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AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

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    AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

    Do You Remember Me?

    So sorry, think I shouldn't post here, but I've been looking for names I knew. Hope all is well with everyone, I am not so great this week which I knew would happen, I have posted a new thread, but just wanted to say Hi to old friends, am so happy all is going so well! Well done!



      AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

      Hi mandalay and welcome back! I will look for your other thread. Sorry to hear you are not doing so well. I hope you can grab the idea that each day is a new day and a new opportunity to do better. Like Gaia's quote in her siggy!

      Marshy - I forgot to say hi earlier. What on earth were you thinking trying to clean house on a much needed day for rest and YOU??? No wonder your vacuum quit on you. They eye thing has it's pluses and minuses. I do like Freedom From Glasses most of the time. For intense reading or computer work, I prefer to take the contact out and revert to the glasses. That's working fine so far. I'm so glad your Mom is home and on the treatment path. I hope it goes smoothly for her and doesn't make her feel sick. I hope your Dad is hanging in there.

      Gaia, as I was reading your post about the dinner party, I was thinking "that was me!" when I read about the hostess and all the wine and pushing it on you. LOL, I was thinking that I would have pushed it 8 times because I would have forgotten how many times I already pushed it. And as M3 said, I was never truly thinking of the other person when I pushed. I was thinking only of myself and how I felt more comfortable about my own problem drinking when surrounded by other extreme drinkers. So I'm guessing she was not really thinking of you or judging you in any way at all. Yeah....I love the "wine is good for you" excuse. (I used that plenty!) About 3 glasses a week are good for you. I couldn't stick to 3 glasses a day. I too am finding that there are way more non drinkers or truly light social drinkers out there than I ever imagined. I hope you continue to look for those types as you seek new friendships. GOOD FOR YOU resisting all the requests to join the group in drinking. I think those experiences make us stronger in our sobriety.

      Rusty - Church of the Holy Mattress! :H And Slovenly Mother!! I had a friend when I lived in Florida who claimed to be a recovering Irish Catholic. He obtained a mail order preacher certificate and introduced himself to people (as a joke of course) as the Pastor of the Churck of the Holy Collection. :H Anyway.....I never thought I would reach a point in life where I enjoy the spiritual path but I am certainly enjoying it. Good to know we are all traveling that path even though we might be seeking and finding in different places! LVT the presentation you mentioned sounds interesting. Wish I could have heard it too!

      Uni - good that you are loving the program and I think you will feel empowered as you learn to get through the urges without giving in to them. Yes I will be very glad when this project is done. Our bathrooms are the old fashioned small ones. I'm looking forward to a big walk in shower with 2 shower heads and a bench seat!!!

      M3 I am jealous of your eye candy. My crew is NOT eye candy. Good at their work, but not eye candy at all. (married with no libido so I guess it doesn't matter! :H)

      Lav, good that you are relaxing with some coffee! French roast to boot! I'm still :H about your daughter and her strip the fuzz off a peach skills!

      PAGuy. I just want to come eat at your house. That is all.

      Well, enough of my little break here. Time to :b&d: on the pile of clothes.

      One thing is for sure..

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

        Good Morning Ab Fabbers!!

        I was away most of yesterday but did manage to read ALL the posts. I was just tooooo tired to respond.

        PAGuy-I'm so sorry your surgery didn't take. As an ex Athletic Trainer I know all too well the emotions and frustrations you are going through right now. I sincerely hope that you will connect with a surgeon who will get it right this time and that your therapy will eventually get you to where you want to be. All I can say is patience, patience patience and yet I know you have been practicing that for months and now you are saying "for what?". You will be in my thoughts as you go through round two. In the meantime, keep up those cooking skills! You may have to offer meals on-line to prevent a mass exodus from all points and landing on your doorstep!!

        :welcome: Babysteps!! If you need motivation and inspiration, this is the place to be!! I joined this thread after 30 days and I've never looked back.

        Lav-good to hear you had a nice visit from FH and the rest of your family yesterday. Things like that happen just when we need them to, don't you think?

        Greenie-I hope you like your 21 day seminar on forgiving your parents. I've got to check out this Colin Tipping!!

        Chill-Sounds like you found some good free stuff to do afterall this weekend. You sound good!!

