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AF Daily Monday 8/16

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    AF Daily Monday 8/16

    Good Morning All,

    Getting today started!!
    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!

    AF Daily Monday 8/16

    Wow, Just read yesterday's post. Lots going on. Greenie, does this have to do with Mercury being in retrograde?

    Hippy Chick, I echo what everyone else said yesterday about it getting easier. Also, each time you take a baby step forward and have another AF victory (e.g., getting out of the house when you don't want to or NOT drinking when you have the urge), the more you put into your self-confidence and self-esteem bank. This in turn, makes it a little bit easier.

    Paguy. Geez, I've never had something as blatant happen to me as your experience with your friend. I found that some friends naturally fell out of my life but I never had anyone challenge me about being AF like that. Good for you for staying true to yourself. Glad to hear that you had a good workout and didn't push yourself too much.

    Cinders. I am happy to hear that you had a great time at the concert. What a great experience to have AF. I went to my first concert AF last summer and I was quite anxious that I would not have a good time and that the music would bring up old memories and triggers. It felt a little odd but I had alot of fun too and I felt oh so good about having this experience. Last month, I saw James Taylor and Carole King at an outdoor concert and just had a genuinely good time. There was a couple in front of us who were so stinking drunk that they kept on staggering and falling all over themselves. It was sad and irritating. And, I was miffed because they were probably going to drive home that way.

    DG, We're doing a renovation on our house too. So, we can commiserate. We are redoing our kitchen, adding a family room and a screened in porch.

    That's all for now. Hello to all to come.
    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily Monday 8/16

      Good morning Abbers!

      M3, I've been thru so many remodeling projects over the years it's not funny. But now I'm sitting in a house that we built just 7 years ago & other than a little painting - everything is in good shape, thank God! I don't know how I'm going to handle all that stuff in the future with no help.

      Cinders, I've seen CSN several times over the years in Philly. Always loved them

      I'm doing a half day of work then meeting a girlfriend for lunch so all is well!
      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily Monday 8/16

        Swimmers take your mark!!!

        Thanks for the start m3 - I thought about you being half way through your workout when I was making my way down the dark hall this AM. No jealousy whatsoever, mind you :H

        I'm really having to ramp up for the Monday thing. I'm not feeling it at all so I will do the fake it till you make it approach. I've yet to go to the river (overcast, humid, icky), but I have done some other things - as series of small accomplishments to begin to build the momentum towards a good day. Still in the robe, but no matter. If I end up plodding along, that's all right. I expect the plumber tomorrow - I was pretty clear on that.

        Note to Lav: Stay in the present. You'll handle the stuff in the future just like always. You are a strong, capable woman and if you need help, you know how to get it. I've always found sexual favors work well :H kidding - to all those lurkers reading this. Seriously Lav, no need to go there (unless you want to do some really great positive visualizing) :l

        OK, I'm out of here and on to the river.

        Do have a maaaahhhhvelous Monday, won't you?

        Oh, and ONE thing is for sure............
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Monday 8/16

          Hello friends,

          Just popping in for a quick update this morning. I haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread totally yet. So this will be mostly about me as usual. :H

          The vaca went pretty well. I lost a little sleep and worried too much about the post I made on facebook about coaches being jerks and the fact that it made one of my good friends mad because she is the football coaches mom. I sent another apology to her and she finally replied that it was ok, I should enjoy my family. So, I was able to do that. I will be much more careful about what I post on facebook from now on. I may even give it a little break.

          Even though I dislike the city immensely, Denver has so much to see and do. We took in the Human Bodies exhibit which was incredible, a Rockies baseball game, and of course the theme park. We stopped at a fun place called Dave and Busters. It is huge bar/restaurant/video arcade. I told my hubby that in the past I would have had about 4 of the big tall beers down by then after a day in the heat with the boys/stress. I still marvel at all of the "normal" drinkers out there. I def was not one of them. There was a woman at the water park that sipped on a tall glass of beer for an hour! An hour! I figured I would have had about 3 in that time. Anyway, everything went pretty smooth, hubby was a little grumpy the last day, but he dropped the boys and I off to go shopping and he visited a friend, and seemed a little better after that. I always feel a little guilty after splurging like that. We saw several homeless people that have nothing, and here we were spending money on stuff like it grows on trees.

