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AF Daily Wed 8/18

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    AF Daily Wed 8/18

    Good morning abberonies near and far and the dudes too!

    One thing I've been doing since being AF is de-clutter. It is a long process but has done me so much good. Today is trash day love trash day and I usually try to contribute something more than the regular old stuff. Today was 3 years of Cooks magazines. Along with any magazines other than the current month. I had a year of Body and Soul (2004?)that I kept meaning to look at..... So now, I have a basket for catalogs, and a magazine rack for current stuff and a CLEAR coffee table. It may not sound like much, but it changes the feel of the room when I walk in. That clearing of space somehow clears my inner space, and I really need that.

    Have a happy AF humpday!

    And tweak your bagua.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily Wed 8/18

    Nothing like a good clearout Greenie.

    Zooming in, hope everyone's doing well. My mum had her operation on Monday (talcum powder, yes really, put into her lung to try to prevent fluid building up). She was remarkably chirpy only a few hours after coming round and is doing very well. She had all her tubes taken out from the op yesterday (drip, cannula, morphine thingy) but still has the lung drain in for the time being. We're hoping that this will sort her lung out and she can then start radiotherapy for the bone cancer in her leg. Lots of procedures ahead. She's been in hospital for three weeks today and is desperate to get out. Docs say they might let her out Thurs/Fri this week, then she will only have to go in as a day patient for radiotherapy. Fingers crossed!

    On a few evenings after visiting dad has tried to persuade me to drink. One time on the way back from the hospital, we were driving past a pub and he said "I can't buy you a pint any more, can I?" and I said I'd happily go into the pub with him if he wanted a drink but he said he no longer drinks and drives (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA). The other times we were at home and he was drinking whisky/wine while we were cooking/eating and he kept going on at me about how much I'd enjoy this wine and couldn't I just have a couple? I tried to spell it out to him without getting annoyed but I could really do without that on top of everything else.

    Gotta run. Back later in the week.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily Wed 8/18

      Morning everyone!

      Feeling good here. After 3 months, I'm forgetting the 'good' feelings of drinking and am just feeling the fear of the bad effects. Well at least that's my thought for today.

      And tweak your bagua - what does that mean, Greenie? BIG pat on the back for you for getting rid of 3 years of Cook's magazine! Yeah, I know you were really gonna make that caramel avacado banana lamb thing, but just never got around to it. You must feel lighter each trash day and I know exactly what you mean!

      Marshy! So great to hear that YOU are doing well and are getting through all these trials with your parents. Your dad could function as quite the enabler, huh? Good for you for declining. Talcum powder in the lungs? Never heard of that one - how does it get out finally without clogging things? Ever put talcum powder in your shoes and it gets gunky? I'm sure the docs have it all figured out and this is just a dumb question...

      Lav I send you gentle hugs for what you have been dealing with this week. You have such a good attitude.

      DG how are you? Did you feel a real void for the days you skipped your meetings? You know, to me dry drunk is just a label and I hate labels. I totally agree that you have to change your life to learn to be AF. However, if, for example, my DH is a jerk and I get upset and he calls me a dry drunk is that fair?

      Kids coming gotta go...
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily Wed 8/18

        Happy Humpday Abbers,

        Greenie - Wednesday is my trash day too. I hope the guys on the truck don't mind the deceased chicken in the can........
        I love throwing things away as well - therapeutic throwing.

        Marshy, good to hear from you. I'm confused about the talcum powder procedure on you Mum. I'll have to research that. I'm sure she must be ready to go home after a 3 week hospital stay, that's quite long. I remember my Dad tyring to ply me with whiskey after my Mom passed away. Back then I wanted no part of it, my drinking career hadn't yet begun.

        Well, back to dog sitting.........oh joy!
        Wishing everyone a wonderfully AF Wednesday.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily Wed 8/18

          Hi Gaia - cross post
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily Wed 8/18

            Hello friends,

            Thanks for checking in Marshy. That sounds like an interesting procedure, hope all goes well from here on out. I think some people are just really uncomfortable drinking by themselves. Luckily I don't have to deal with that too much, if at all anymore. But I know I used to be that way, I didn't really like to be around non-drinkers and non smokers when I was in the mood.

            Greenie, I am jealous that you have a 'day" to declutter. I really want to get going with the Flylady thing, but my life keeps getting in the way. My house has gotten really messy this summer--it has been driving hubby nuts so when I was in omaha, he decided to declutter. I spent an hour and a half looking for my son's vaccination records, copy of his physical that he needed for school today. The worst part is, it was with my other son's original birth certificate. I knew right were I left it. He said he didn't move it. But he did, and thank God I found it, I was on the verge of a meltdown. But it really is my fault, I should have put it all back in the safe until I needed it again. My son also cleaned his room and closet while I was gone, so I had 6 boxes piled in my office. I did go through them yesterday and made some younger kids pretty happy with hand me downs and toys.

            I really wanted to be out pulling my 4 foot tall weeds instead of looking for shot records last night, so I better get out there and do that and then head to 2 jobs. It is suppose to be 98 here today--yesterday was gorgeous. I love fall, but I'm not ready for what follows.

            Have a great day all! And you know one thing is for sure...............:h

            PS Where can I find G's music?
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily Wed 8/18

              Good Morning All,

              Raining here today; a welcome relief from the heat.

              Greenie, I have been de-cluttering too. I love the look of walking in a home or office and seeing lots of space. It is a constant struggle for me, however, given that there are 5 in my household. A de-cluttered home to me = a de-cluttered mind. I truly believe our surroundings are a reflection of what's going on in our heads! Mine is still a bit messy and disorganized but certainly alot better than it used to be.