        Rusty-good luck with your class this week. you sure do travel a lot!! I think your plan is a good one with the Y instead of Happy Hour.

        DG-great work on cleaning out the office. That could not have been easy!! Are you guys going to camp out downstairs while the gutting and reassembling goes on or are you moving out completely? I think I would have to move out completely due to my allergies and asthma but where I would go with 5 animals is beyond me. No major gut jobs in my future that's for sure!!

        Hello to anyone else I missed!

        It's a very rainy day here in MA and I'm loving it!! I slept until 9 (well, I did get up at 3am due to some very persistant whining and thank god for them it wasn't a false alarm !) and I've read the whole sunday paper.
        I plan to do dishes, some laundry and hopefully baking and cooking or else I'll have to toss all the zukes and squash that have been sitting in my fridge for way too long.

        I had a nice day yesterday although marred a bit by persistant, moderate low back pain. I did manage to take the 2 dogs for a 2 mile walk but the pain never went away as it usually does. In fact got worse. By the time we got to my bro's house for the party I was walking like a 100 yo!! I found a nice high backed chair and plopped myself in it and didn't move for the rest of the day!! It was a small party-my family minus the 2 teen nephs, 3 families from our hometown that my bro is very close too and a couple of local families that have children that my little neph is very close to. It was very interesting as I was the ONLY person not drinking except for the kids! But, by being immobile, I had a chance to really observe. My dad I think, was pretty good for once. At least he didn't seem overtly tipsey. I know my sister had a few glasses of wine but was on seltzer by the time we left. The men were enjoying their beer-my brother had bought a bunch of local brewery types. And the women were enjoying the Pinot. But, as I watched, I realized that most of the people drinking the wine were taking their sweet time with a glass. I kept saying to myself that I would have been on number 2 or 3 by the time they finished one!! So this is how normal people treat AL. They let it sit in there glass for hours? I had all I could do to keep from chuckling!! I didn't miss it at all. For the first time I was accepting of the fact that I would not drink it normally and therefore it's not going down my throat. I stuck with selzter then water. />I wish I could say the food was amazing but all I had was one ear of corn. I just wasn't hungry. I think the pain was dulling my appetite. It was a nice afternoon tho and I thoroughly enjoyed really talking and listening to everyone. One family couldn't wait for me to get there because their new cat had just had a surprise litter of kittens and now is sick. They wanted my opinion on what I thought it was. I hope the kitty will be OK. She's going to the vet tomorrow.
        My little nephew was a blast to watch. He was still going strong despite already going through a kids party in the morning. His 2 favorite gifts were the ballon boat my dad gave him (an old fashioned wood toy that he will have hours of fun with in the hot tub!!) and a Razor scooter. He also got a set of golf clubs that rival what his dad has!!
        Well, time to take some more aspirin and try to lug a load down to the laundry room. Will check in later!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

          Doggygirl;941033 wrote:
          M3 I am jealous of your eye candy. My crew is NOT eye candy. Good at their work, but not eye candy at all. (married with no libido so I guess it doesn't matter! :H)

          Hah! I was watching one of the young guys work the other day from my dining room window. No shirt on, get the picture. Then I noticed the multiple piercings in his eyebrows, lip, etc. Broke the fantasy...not part of my generation/culture:H
          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

            Hi Sunday AF Friends-

            Mandalay-I just posted on your "does anyone remember me" thread.

            Uni-I am so proud of you in your recovery.

            LV-I actually have started to go back to church and I really like it. I let my spirituality lapse for a long time. I have so much to be thankful for-I'm healthy, have a great family, fabulous career and wonderful clients and friends.

            M3-I see your avatar and hope that can be me some day. Maybe after I shed about 70 pounds. I am having work done in my condo and my crew is not eye candy. Not unless you consider plumber's cleavage to be eye candy....and I did I mention they are smokers so they reek and the teeth they DO have are brown? Oh yeah, that really turns me on :-0

            Doggy-A recovering Irish Catholic? That's hilarious as I am Irish (red hair and everything). Your new bathroom with the 2 shower heads and bench sounds lovely....I just redid one of mine a couple of years was gross....rusty and moldy. YUCK

            Must get to work now. Will check in later.




              AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

              Holy shit! I've really got to make a sandwich for today's thread.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                I am inpatient - no supplements or vitamins allowed of any kind as there are also drug addicts in the same facility. Only what is given or approved by the doctors on staff. They can approve certain supplements but gaba and L-glut were not approved for my recovery.
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                  I am exhausted after attending Saint River in the Woods. Really though, I think it was the unceremonious mowing of the lawn.

                  I'm going to GFs house to meet up with a group of women she picked to bring together to complile talents and energy for some networking and creativity. She seems to have in mind pulling together to raise money for charity (I think she mentioned Sistercare), Anyway, it's supposed to be more than a wine and apps gathering - I hope. I'm taking some hummus and veggies and something to drink.

                  Later I'll delve into the course. Have to finish the lawn too.

                  Uni, you're inpaitient but you can come and go? That's the impression I got. So glad you're liking it.

                  Hey ho to eveyone else... and to babysteps & mandalay!

                  I hope my legs can drag me to the kitchen to cut veggies.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                    Hey Uni-I know you are impatient but please have faith that the docs and counselors know what they are doing. L-Glut and Kudzo were very important to me the first month of my recovery but I cut out the Kudzo and then the L-Glut. Any cravings I have now are purely psychological, not physical and there are many ways to get through them. If you still need them when you get out, they will be there but my guess is you won't. Hang tight-use the wonderful resources you have and practice ODAT and patience. You're doing so well and halfway through your first week!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                      I'm doing well, I'm not missing the supplements so that is not an issue. It was just the first heavy craving of many that will come I'm sure. I did the right things - called the right people, talked to my counsellor, went to my AA meeting. I'm pleased with the progress I am making so far.

                      Greeny - it is inpatient - they have AA meetings here. You can get weekend passes but the first weekend you have to stay in. It is a very large facility here with a rec centre, work out room, computer access, library, cafe etc. so I can understand why it must have seemed like I could come and go due to all of that! But no, I am here - lockdown at 9:45 every night! But still love it! Best thing I have ever done.

                      Ciao for now peeps!
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                        glad you like the digs Uni! It does sound very nice.

                        Well, mega busy day today. Hope I'm sufficiently tired enough to sleep through the nite and if one little doggie whines past 11pm.......

                        3 loads of laundry folded and put away - Check
                        Zucchini pancakes - Check
                        Low Carb Zucchini bread - Check
                        Chicken, broccoli and stuffing steamed in foil packs -Check (this recipe is awesome-let me know if you want the link)
                        Homemade ranch dressing - Check
                        Extra chicken marinating - Check
                        Extra Chicken grilled for salads - Check
                        Dishes done - Check
                        Grease fire narrowly averted - Check
                        Back screaming in pain - Not really - Whew!!
                        Breakfast and Dinner for the week in Freezer - Priceless!!
                        Still AF? Yep-no Galloping Gourmet or Julia Child shenanigans for this Papmom!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                          Papmom - Were you a drill sergeant in the Army?? :H:H

                          You certainly did have a productive day! I am so impressed!
                          AF since 7/13/2010


                            AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                            Hi Papmom,

                            Yes, yes, yes, could I please have the recipe for the chicken, broccoli and stuffing steamed in foil packs....sounds delicious! :-)

                            Thank you so much!

                            P.S...or you could post it in the Recipe Forum....for all to enjoy!



                              AF Daily - Sunday 8/22

                              :H PAGuy! No, no army for this one. I think i was inspired by you actually!! This day was definitely an anonomaly for me but I kind of hope it becomes more and more common. It was fun!! Unfortunately if I keep going with the cooking like this I'll have to buy a bigger house just to fit a bigger fridge and freezer :H:H !! The weather really helped as it cut down tremendously on my choices and believe me, if my choices had included being outside with the pups, none of this would have gotten done! Thank you for being impressed-I am too!

                              OK, Rusty, going to Recipe Corner right now to post it. I think I'll post the pancakes and homemade dressing as well.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                AF Daily - Sunday 8/22


                                Thank you so much for doing that. I travel all over the world and I want to get into the habit of ENJOYING cooking for the week ahead as you do because then when I am home, I don't have to worry about wondering what to eat, etc. I eat out so much that when I'm home, I don't really like to eat out and it's horrible for trying to lose weight, too.

                                Thanks again!


