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AF August - Week 4

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    AF August - Week 4

    Welcome to Week 4!

    I started the thread just to get it going early in the day. It seems many of us post early. So I started it, but then went back in to edit my post and add more.

    Lav and Chill, thank you both for the meditation CD help. I will definitely look into both. I am a big Ipod user, so I will look there first. I don't know why I didn't think of it myself! I have downloaded free AA Speaker Tapes on my Ipod in the past.

    Papmom, I can relate to the sea of zuchini. (What do you call them Sooty? I forget.) Anyway, my son grew a bunch of okra, which is something I rarely eat. But he brought over a half bushel, so I found myself reading up on "how to freeze okra"!! Gumbo anyone?

    Sped, caseload has definitely expanded, and I am having to branch out from preschool only to preschool plus jr. high and high school! Should be a challenging year. I can't wait to retire! I'll change my MWO name to "RetiredSLP"! I'm envious of your day with your young friend. That sounds like fun.

    Rusty, check in when you can, even if it's only a one-liner here and there!

    Well, this is all I have time for right now. Must get ready for the day. Have a good one everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF August - Week 4

    The start of a new week. I am looking forward to an AF week, healthy eating and determined to incorporate some exercise into my routine. I am trying to find balance. With all the changes in my life recently, I have felt overwhelmed and want to find peace.

    Had a busy, pleasant weekend. Went shopping with the men in my house, successfully. They are fast shoppers. Then for exercise , took a couple of walks in the neighborhood. Yesterday went to the beach, it was fantastic. Lake Michigan on a windy day is so much fun. I am getting a little old to be hit by the waves, so am kind of sore today. But the wind, waves, blue skys, and sand was so refreshing. I am reading another good book, The Red Tent. It is about the biblical family of Jacob, from the women's perspective. I always love learn about how it was or could have been for women. We are taught men's history in school.

    Well, I have to get ready for work, so will try to check in later.

    Dill, good to have you back. Peace and strength to all on our AF journey.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      AF August - Week 4

      Hi Dill, Star and all to come

      Hard to believe it is week 4 already. My girls are back at school briefly this week, just an hour or two here and there. Have a list of things to do before I start on the school runs so have to dash. Will check in later.



        AF August - Week 4

        Morning all!

        Thanks for starting week 4 Dill

        I envy you with the okra.........believe it ior not! Last week I looked for fresh okra in the suppermarket, found none. Looked for it in frozen foods, found none. I had a new vegan recipe for creamy chickpea salad that I was dying to try. The okra supposedly provides the creamy part of the recipe. I ended up using low fat tofu instead (which was suggested for a substitute), it worked out fine. I like okra when it is incorporated in soups & stews, otherwise I would never think to use it! Maybe, just maybe I'll think about growing some in the future

        Today is a work day for me as well. That's OK, I'm actually in the mood! Tomorrow I'm taking off to go to the Philadelphia Zoo with EB & his parents - looking forward to a fun day
        I think they invited me because I've been moaning about being stuck here alone so much & not going anywhere all summer. Good

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF August - Week 4

          Morning all, raining again here but I've been to aerobics and done a load of cooking for daughter who has to return to uni for one resit poor thing.

          Dill the book is called The Mindful Way through Depression, by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Joh Kabat-Zinn. Do not be put off by the title. Its Jon Kabat-Zinn who does the cd - I find him very good, I have another one of his cds called beginners guide to meditation or something like that. He is fab. Check him out.

          The course starts on 3 October and is for 4 weeks but is held every 2 weeks if you see what I mean so it will finish towards the end of November. I will certainly post about it if you want me to or I'll happily send private messages.

          I hope everyone has a good day. Enjoy the zoo Lav
          See you all later

          ps dill we call zucchini courgettes!


            AF August - Week 4

            Hi Gang,

            Just checking in to say HELLO! I arrived in Montgomey to find they are having a cold's only 91. Last week it was between 100-110F.

            Hope you are all having a wonderful AF day.




              AF August - Week 4

              Hi Star- Was thinking the same thoughts as you..healthy living and exercising more. I am trying to eat less chocolate, drink less diet coke etc. and yes it's disgusting how women are treated in society. Shocking isnt it! What do mean about women looking like ten year olds? Never heard of that? It never stops does it.You would have thought that us women would have a break in todays modern age but we are still harassed.
              It annoys me how society says I am unattractive if I am not youthful while my partner looks better with age. Whats that all about?? And having to be a size zero. Why do I want to look like a skeleton and eat four peas a day??

              Chill I got my book today One breath at a time. Looking forward to reading it.

              Hello Rusty, rust61, Lav, sooty, dill, Lbh, P3 and anyone else I didnt mention.
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                AF August - Week 4

                First day back at work. Worked in a classroom with 5 boys with autism. What a challenge. Beautiful boys, all in worlds of their own. The teacher had been at a doctor's appointment. She came back in the afternoon to inform everyone she has to have shoulder surgery in September and will be out for 2 to 3 weeks. Asked if I would sub for her. Told her I'd think about it. Now that I'm home, I know it would be too much for me to do. One thing age has taught me to do is when and how to say no.

