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AF August - Week 4

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    AF August - Week 4

    Hi Everyone,

    I miss you guys. Thank you for understanding that I must focus on my task at hand this week, which seems overwhelming. For that, Dill, thank you for starting off the day with a Daily Recovery Reading. You have no idea its pertinence for me today. :h After many sessions with my therapist in early 2009, we discovered that the main trigger for my drinking was feeling overwhelmed between balancing the demands from my two bosses, all my clients and my personal commitments and needs. This week is no different, but like the reading says, I will take every challenge as a gift instead of a burden or something I have to fear.

    I was doing training on the manufacturing floor yesterday and it was 103 degrees outside and on the shop floor, 123 DEGREES! I was quite a site with my make-up sliding off my face! I am grateful to have a challenging career that makes my life comfortable.

    Sped-good job on saying no to the opportunity to substitute for the autistic kids. I have a problem knowing my own boundaries and setting my expectations too high, so good for you!

    Lav-enjoy your day with EB.

    I have never tried okra...have no idea what it tastes like!

    A cheery hello to Chill, Rustop, Papmom, Sooty, LBH, Rebirth and Star...I hope you have a wonderful AF day!




      AF August - Week 4

      Rusty - 123 degrees, really????
      Glad you survived

      Unfortunately the zoo trip had to be postponed at the last minute. My son got stuck working OT.
      I decided to go over & bring EB here to spend the day with Mi Mom
      He's napping right now & my feet are up!!!!!!

      Shelley, I can't imagine how anyone could be expected to teach 5 autistic boys at the same time! I don't think I'd last an hour in that situation let alone an entire day or week. Hope you are doing something good for you today

      As soon as my feet are rested up I'm going to prep some chicken for the grill tonight & make some salads. The gang will all be here for dinner (except you know who).

      Today is turning out nice anyway!!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF August - Week 4

        Hi Lav,

        Too bad about your son working OT, but those things happen (at least to me, they do).

        Yes, Lav, in the plant where there is heavy machinery and furnaces running, it IS 123 degrees. Today is cooler, though. WHOO WHOO!

        My plan for my after work "reward" is to swim laps at the Y. They have a beautiful outdoor pool.

        Well, back to work.

        Today is turning out better than I thought :-) :-)


          AF August - Week 4

          Hello everyone and I hope you're having a good Tuesday. Its nearly bedtime here, I just dont know where the day has gone ...but gone it has!

          We've got severe weather warnings tomorrow - heavy rain and flooding forecast - and its still supposed to be summer here.

          See you all on humpday. Sorry your trip was postponed Lav, sounds like you had a nice day with the little one.

          Take care all
          love Sooty


            AF August - Week 4

            Sooty, you have been having a lot of rain lately! I bet you are tired of it. I looked up that book and CD on amazon and decided to put the beginner's guide to meditation by Jon Kabat-Zinn in my "cart". It looks good.

            Lav, sorry you had to postpone your trip. You'll just have to go another time.

            Have a peaceful AF evening/night everyone. We'll have an unhung humpday!!!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              AF August - Week 4

              Happy hump day everyone!
              There was alot of rain in my area too sooty. Was almost like monsoon! It's making my grass lovely and green though.

              Rusty you sound so energetic?? It sounds like you exercise alot? x
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                AF August - Week 4

                Good Morning from my little corner of the world

                I liked today's calander affirmation, There is no one else like me on the planet, there never has been and there never will be, I am forever a unique, divine creation

                This is my house cleaning day which is actually a job i like to do and with good upbeat music blaring out. Tonight Im going to join the cycle group for a 30km ride early evening then we are having a late supper in a nearby cafe.....

                Its nearly a week since I sent my ex an email asking him to put his proposed settlement in writing and he hasnt replied which is now irking me.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  AF August - Week 4

                  Happy humpday everybody. It is absolutely tipping down with rain here and its so dark and miserable, its making me feel like spending money so I think I'll go to the shops and see if I can get myself a dress for choir. It has to be black and plain - I'm not sure if the shops have autumn or winter collections in but think I'll give it a try otherwise I'll go stir crazy.

                  Have a really good day one and all.

                  See you later
                  love Sooty


                    AF August - Week 4

                    Happy Hump day everyone. The rain has not hit here yet but I am sure it is on its way. Definite feel of autumn in the air. I took all the animals to the vet this morning for the annual vaccinations etc. My pocket book is defnitely lighter. No retail therapy for me today so good luck with buying your dress Sooty.

                    Lav, sorry yesterday did not work out but maybe another day. Chill - I envy your lifestyle. I would love to be going off on a long cycle. I manage my walk in the mornings but after that I'm taxi to the teens.

                    My oldest daughter is about to go into school for an hour later. She is in her final year before University Sped. It's all go.

                    Catch you all later.



                      AF August - Week 4

                      Happy Wednesday to all.

                      I have just been sleeping later and later, so have less time to post. But I am making sure to read all posts. I have felt peaceful this week, loved Dill's reading, and have been trying to enjoy the journey. Last week was so hard, bad, intense, etc., that I realize it is no good to get myself in an uproar. Only sometimes it just happens.

                      It is so important to be AF to keep a calm mood, feel well, and manage all the areas of my life. Today, I am grateful that I am AF and have a job to go to. I'll do my best, enjoy what I can, and leave the rest.

