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AF Daily - Sat 8/21

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    AF Daily - Sat 8/21

    Morning abbers!!!

    Heading out to the river here in a bit. I've had a funk I can't seem to shake off so I just signed up for Colin Tipping's 21 day program to forgive your parents. Even wtih all my tools, I can't get out from under some of my feelings about my father so this is a commitment to get it out there and done with. I think it'll free me up in many ways.

    Onward and upward, eh?

    Have a great AF saturday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Sat 8/21

    Hey Greenie - even with all we already know about changing our thoughts sometimes we just need to hear something different, would be interested to hear about how you find the program.....

    It's mega hot here today, I have cooked and frozen my meals for the whole week, had coffee and bagels for brunch and now dipping in & out of the pool to keep cool. My iPad works great outside.... What an invention!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily - Sat 8/21

      Hello fabbie abbies! Greenie, thanks for starting things off for us today. I love your committment to tackling "phase next" in this journey of sobriety and healing. There are such a wide variety of tools and methods out there for us to try in this journey. Makes me think that there is no excuse for me to ever sit around drowning in my own pity party. There are many different ways to do something about it! I thought of you earlier as I was talking to a woman friend who is really struggling with some work and family issues right now. We were talking about how our thoughts and perceptions about things ARE the lion's share of the reality. We talked about ways to turn the thinking and perception of things in a positive direction. Cup half full and all that.

      Chill, it is always nice to see you! Wow you have had a very productive day so far! I wish I could come join you dipping in and out of the pool. And share all that food you have prepared for the coming week.

      Went to a really good AA meeting this morning. Took a pass on Curves so I can get going on getting the garden picked clean and then packing up stuff getting ready for the remodeling. Last weekend I felt paralyzed and overwhelmed by this project. This weekend I feel excited and energized to get going. Same project. Different thinking.

      One thing is for sure...

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Sat 8/21

        Hello friends1

        Greenie, you are such an inspiration how you gain insight to your feelings and then DO something about it. I keep thinking I want to be more assertive and more willing to face conflict, but another part of me wants to be kinder and "sweet" you know, like those sweet little old ladies that everyone loves. But, honestly, maybe I need to just focus on being me.

        Chill, I am so jealous! What you are doing today sounds wonderful! I am pretty pumped about my weekend. This is one of the only weekends all summer long, that we don't have something to do or somewhere to be. I informed my family not to make any plans today because we are all pitching in to do some badly needed yardwork and housecleaning and I have a ton of laundry to put away. Then tomorrow maybe we can do something fun for hubby's birthday. Monday the place should be presentable for guests.

        Uni--yes, I am sorry to tell you that MaryAnne was successful with her last attempt. It was in May I think and her friend found her in her apartment.
        I always thought it would be such an awful thing to go to rehab, but you know, it sounds like you are learning so much about the disease. I think if more people understood the science behind the addiction it would help so much! I look forward to hearing about your journey.:l

        Hubby and I got our passport photos taken at Walgreens yesterday, but they didn't get anything else done. I'm thinking this is something I could have done on MY computer. Oh well. My soon to be 16 year old wanted to go with the rest of his pals to the movies last night and we didn't let him. I'm just not comfortable yet letting him go with some 16 year olds with a fresh new license 40 miles away at 9:00 on a Friday night! Seems to be a fine line between being over protective and letting go. After the initial disappointment and begging stage, I suggested he invite some friends over and they had a nice time watching a movie. Ugh. DG--what you said to that girl at the mission was awesome.

        Ok, gotta get busy. Have a great AF weekend for sure!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Sat 8/21

          Good Morning, Everybody!

          I haven't been very regular with checking in on the daily thread this past week. But, I have been lurking in the background reading up on everyone's updates and progress. This is a BUSY group!

          Yesterday was a real test for me and I managed to stay strong and committed to my plan. I had 2 follow-up appointments with my Orthopedic doc and an MRI on my foot this week to learn that the surgery I had 4 weeks ago was not successful. The tendon that controls the movement of my large right toe is torn again and I am going to need more surgery. Spent most of yesterday trying to make arrangements to see a Foot Specialist in the city to see where to go from here. My orthopedist is a Sports Medicine specialist and he is recommending that I see an orthopedist that specializes in feet and ankles. Not sure what the exact course of action is going to be yet but I should know more this coming week.

          In my previous life, I would have hit the Wine and Spirits Store (that's what we call Liquor/Package stores in Pennsylvania!) on my way home from work to get my fix so I could wallow in self-pity and get totally annebriated. However, I had a very thoughtful and convincing conversation with myself and concluded that drinking could not possibly help me in my situation! It's amazing the converstations that are going on these days :H

          So, that is my predicament. Yes, I am bummed but I am not going to jump to completely negative conclusions until I meet with a new specialist and understand my options.

