Week 3

                        Good Morning Gang

                        Rustop - Your hubby certainly gets around with his fly fishing, Norway at this time of year will be fabulous.

                        Sooty - I would love to hear how you find your meditation group, I was hoping to be starting with one here but havent heard any more about it, they could be struggling to get the nos.

                        Dill - On the same subject, if you use an ipod, itunes has loads of free guided meditation which I use a lot of. One of my favs is The Chopra Centre's Meditations. Im now trying to get away from the guided ones and find that some gentle meditive music in the background helps me clear my mind.

                        Pap - That was a busy Sunday! I see you drowning in a mountain of zucchinis :H

                        Lav - EB is such a sweetheart :h

                        LBH - Thank you for your beautiful words, you sum up exactly how it is, here we all are trying to do our best with all the different issues life brings us. I think we are doing pretty ok....

                        Rusty - Have a great trip... we will miss you :l

                        Having little money is certainly challenging, I have in front of me things I need to buy and things Id like to do and having to think through and prioritize is a new experience for me. Spinning out food I have and dropping all luxuries is making me appreciate everything I can manage to buy and do even more. There is always a lesson and a silver lining in everything....
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996

