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AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

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    AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

    Ab fabbers!

    I woke up at 4.45am today and couldn't get back to sleep. Got up and watched the sky getting lighter. Reminded me of those times when I'd wake up early due to a hangover and start drinking again at 5am. Not a particularly good time of day for me!
    I went out for a meal with a friend last night to a really nice Turkish place but I ate more peppers than I usually do in a year so I think digesting those might have something to do with waking up early.

    Lav - if you want a travel companion, I'll meet you in Paris any time you like! My French extends to ordering a croque monsieur and a cup of coffee. What more could you want?

    Auntie Gris - you reminded me that I have a voucher for hot stones treatment. I think I'll try to fix that up for next week.

    Greenie - haven't been exercising, no, and I need to. Blame your plumber for what?

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

    Morning Abberoos and Abberoonies,

    I went out for a meal with a friend last night to a really nice Turkish place but I ate more peppers than I usually do in a year so I think digesting those might have something to do with waking up early.

    Been there, done that, Marshy. Better than a hangover any day, though.

    Woke up early myself. Mr. G sent me his "ditty" and I enjoyed it very much. It should be the MWO anthem.

    I hope all have a wonderful AF and lovely day.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

      Hello Abber's,

      I lived in Paris for awhile years ago. I loved it, and look forward to going back sometime. I remember not being able to afford the beautiful, fresh roast poulet for sale on the corner, and vowing to never take a good feed for granted ever again. I finish everything on my plate these day's.
      Hope everyone is well. The day off tomorrow..yeah! Have a great day.

      (Thank's Cindi!)

      Best wishes, G-bloke.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

        Morning abbie fabbies!

        Marshy, we need to establish some new sober morning memories for you! erm... unless you don't get up early often enough to HAVE morning memories. :H
        You can blame my plumber for not exercising. He's rather handy for that.

        cindi, the MWO anthem!! Perfecto!

        G- always a pleasure, I hope you're feeling better and looking forward to a long magical weekend!

        Papmom, wondering about you and your sister's event. I've been thinking about agility and wonder, can any dog do that? Like little doggie? She's very smart and maybe would like to learn something like that. Maybe I would too.

        Auntie, glad you're doing well.

        Hey ho to all to come. I've got to crank out some reports & will be back later.

        Although I had fleeting memories of association yesterday, ONE thing is for SURE....

        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

          Woke up to massive amounts of Golden Retriever breath this morning - definitely not fabulous :H:H
          They go home tomorrow & I can't wait!

          I know a trip to Paris is not in the cards for me so I treat myself to a big cup of French roast coffee every morning & pretend. I'm afraid that's the best I can do right now!

          I need to knuckle down & get some work done this morning - I procrastinate too much
          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

            Hi Abbies,

            G I would love to hear your music too.

            Uni good to hear from you and to hear that you are comfortable. I hope it goes well and that you really really like the program.

            Hi Marshy, and Cindi, and Greenie.

            So many things went wrong for me yesterday. I feel very very low. Mr. T. is right to be angry with me (I didn't drink, by the way... it's not that) but I can hear his mind working, thinking, OK she f-ed up. How can I turn this to my advantage? How can I teach her a lesson so that in the future I am better positioned? He's not being mean, like he can be and possibly will be, but he's upset for good reason but I still hear the wheels turning. Or maybe I'm inventing this. I have so much self-doubt!

            Feeling really sad...

            AF since May 6, 2010

            Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


              AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

              Gaia, :l forgive yourself. If he is angry, it is his choice and you can let him hold it. Apologize if appropriate and let it go and don't imagine what's happening in his brain - not good for you. The queen has spoken. :H

              Lav... croissants to go with that coffee? Oui?

              Here's today's daily OM... sorry I didn't clean up the copy/paste

              August 18, 2010
              Letting Go of Understanding
              Deeper Meanings
              > Sometimes we are not always meant to know the deeper meaning of certain occurrences and need only move forward.
              > All of us who seek to be conscious and aware regard our experiences as teachers, and we try to discern what lessons we are learning from the things that happen in our lives. Sometimes the lesson is very clear from the get-go, and other times we have to really search to understand the deeper meaning behind some event. While this search often yields results, there also comes a point in the search where what we really need to do is move forward. It is possible that we are not meant to know the deeper meaning of certain occurrences. Answers may come later in our lives, or they may come as a result of letting go, or they may never come.
              > We are all part of a complex system of being, and things work themselves out in the system as a whole. Sometimes we are just playing a necessary part in that process with a result larger than we can understand. It may have very little to do with us personally, and while that can be hard to understand, it can also free us from overthinking the matter. Sometimes it is best to see it in terms of karma, a past debt we have been able to repay in this way, or as the clearing of energy. We can simply thank the event for being part of our experience and let it go. This completes the process that the occurrence has made possible.
              > To make this letting go official, we can perform a ritual, make a final journal entry on the subject, or sit in meditation with the intention of releasing the event from our consciousness. As we do so, we summon it one last time, honoring it with our attention, thanking it, and saying good-bye. We then let it go out the door, out the window, out the top of our heads, or into the earth through the bottoms of our feet, liberating ourselves from any burden we have carried in association with it.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                greeneyes;938284 wrote: unless you don't get up early often enough to HAVE morning memories. :H
                Erm, true.