          All I know is that I want to move FORWARD, not BACKWARD so this will be another AF weekend for me!

          Hope all of you have a peaceful and restful weekend.
          AF since 7/13/2010


            AF Daily - Sat 8/21

            Greenie - hope the course helps you. Have you considered/ever had counselling? In the meantime... this one's for you[/video]]YouTube - Lipps Inc - Funkytown

            :alf: :bananacomputer: inkele:

            Chill - stay cool in the heat. I can only stand high temps for a few weeks (lucky we don't get them very often!)

            DG - how's the strange contact lens working out?

            LVT - 16 sounds so young to drive. We have to be 17 here (so much more grown up :H)... and I destroyed my mum's car when I was 18 by slamming into the back of a parked car after a night in the pub :egad: Fortunately nobody was hurt...

            Paguy - what a disappointment about the surgery. Hope you get some more options next week.

            Well, my mum was sent home from hospital yesterday after 3 weeks and 2 days. Hooray! She was promptly bitten by the cat so he's obviously pleased to see her back! She's got a couple of hospital appointments next week before she starts radiotherapy but she can go in just for the day and doesn't have to stay.

            Today is the first day in ages that I'm not working or visiting mum in hospital or travelling. I did have "plans" but I've cancelled them. Need some time to just relax... so I'm doing housework :H

            Have a good day all!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Sat 8/21

              Bleedin' vacuum cleaner's broken.
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                Marshy;940277 wrote: Bleedin' vacuum cleaner's broken.
                Marshy it's God's way of telling you to relax.....:H
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                  chilli....:H:H I think mine might be broken too.

                  Marshy, Colin's approach is veeeeeeery different from traditonal stuff. Been there done that with counseling for different things with different counselors. I ended up working stuff out on my own by choice or because of financial constraints. Or so I thought anyway. :H From a monetary standpoint, his online course is $70. 21 days, bang. done. And I have 90 days to apply it to other parents/grandparents if I so choose.

                  Glad you're mom's home. Whatever happened to the nightgown?

                  Paguy.... bummer. Just plain bummer. Good on ya for keeping the chin up though.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                    Chillgirl;940281 wrote: Marshy it's God's way of telling you to relax.....:H
                    Hmm, wish I'd thought of that before I got the dustpan and brush out...
                    Ordered a new vac online. What did we ever do before t'internet?

                    greeneyes;940298 wrote:
                    21 days, bang. done.

                    Glad you're mom's home. Whatever happened to the nightgown?
                    Be interesting to see if it works.

                    Nightie finally turned up! So fortunately I don't have to have a big argument with the post office.
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                      Greenie did you see all the jokes the other week about Colin Tipping? I'd been listening to him the night before a heavy meeting with my ex and he'd been saying about how we'd made agreements between us before coming into this life about lessons to be learned. I happened to mention it to the Army and how I should be sharing these thought with my ex, Zenners then suggested if the meeting didn't go well I should share by throwing the CDs at my ex :H and he could borrow them to listen to while he was recovering from his injuries :H
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                        Marshy;940343 wrote: So fortunately I don't have to have a big argument with the post office.
                        Thats good, but I hear lav's daughter is good at that.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                          Chillgirl;940347 wrote: Greenie did you see all the jokes the other week about Colin Tipping?
                          No,. but I can imagine. Zenny and I have howled over Abraham. The thing about all these telecasts is that it muffles my inner snark. Sometimes I just have to let it out and run wild - I shoulda been there. :H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                            I think it's fantastic to see the good in them and also see the humor.

                            The place where my local AA meetings are is also the venue where I have been going to for years to a weekly spiritual group (way before I admitted I had any prob) one week this poor guy from out of town turned up to our meeting thinking it was AA and once we explained what it was he decided to stay anyway. That week we were listening to the channeler for Seth and the poor chaps face when the weird voices started had my biting the inside of my mouth trying not to laugh :H
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              AF Daily - Sat 8/21

                              :H If you know anyone that needs a good verbal lashing (in French or English) just let me know. My daughter has some fierce pregnancy hormones going that could sklin the hair off a peach :H

                              The thread wasn't started yet this morning when I looked. I wasn't sure of my mood - didn't want to start everyone off on a ? note. But my day turned out just fine - better than expected actually. Had a pleasant visit for a change with you know who, had my daughter, her husband, my DIL & EB here for dinner

                              Greenie, I think I :h Colin Tipping, really. My thinking has taken a radical twist & turn - I'm keeping myself open to all possibilities I hope the 21 day program is great for you.

                              Paguy - are you near Philly? The Rothman Institue there is #1 for orthopedic surgery. I saw a good bit of their work during my long, long nursing career.

                              Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

