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AF Daily Monday 8/16

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    AF Daily Monday 8/16

    Oops - I missed a couple of posts. G, thanks for sharing the sad news about Starty's Mom. Techie, thanks for starting up the candle page and for the link.

    PAguy, I'm not proud at all of the woman I was. I am grateful to finally be turning into the woman I think I was always meant to be. I had a lot of "drinking buddies" that were users just like me. We used each other and other people. They no longer serve a purpose in my life nor do I serve a purpose in theirs - at least not at this time. Of course we never know where our paths will lead us in the future. If she is really your friend it will all work out somehow. If not, and if she is in a rut like I was in, it will probably drift apart of it's own accord.

    I bet your FL place is spectacular. Can I go live there during the project at my house????

    What I am currently resisting is the packing up and moving everything out of the 2nd floor. Maybe I'm just being lazy or maybe I'm in denial about the chaos and construction dust that is imminent.... We remodeled the first floor a couple years ago so unfortunately, I know what I'm in for. At least I like the contractor so having him as a room mate during business hours isn't horrible. :H (Greenie, he does not look like Johnny Depp! That's probably a good thing!!)

    M3, I feel your pain.

    Lav, it will all work out OK.

    One thing is for sure...I'm not doing any packing OR drinking tonight!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Monday 8/16

      G - I'm a fangirl! :yougo:

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily Monday 8/16

        Hello to all. I've had another fab AF here. It's feeling better all the time. Greenie, I was reading posts again from yesterday and must have missed your question about the knee injection. I should have said I had my knee injected. The ortho doc did it for arthritis and subsequent knee pain. I'm a nurse and pretty tough but don't think I could do that for myself! It wasn't bad though and feels way better.
        I'm looking for the link to the nightly meditation site. I often forget in these threads, where I found something. Guess I'll have to keep a notebook by the computer!. If anyone remembers please post again. Hopefully I'll find it before turning in tonight.
        Want to say congrats to you Cindi, on the new grandchild. I have always liked the name Tristan. Sorry to hear about Starting Over's Mom.
        AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


          AF Daily Monday 8/16

          Hi Everyone! Quick post before I turn in. Busy past 24 hours. The playdate was fun but I ate way too much crap and was up all nite with heartburn. 2 of the dogs also were sick last nite-no one was handing out treats that I know of so it must have been the water. LM got sick all over my bed at 10pm and I had no clean sheets!! What a disaster!
          Busy day at work-very productive for once even tho I went in late-and then errands after work. I didn't have time yesterday to do anything except the playdate. Better eating today but no exercise x2. Bad girl.
          I have new sheets and pillows on my bed and a plastic mattress protector to throw over the quilt when I'm not in bed. Don't know why I didn't think of that before!! I'm ready for bed and maybe 1/2 hour of reading.
          Cinders-congrats on then new grandchild! Love the name!!
          Uni-I can feel the excitement in your words. I very excited for you as well. A whole new life is beginning for you!!
          DG and M3-I can commiserate on the remodeling!!
          G-gotta get to your music thread and become a fan girl!!
          Techie-thanks for the link. I lit a candle. So sad.
          Auntie-is that your pic in your siggy? I wish my cat would stay on my lap like that!!
          LVT-glad you had a good time on vaca in spite of some residual guilt.
          Lav-you've got plenty of time to figure out how to keep that house running. Be good to yourself always but esp. now.
          OK, gotta go-eyes closing. No reading tonite!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily Monday 8/16

            Papmom3, that is I. It's actually my daughter's cat, Gracie. She doesn't normally like to sit in laps much but she was watching the cursor!
            AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


              AF Daily Monday 8/16


              all is well and AF in my magic garlic world.

              just a quick late night congrats to Cinders!

              and I had to share this beautiful story:

              The Animal Odd Couple - CBS News Video
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