          Lav--is your hubby having a mid-life crisis? I've seen it happen before. It sucks for you, but I know you will take care of yourself and soon will be living life to the fullest for just you--you are the one that matters and EB of course!:l

          Hippy--I did read your ? about when or if this gets easy. It does, eventually get easier. I think its different for everyone as far as timing. For me I think part of it was a natural progression of aging, and although I drank way too much and didn't have control when I drank, it wasn't super hard to quit---more of a bad habit than addiction for me. So, hang in there, it is so worth it! It may never feel completely natural for me, but it is still better.

          And why did Oney apologize for posting on this thread? Do people not feel welcome here?
          Glad she did though, I saw that post somewhere else earlier--it is a great one!

          I need to get busy, another week of playing catch up. Washing all of the new school clothes (and a few mom clothes) and then off to work and deliver meals on wheels and the boys have dentist appointments. After seeing all of the cute athletic wear yesterday, I am determined to get back into shape and then I will treat myself to some more clothes. (And find a way to help the homeless) The race for the cure is coming up October 3rd, so I need to get busy!

          Have a great sober week everyone!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Monday 8/16

            Hi guys,

            Quick pop in and I haven't had a chance to catch up so I apologize. Wedenesday is my entrance day to treatment! Yipee!!!!!!

            Day 32 - Love it! I'll keep you posted when I'm there. I apologize that it'll be quick jump ins so I probably won't get a chance to keep up with what's happening here.

            Today is zooming as I have to get everything ready.

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF Daily Monday 8/16

              Hi everyone! Uni, so excited for you about rehab. I think it's wonderful you are going with a bit of sober time already under your belt. I hope that helps you delve into all the wonderful parts of recovery that can come after the drinking stops!

              Thanks M3 for getting us started today. Oy. Yes we can commiserate. I'm wanting to commiserate NOW and the project hasn't even started yet. :H (I'm hearing Greenie remind me to STAY IN TODAY!!)

              From yesterday. I was the kind of "friend" that PAGuys friend was to him. I was selfish. (and still can be if I allow my brain and heart to go there) His post got me thinking about all the times someone may have said to me "no thanks, I've had enough..." or "I don't really want a drink right now...." or whatever. All I cared about was drinking myself, and having people to drink with just made me more comfortable with my own drinking. Preferably I liked to be with HEAVY drinkers just like me. But in a pinch, anyone would do. I pushed AL on people many times and could have cared less. After the fact, I NEVER thought "I wonder if so and so is an alcoholic and that's why they didn't want to drink?" I never thought about the other person at all. I thought about keeping my own drinking comfortable for me.

              PAguy - I'm not saying that is what your friend is doing. I'm just saying that's what I used to do. Makes me glad I am working hard to change things beyond just removing the alcohol. I was not a very nice person when it came to my selfishness about drinking.

              Lav, when I had a house by myself in FL I got a room mate. (platonic one) I gave him a good deal on rent but he was responsible for a lot of the maintenance work and also helping me care for my dog as I worked long hours at the time. Just sayin' that there are possibilities! I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but I really believe everything will all work out for the best. The universe is like that some times.

              Hi to Greenie and LVT and P3 and all others yet to come! That includes YOU Oney!

              One thing is for sure...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily Monday 8/16

                Hello, Abbers,

                I apologize for the quick post and run. I have been reading through this thread and have a lot of thoughts to offer. (Does anyone care? :H:H)

                However, I must get my granddaughter set up for school tomorrow in an overnighter, get onesies for the BRAND NEW GRANDCHILD (Tristan) born today and get to the hospital.

                I get to spend tonight at home with my granddaughter. The other grandparents are watching the 15 month old, G-d Bless them!!

                But, I will post again later. So many good posts here today and yesterday. I love this thread. It helps keep me grounded. Thank you all.

                Oh, and one thing is for sure...

                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF Daily Monday 8/16

                  Cindi, congrats on the new grand baby! I forgot to mention that early - I apologize! So it IS Tristan after all?? I care!! I care!! How wonderful that you are able to enjoy this special day with your family clear and present. Life is good.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily Monday 8/16

                    Back again for a quick hello.

                    Greenie, I did not get up early to work out today. I was feeling quite ill last night...don't know what was going on but felt better today when I woke up at 7 am.