              Marshy, I hope your mom is home soon. I'm perplexed by your father encouraging you to drink. I suspect that he is uncomfortable with you not drinking while he still is.

              Gaia, I like the term "dry drunk." No other term better captures the essence of a person who has stopped drinking but is not living a full, happy life. I too get annoyed with the labels. For example, I recall mentioning to someone that my dad quit drinking all on his own and her comment was that he must have been a dry drunk. He really wasn't though. He found his own way and went to his grave with 25 plus years of sobriety under his belt. Pretty darn good, huh? An amazing man he was.

              Lav, Hope you are doing okay. Glad that the "pain in the ass" dogs will be gone soon. You sound like a very strong woman. You deserve to pamper yourself somehow after all of this. What would that mean for you?

              Gonna get some work done today. I will, I will, I will.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily Wed 8/18

                Hi LVT

                Cross posted!

                I have given up on my house being organized and clean in the Summer with my kids home. It is a never ending battle.

                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF Daily Wed 8/18

                  gaia bagua refers to zones in your home that relate to aspects of your life. You incorportate feng shui principles to improve the energy in the zones and thus your life.
                  Detailed feng shui bagua map - color chart

                  LVT, A DAY?? Who said a DAY? I carried the recycle bin through the living room at 6:30 AM and glances at the coffee table and though I'm sick of those 2 piles. Put recycle bin on porch and in 15 minutes (like flylady said) threw out the stuff I needed to in order to clear the coffee table. Stuff like that is a reperesentation of things I think I need to attend to but really don't. "Off with their heads"!

                  Feckin' plumber didn't show up - that's the 2nd day in a row I didn't walk and I would REALLY like to blame him but I could have gotten up earlier. :H:H Sheri's thread is helping me take responsibility for my own actions. Gawd, what a job!!!

                  M3 I remember being outside once when my neighbor threw kid's stuff in the trash. He had not honored the firm "pick up your stuff" guidelines. I consisered how hard that must be considering she spent her money on the stuff.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Wed 8/18

                    I hope the guys on the truck don't mind the deceased chicken in the can... >>

                    Lav, use the black trashbags, like I used to do with my empties.
                    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                      AF Daily Wed 8/18

                      Thought for the Day

                      I heard this song on my way into work and the chorus just resonated with me. So often on these posts I hear about how we drank because we were lonely or the more we drank the more isolated we got. I think David Wilcox nailed it:
                      From "That's what the Lonely is For"
                      When I get lonely ah, that's only a sign
                      Some room is empty, and that room is there by design
                      If I feel hollow - that's just my proof that there's more
                      For me to follow - that's what the lonely is for

                      Great job on the declutter Greenie. Keep it going!!
                      Marshy-good to have you back. Your mum sounds like one amazing woman and you obviously have her genes if you could resist your dad's enabling!! :goodjob:
                      M3-just a tad jealous you're getting all the rain today! We've got clouds but the rain is well south. I too would like more than 15 minutes to declutter but even that is better than nothing. I now have my desk back!!

                      Hi Lav, LVT, Pride, Gaia
                      Have a great AF day everyone!!

                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF Daily Wed 8/18

                        Hi guys - sorry, don't have time to read, just a quick post to let you all know I made it - am all checked in and have met some of my fellow "newbies". This is a really great place and since I am already detoxed I actually get to do some programming this week which is great as I wasn't expecting that.

                        I'll keep you posted as I go along - I hope to be able to check in every day but if not, know that I am thinking of you all.

                        Love you,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          AF Daily Wed 8/18

                          Oh yeah Pride - double thick black trash bags (body bags) for sure :H
                          The trick in this heat is get them into the can as quickly as possible before something starts to smell

                          M3 - you asked about a day to pamper myself - what would I like? At this point I have no freakin idea! I've spent my life waiting on family & friends, taking care of patients, taking care of animals, etc. - everyone but me :upset: My dream WAS to have some quality one on one time with the Mr after we retired from our main careers.............that ain't gonna happen now, is it?

                          OK, back to work & change the subject before the tears and/or anger start up again.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily Wed 8/18

                            greeneyes;937491 wrote: Good morning abberonies near and far and the dudes too!

                            One thing I've been doing since being AF is de-clutter. It is a long process but has done me so much good. Today is trash day love trash day and I usually try to contribute something more than the regular old stuff. Today was 3 years of Cooks magazines. Along with any magazines other than the current month. I had a year of Body and Soul (2004?)that I kept meaning to look at..... So now, I have a basket for catalogs, and a magazine rack for current stuff and a CLEAR coffee table. It may not sound like much, but it changes the feel of the room when I walk in. That clearing of space somehow clears my inner space, and I really need that.

                            Have a happy AF humpday!

                            And tweak your bagua.
                            Oh. Sorry Greenie, I could have SWORN you said today was declutter day.:H:H I had one of those mornings. I sent and invite to my son's candle party $ maker and luckily I sent one to myself because i had attached the invite to my SIL's party that was last week at her home in Missouri!!! And then, when I re sent it with the corrections I put "He is trying to earn $ for their class trip to DC LAST summer." Good grief.

                            We'll be thinking of you Uni!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              AF Daily Wed 8/18

                              LVT... Too funny!!! Too much coffee or not enough this AM?

                              Lav :l You do indeed deserve quality time. Maybe time with Mr Lav in his depressed or WTF state it is, would not be the quality you need. By not taking care of or trying to relieve his depression, you can focus on you and your needs and find what it is to pamper yourself. You can learn to spend quality time with yourself and people who are appreciative of the opportunity to share it.

                              Uni, I'm so glad you can check in!

                              Marshy, hang in there - you getting any exercise in? You can blame my plumber if you need to - hey, what are friends for
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