                Dill, one of my favorite things to order in an Indian restaurant is curried okra with garbanzo beans. Try googling it. It is delicious and can be quite spicy. I do love gumbo too.
                And zucchini, I've made a chilled curried zucchini soup, also delicious.

                phone call,later


                  AF August - Week 4

                  Meditation For The Day

                  Keep in mind the goal you are striving for, the good life you are
                  trying to attain. Do not let little things divert you from the
                  path. Do not be overcome by the small trials and vexations of each
                  day. Try to see the purpose and plan to which all is leading. if,
                  when climbing a mountain, you keep your eyes on each stony or
                  difficult place, how weary is your climb. But if you think of each
                  step as leading to the summit of achievement from which a glorious
                  landscape will open out before you, then your climb will be endurable
                  and you will achieve your goal.
                  Daily Recovery Readings

                  Good morning all,
                  Sped, I will look for that okra dish next time I am at an Indian restaurant. Maybe I'll try googling it and making it at home. We love Indina food.

                  Lav, I think it is just amazing that at the same time as I was dealing with okra, you were searching for okra. I swear we are living parallel lives!

                  Sooty, thanks for the info. I'll check it out on amazon.

                  Rebirth, you are beautiful with an inner beauty that shines. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise!

                  Rusty, Rustop, LBH, Cyn, Papmom, et. al., have a great AF Tuesday.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    AF August - Week 4

                    Good morning everyone

                    Looks like we are all getting back to our old routine after the summer. Weather wise it has been one of the best summers we have had in years. Also not spending it in an alcohol haze meant that I could enjoy it more.

                    Not really looking forward to this school year. My oldest daughter is doing her final exam and there has been a lot of bitching going on with the group she hung out with. It's hard to see them being hurt but she is very strong willed and wont let people treat her as they wish. She is staying true to herself but it is at a cost. All I can do is be there for her and support her in any way I can. I did not have her strength and regret that I allowed people treat me as they did in the past, I was a people pleaser.

                    Today is our 26th wedding anniversary. Hubby is away fishing but we celebrated it when we were away last week. So pleased that it is going to be a sober one. Off to the library to stock up on books, catch up with you all later.



                      AF August - Week 4

                      Good Morning all!!
                      Happy Anniversery Rustop!! 26 years is such an achievment these days it seems!! Enjoy your books!
                      yep, back to the school year routine!! It's been rainy with very high winds for 3 days straight. I was actually cold last nite and had to pull on sweats!! Just couldn't break out the down comforter-not yet!!
                      Hope everyone has a fabulous day! I'm looking forward to finally getting caught up on my project and feel that I will be ready for Thursday. I have dinner in the freezer and my buddy from work will hopefully be back from jury duty today so it's all good. Oh, and knock on wood, the boyz seem healthy and haven't gotten into any trouble in a few days!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        AF August - Week 4

                        Dill - Thank you for the daily reading, I loved it! It made me thing of a clip I watched just this morning from an awesome movie "the way of the peaceful warrior" about enjoying the journey[/video]]YouTube - 'It's the journey, not the destination' - Peaceful warrior

                        Sped - chilled curried zucchini soup sounds devine! I think it was Dill who asked, we call zucchini a courgette over here.

                        Rustop - Its great to hear your daughter stays true to herself, this will always serve her well in life despite the cost, the ones who follow the crowd without thinking have so much more to learn....

                        Rebirth - I hope you enjoy the book, it is hugely focused on the importance of meditation, I am still only on step 7 as its not a book to be rushed. I also put it down for nearly two weeks when I was feeling sad as I feel I needed to be open when Im reading it.

                        Rusty - Glad you made a quick check in.

                        Sooty - I have heard Jon Kabat-Zinn interviewed, he is a real master in meditation.

                        Star - Glad you have a successful shopping trip with the "guys" how are you settling in to life with your Son?

                        Lav - I dont think I have ever tasted Okra, is the flavour similar to zucchini? I have an abundance of wild fig trees around where I live and its such a waste to see them all fall rotting on the ground so I am going to have a go at drying them in the sun!

                        Have a wonderful Tuesday Guys

                        Papmom - crossed posts - good to see you x
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          AF August - Week 4

                          No job yet today and not sure I will take one if they call. Been sitting here in my early morning coffee musings thinking about so many things I need to do. Time to make a list (thank you Red) and tackle one thing at a time. We finally had rain last night and the prediction of a relatively cool day, so definitely yard work will be on that list.

                          Rustop, when you say final exams, does that mean that next year your daughter will go to university? Can't speak from a parental stand point but as a teacher I have always found girls more difficult, more complicated than boys. Plus I think they can be cruel in ways that would never occur to boys.

                          Chill, classic southern US okra is dredged in corn meal and deep fried. Delicious but not exactly a healthy thing to eat. It's got a gummy consistency when you cut it that makes it really unique, used as a thickener in soups and stews. What is classic Portuguese cuisine?

                          Papmom, Must of missed it, what's going on on Thursday?

                          Dill, from pre school to high school. That's stretching your SLP expertise. Have a good day at work.

                          Have a good day everyone.


                            AF August - Week 4

                            Hi SpedTeach-Thursday is our transfer orientation for the fall semester and it is huge!! I've been working towards getting all the transfer evals done and sorted by tomorrow. Usually I'm finishing up Thursday morning and rushing to get the the worksheets to each group before they start advising!! Of course I may still be doing that if I get a new group of transfers at the last minute. I did a ton of procrastination last month and if I hadn't, I would have been in really good shape instead of stressing. Live and learn!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              AF August - Week 4

                              Morning all!

                              Just waiting for my ride........going to the zoo with the kids.
                              It's cooler & cloudy - hoping the rain holds off

                              Will check in later.
                              Have a terrific AF Tuesday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