                    Lav, I have a dear friend who built a house on a huge piece of property with her husband. She has several horses, cows, etc. He up and left her about 6 years ago. She was devastated, but she is doing so well. And, she has found some incredibly creative ways to keep her property/house in shape and to pay for the upkeep of her home. You will shine!! PS, I might be asking for advice on remodeling projects!!

                    LVT, One rule I always live by is to not type anything on email, FB, MWO, etc when I am miffed. Because once it is in writing, it's done. I'm sorry it caused you such heartache on your vacation. It sounds like all is well now and that is great. Oh, and by the way, I do agree that some of these coaches need to get a life.

                    DG, I can relate to the anxiety. I started looking at kitchen appliances, kitchen layouts, etc. online last night and it overwhelmed so much that I just shut it down. Perhaps that's why I was sick last night.

                    Universal, Two more days to go. Hang in there. You are doing great. You will learn so much in rehab. You really will. And, you are starting out in a much better place than most do when they enter rehab.

                    Cinders, Congrats on your grandbaby. You sound like a happy and content grandmama.

                    See ya
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily Monday 8/16

                      Greeting's folk's,

                      Ah Cindi, a new grand kid! Beautiful.....

                      I have some sad new's. Our friend 'Startingover's mum has been diagnosed with terminal cancer in the last 24 hours. She is understandably very upset. I don't have a link, but Techie set up a MWO candle's page for her mum.
                      Thought's are with you and your family Starter's.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        AF Daily Monday 8/16

                        Thanks G. Congratulations Cindi!

                        Group *mwo* Candles - Light A Candle
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          AF Daily Monday 8/16

                          momof3;935992 wrote:
                          DG, I can relate to the anxiety. I started looking at kitchen appliances, kitchen layouts, etc. online last night and it overwhelmed so much that I just shut it down. Perhaps that's why I was sick last night.

                          And trust me, all the ice cream and cookies on the planet (or at least all of them in my local Walmart) do NOT help relieve any of the anxiety! (but they do make me sick!) I need to get over myself, stop eating craptacular food, and just pack shit up.

                          At least I have no urges to drink. For that I am thankful!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily Monday 8/16

                            Had a nice lunch out today

                            Cindi, congrats on your new grandbaby! They are so wonderful!!!!!!

                            DG, I'm not quite ready to hang out the ROOM FOR RENT sign but I'll keep it in mind for the future.
                            Don't get overwhelmed with the house projects - same with you M3.

                            Thanks the info & link Mr G & techie. I go light a candle now for Startingover's Mum. It is so hard to watch your parents get sick, I know.

                            Wishing everyone a peaceful evening - waiting for the thunder storms here!!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              AF Daily Monday 8/16

                              Doggygirl;935840 wrote: From yesterday. I was the kind of "friend" that PAGuys friend was to him. I was selfish. (and still can be if I allow my brain and heart to go there) His post got me thinking about all the times someone may have said to me "no thanks, I've had enough..." or "I don't really want a drink right now...." or whatever. All I cared about was drinking myself, and having people to drink with just made me more comfortable with my own drinking. Preferably I liked to be with HEAVY drinkers just like me. But in a pinch, anyone would do. I pushed AL on people many times and could have cared less. After the fact, I NEVER thought "I wonder if so and so is an alcoholic and that's why they didn't want to drink?" I never thought about the other person at all. I thought about keeping my own drinking comfortable for me.
                              Happy Monday, everyone!

                              DG - what you described is the exact behavior that is motivating my friend. Believe me, I can tell you so many stories about how she has manipulated me in the past. Not that I needed much coercion to go along and be her drinking buddy. But I am now observing that her whole objective is to be around other people who are drinking to be more comfortable with her own drinking. I am so thankful to be in the position that I am in now (albeit I'm still a 'newbie') but I have a much clearer head and can see things for what they really are now.

                              M3 and DG - I totally understand the anxiety that goes along with a renovation project. My partner and I just finished remodeling our condo in FL (we live in PA) and it was VERY nervewracking. Especially, managing the project from long distance. We are fortunate in that we really trusted our contractor but all of the decisions that had to be made in such a short timeframe really got to us. And, as you mentioned M3, you get to the point where you just need to shutdown. Good luck with your projects!

                              Cindi - congrats on your new grandchild - how exciting!!

                              And to everyone else - I hope you are at peace are having a good day....
                              AF since 7/13/2010

