Hi again! How do you spell relief? T-h-r-e-e m-o-r-e w-e-e-k-s (to get ready for demolotion)!!! YAY!!! Now to keep procrastination from setting in. I've actually made some real progress today not just moving crap around, but going through things and filing some and throwing away others. Need to keep pecking away at this a little bit every day.
Uni, I am so excited for you. What a great opportunity to learn and grow and really put AL behind you in rehap with such a great attitude going in. :yougo:
Cindi, can I come over and have ravioli for breakfast too? We'll forget for a moment that I am NOT of an age where those carbs don't matter. But ravioli sure sounds like the breakfast of champions to me. Do we get to see a piccy of the new grand baby?
Lav, it sounds like you are going to have a long week.

Wow LVT. You have some awesome in-laws! That must have been nice to come home to!
Hi Raven.joy. It's great to see you! What's cookin'?
Greenie, I don't have to make too many choices, thank goodness. We have a really good decorator and I'd be fine with whatever she picked out. Mr. Doggy is a bit pickier so the two of them work out most things. Then every once in awhile I'll muck it all up with a random strong opinion out of nowhere.

Anyone else heard G's music? I love it. Bluesy. I'm a fangirl. :yougo:
OK. Back to work. One thing is for sure.....