                      Chill, my son is looking for a job but is feeling lonely and discouraged at times. I am trying to be kind and calm. Just pray he finds a job so he gets out, makes friends, and gets his own life back. How areyou doing? Cycling, cleaning, living healthy. Like me you are controlling what you can control, and that's all we can do right?

                      We are having beautiful August weather, sun, no rain, wonderful smells, and nature starting to dry out and turn from that lush green. However, I saw tonight will get to the 50s, my favorite sleeping weather. I love the change of the seasons, summer to fall.

                      I have to tell you, I loved that book I mentioned, the Red Tent by Anita Diamant. It was beautifully written, historical, about women, drama, everything I enjoy in a story. So, if you get a chance, read it. Have to go to work, have a peaceful and meaningful day, AF.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        AF August - Week 4

                        Meditation For The Day

                        Never yield to weariness of the spirit. At times, the world's cares
                        and distractions will intrude and the spirit will become weak. At
                        times like this, carry on and soon the spirit will become strong
                        again. God's spirit is always with you, to replenish and renew. None
                        ever sincerely sought God's help in vain. Physical weariness and
                        exhaustion make a time of rest and communion with God more
                        necessary. When you are overcome by temporary conditions that you
                        cannot control, keep quiet and wait for the power of the spirit to flow
                        -another from the Recovery Readings.

                        I promise I won't post a reading everyday, but this particular reading hit home for me today. Last night I was tired, both in body and in spirit. I thought about my work and everything looks uphill to me. The thought came to me that I just don't have my heart in it anymore and I began to panic and feel trapped and anxious that I won't be able to continue and do a good job for my students. Then, I put the thought out of my mind. I told myself not to think about it as I was probably just feeling over-whelmed and this feeling would pass. Thankfully I had no wine in the house!:H So, I took the Scarlet O'Hara approach: 'I won't think about that right now. I'll think about that tomorrow. Tomorrow's another day.'

                        Happy Humpday Sooty, Rebirth, Chill, Rustop, Star, and all to come.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          AF August - Week 4

                          Stargazerlily;943329 wrote:
                          I'll do my best, enjoy what I can, and leave the rest.

                          Like me you are controlling what you can control, and that's all we can do right?
                          Star what meaningful statements these both are... :l

                          Dill - Your post too really hit home for me, how often we have these overwhelming thoughts which cause us such anxiety. In Buddhism its called the "Monkey Mind" and when it starts it can really tell a story! Grow arms and legs and convince us life is pretty much doomed. Its when we buy into our thoughts we create difficulty, we have to see that a thought is just "a thought" its not a truth. The same thought when we are in a different frame of mind can be shrugged off so easily, to be able to observe it as a passing image like an advert on TV allows us not to become defined by it. You did exactly the right thing by letting them go, and as always... this too shall pass.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            AF August - Week 4

                            Good Morning everyone from sopping wet and cold New England!! Not late summer weather that's for sure!!

                            Thanks Dill for the reading today. I kind of like the daily posting but will defer to others.

                            Chill-your housecleaning and bike ride/supper sound divine. I LOVE when I have a whole day to devote to cleaning. I just can't get motivated when I only have 15 min or so. I know I know, blasphemy to flylady followers!!

                            Today is the last push before the transfers come in tomorrow morning. So far I am feeling at peace and even if I am greeting with a mound of last minute adjustments to the credit evals when I get in today, I know I can handle it. I am AF, unhung and rested. What I can get done with a true effort is what will be done. What doesn't get done will be dealt with tomorrow and I must remember this is not life or death (although the way some of these students carry on you have to wonder :H ).

                            Last nite I picked up a crochet project I had started in Feb and didn't get very far in. I watched 45 min of tv and crocheted away and got about 6 rows done. Very proud of myself and it was a very peaceful and relaxing time out from a busy day.

                            Have a great AF day everyone and enjoy whereever you are.
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF August - Week 4

                              Good Morning AF Friends,

                              Star-I read The Red Tent a few years ago and I really enjoyed it as well. It sounds like you're handling your son's moods, etc. just fine.

                              Chill-I think it's fantastic that you cycle like you about energy!

                              Rebirth- HA! I exercise because it's my outlet and I am very overweight but I appreciate the compliment.

                              Dill-your meditation hit home for me. I let two commitments down. See below.

                              I was weary and exhausted last night and worked until 7:00 p.m. I worked with people on the shop floor in the searing heat and hadn't eaten in hours. I had told an MWO member that I would call her and I just plain forgot. I got back to my hotel to find out the hotel's dry cleaner had lost the blouse I was to wear for work today. In my exhaustion and exasperation, I forgot to call the MWO member who had reached out to me. That is not like me at all....even when I was drinking (with one huge exception which I won't mention). Then, I forgot about God and didn't even thank him for the opportunity to work that day. Today, I feel like a loser. But I have learned from this. Again, Dill, thank you for posting the reading. I apologized in a PM to the MWO member....told her the truth and asked to be forgiven.

                              Please, I don't want you guys commenting on it....with words of scorn or even encouragement. I am just venting. I had a bad day yesterday and today, I have posted notes all over my hotel room so I can't possibly forget. I am praying today that my spirit is stronger and I don't let anger, exasperation or long hours affect my personal commitments.

                              Thanks for listening.




                                AF August - Week 4

                                Hi Papmom,

                                Sorry=cross post!

                                Also hello to Lav, Sooty, Rustop, Sped, LBH and anyone I have missed.

