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AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

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    AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

    Great job on 10 days bear!!!:cheering:
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

      Ah Raven - you're going to France? Can I go too?????
      Good to see you & I hope you enjoy your trip!

      Uni, you sound wonderful - good for you!

      Bear, stick to your guns - you've got a great quit going on, congrats!

      Here's a special little story........
      My DIL emailed me & asked if I would go pick up her organic farm shares today since they are away on vacation. She gave me the directions & I said 'Sure, I'll go'. So I made the 30 mile roundtrip trek at lunchtime only to find out that the shares cannot be picked up until 4:30 pm. My DIL did not tell me this. There is absolutely no where to hang out for 4 hours so I went home, then went back at the right time.
      The moral of the story is - always ask a pregnant person for all the details first! I did 60 miles of driving today to pick up her fruit & veggies!!!!!!!

      This wasn't the day I had planned........
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th



        I am sure it was not funny at the time!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

          Uni, that is so fantastic to hear. Great stuff!
          Good plan for w/kend Bear, and congratulation's on 5 day's af.
          Thank's PMom!
          Happy POETS day for friday folk's!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

            Hi Everyone!!

            Uni-you still sound great and the rehab place sounds perfect for you!! I can still hear the excitement in you words. Congrats on getting your 1 month chip!!

            Bear-congrats on your 5 days. Look forward to seeing you back here in 25. May you have the strength to resist the beast and make and follow a daily plan.

            Lav- so sorry about your travel travails. Not fun at all!! Are you counting the minutes until the Insanity Twins leave?

            Raven, have a great trip. I truly hope your family really tries to support you as you make this journey AF.

            Well, I had my appointment with the Nephrologist this afternoon. I didn?t get the news I wanted to hear: Pam, this has all been a mistake. You're healthy (except for the HBP, pre-diabetes, weight issue and sedintary lifestyle) and will live a long life. But, it wasn?t as bad as it could have been. Basically I do have Stage 3 kidney disease and it?s probably been progressing for a number of years but up until recently the GFR formula wasn?t used and if the MD saw that the creatinine level was normal ( which mine is), they didn?t bother doing the calculations. For stage 1 and 2 there is nothing to do but watch and wait anyway. Pretty much the same with stage 3 but the concern amongst your doctors starts to be expressed. I asked him if a GFR of greater than or equal to 90 was considered Stage 1, what was considered normal? He said that was a very good question and he didn't have an answer!! Anyway, the only risk factor I have is the HBP which is probably hereditary so I will most likely stay on those meds forever. I have a followup with him on Nov. 23rd (the day before my 54th birthday) and I hope to have 20lbs of the 40+ shed by then. He emphasized how important it was for me to watch my carbs and exercise because full blown diabetes will only complicate matters. He also told me to turn off my computer and stop researching stuff. He doesn?t know me very well! :H
            I will say that I liked him very much. He is of that rare breed of MDs that takes his time, is kind, has a great bedside manner, is thorough in exam and history, doesn?t sugar coat anything, listens and answers questions thoughtfully. I was there for over an hour!!

            Speaking of the history taking, I?d like to share one part of our discussion.

            Doc: Do you drink alcohol?
            Me: No. I quit 3 months ago
            Doc: Why did you quit?
            Me: (takes deep breath and looks him straight in the eye) Because I am an alcoholic.
            I don't understand why trumpets didn't blow and fireworks didn't go off right then. After all, I just admitted to someone for the very first time that I'm an alcoholic!!
            Doc: Did someone tell you that or did you decide that yourself?
            Me: I decided that myself
            Doc: Good for you. Did you have help or did you do it yourself cold turkey?
            Me: I went cold turkey for the most part and I didn?t have medical help but I did have the support of an online community and I followed a supplement plan.
            Doc: Good for you.

            And then we moved on.
            Thanks for listening everyone! Have a great evening and I?ll see you in the morn!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

              jumping up and down!!! That rocks that you had the AL convsersation with the doc!! The trumpets ARE blowing and fireworks exploding!!

              BIG GIRL PANTS RULE!!!!!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                Hello Papmom. I'm new here, came across your writing - wanted to see who was succeeding as I'm on day 1 - and I think it sounds great that you have gotten this far. We are 'of an age', me 52, and this drinking thing got me sort of late in life. Just can't keep it up! I hope to be on this forum in 29 more!
                From the Sanskrit prayer;

                "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                determined to be AF


                  AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th


                  Anyway, the only risk factor I have is the HBP which is probably hereditary so I will most likely stay on those meds forever. I have a followup with him on Nov. 23rd (the day before my 54th birthday)
                  I turn 54 on Nov 24, too.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                    WOW Pam, good for you!
                    I'm glad you were able to have a decent conversation with your Doc. You must have been wearing your TBGP's for sure

                    Hi babysteps, nice to meet you!
                    I was a late bloomer in my drinking career as well. Sometimes that's just the way it is! Glad to be free of it now.

                    Looks like I'm the senior citizen here tonight as I will be tuning 57 in December. On a good day I'm only 29 like even else though

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF daily - Thursday, Aug 19th

                      Hi everyone.

                      Pap - I am so glad your appointment went well. Sounds like the sort of doctor you need. At least the results werent too bad. I bet you felt better after telling him about your (not) drinking. It feels empowering doesnt it. Good for you.

                      Sitting here with my soda waiting for my husband to come home from golf...... I am guessing he is going to be hammered so not looking forward to it. Really cant stand the person that comes out when he has been drinking. So might go and do something so I am not here when he gets home.

                      Hope everyone has a great weekend.

                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