                Gaia - would Mr T really be scheming about how to teach you a lesson? It seems to me that women often dwell on things and twist themselves into knots loooong after men have forgotten all about something.

                Off to get a slice of cheesecake, I think. Need some sugar to keep me awake.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                  Day 1 for me. I'm shooting for 30 days AF.



                    AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                    Gaia--listen to the Queen.

                    Welcome filthee. I am a true believer in the MWO program. What's your plan?

                    Have a great af day all!:h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                      Morning Abbers!!
                      Just listened to Mr. G's Ditty and WOW!!! :kudos:I am so a fan now!! When's the US tour G???

                      :welcome: Filthee-hope your Day 1 is the beginning of a wonderful new life for you!! Have you checked out the Newbies Nest in the Starting Out forum? It's awesome! Lot's of fun and tons of support!!

                      Greenie-thanks for thinking of me and the Labor Day Drunk Fest. The subject hasn't come up yet as my Sis in on vacation down the Cape (she gets a REAL vacation down there, I get one day). I'm sure we'll talk about it Saturday at my neph's birthday party. I'm feeling better about it and looking forward to what I planned for the weekend.
                      Yes, just about any dog can do agility-it's the handlers who have trouble :H !! Look for a beginning agility class at any training facility near you. I pay $125 for 6 weeks of hour long lessons and I've been doing it for almost 2 years. Also, sometimes there are local agility clubs if you really get into it that will hold run throughs and seminars but for now one 6wk class will either get you hooked or not. Some dogs are really scared of the obstacles at first but with the right instruction you would not believe how much their self confidence is boosted by the end of the class. Let us know if you decide to check it out. It's so much fun and good exercise for both!!
                      Loved the OM posting, Thank you!!

                      Gaia-I'm so sorry you're hubby is upset with you but I agree with everyone else. As hard as it is to do, you must let him own the anger and try not to visualize what is going on in his mind and what his intentions are. They are never right anyway. Just go on living your best life. Hugs to you.

                      Hi Lav, Cinders, LVT, Marshy, Auntie and all to come. Have a fabbie AF day!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                        I am off to france for a week to see my parents in France. Last few times always very wine soaked affairs. They are supportive of my sobriety I just hope I do noy find them too annoying after a few clarets,
                        I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                          AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                          Hi guys,

                          Quick check in again (sorry that I don't have a lot of time to read everything - I hope you guys are all doing well).

                          By programming I mean daily meetings, group therapy etc. You are not supposed to be able to participate in the first week because you should be detoxing. However since I'm not I've been able to participate more.

                          I got my 1 month chip last night at the AA meeting. That felt so great since I just got here and most of the people who came in with me are struggling to get started and I came in with 34 days. That was a great accomplishment for me.

                          I really love it here. My roomate is great, the hospital is great, I feel so supported and loved and although it is only my second day I have already gotten a lot out of this place. I am so fully into doing this program and making it work for me. I am very positive and hopeful. I have no reservations and I am ready to let go of all of my shame and work hard to change my lifestyle to a more postiive and healthy one.

                          I'll keep you guys posted as we go along! On Saturday I will make the effort to read through the weeks posts and catch up.

                          Love you guys,
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                            uni... you post give me happy goose bumps.. Really! :l
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                              hey all just flying in to say hi - am day 5 af and nf.
                              plans for weekend are to stay in sat eve and cook dinner with a mate who is also not drinking and watch the sopranos again (Love it!)
                              eatign tonnes hurt leg so no skating for 10 days - nooooooooooo.
                              But no booze or fags for this bear

                              reading lots of allan carr each night before bed - keeping me on track.
                              I've been reading and catching up lots on af monthly but plan to come back here and post daily once I have my 30 days.

                              Keep strong you lovely people,you're all an inspiration to me.
                              one day at a time

