Good morning!
A tongue lashing that would skin the hair off a peach. I really really really need to learn to speak French + English because I think it would be WAY cool to be able to do that! Lav, so happy to hear that your day turned out better than expected.
PAGuy, you have a good attitude about a situation that must be very frustrating. That is AWESOME. What have you been cooking lately?
Yesterday was very productive on the Get Ready to Renovate front. All my crap is out of my office. They only thing left in there is the big furniture which we are hiring someone to move. Today? On to the bedroom. Actually before I start that, I'm going through ALL old clothes that were in the basement and listing them and then giving them to the mission. Clearing space. I love days that feel productive. I hope today is another one.
Hope everyone had a great Saturday evening and looking forward to an unhung Sunday. One thing is for sure...